Otherwise, when Ma Chao in the direction of Qian County gets the news, he will definitely attack.

At that time, fighting on both sides, Cao Ren will fall into a passive position.

Therefore, Cao Ren only gave Han Hao ten days, which also included marching back and forth.

After this time, even if Han Hao successfully broke through the city, he would still be punished by military law.

Under the cover of the shield, Cao Jun finally approached the city.

Then someone rushed towards the city wall with a ladder.

Seeing that Cao Jun had arrived, the defenders immediately followed up with the next round of attacks.

Rolling stones, trees, and all kinds of things that were smashed by the catapult were thrown down one after another.

These heavy objects cannot be resisted by shields.

Even though he was wearing a helmet, when a huge rolling stone fell down, his brains would still explode and he would die instantly.

At the same time, several cauldrons were set up on the city wall.

The oil in the pot was already boiling hot, and seeing Cao Jun's soldiers approaching the city, he poured it on without hesitation.

The temperature of the hot oil is extremely high, and if it sticks a little, the skin will be torn apart.

Those Cao troops within its coverage area all lost their combat effectiveness.

This was not enough for the defenders, someone took out a burning firewood from under the boiler and threw it down.

With the help of strong oil, the ground instantly became a purgatory, and a raging fire ignited, causing Cao Jun to flee in all directions.

Han Hao, who was at the rear, was anxious when he saw how badly his sergeant was injured.

But he understands that since ancient times, there has always been a siege of a city without killing people and fighting a war of attrition with the opponent.

It's just that they didn't expect the other party's determination to be so firm, and the means of defense prepared were so adequate.

It is only a rough estimate, at least thousands of soldiers have died in the city.

This is just the beginning, as the siege continues, more and more Cao Jun casualties.

Han Hao looked more and more anxious.

"Pass down the order, the first climber will be rewarded with a hundred gold, and the one who captures the city will be granted a thousand households!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man!

Stimulated by the bounty and rich salary, Cao Jun went forward and climbed towards the top of the city.

Finally, a Cao Jun broke through the heavy protection of the defenders and climbed to the top of the city.

Seeing that the reward of one hundred taels was about to be obtained, how could the other party allow his infringement.

The defenders on the top of the city immediately surrounded him, and several of them joined hands and hacked him to death in an instant.

The person's eyes were wide open, as if he was still looking at the bounty that was about to be received, but it could only be cashed in the next life.

Cao Jun had bounties and generous salaries, but the defenders also did not give up.

Because they knew in their hearts that if they wanted to defend this lonely city, they could only rely on themselves.

In a short period of time, there will be no reinforcements, and the only way to survive is to fight to the death.

The sun was setting to the west, and it was getting late, Han Hao finally reluctantly ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

When checking the battle situation, Han Hao was shocked to find out.

In just one day, I paid the price of two thousand people, but the city was still unscathed.

Han Hao was very unwilling, but the siege for a whole day consumed a lot of his soldiers.

Whether it is physical exhaustion or psychological shock.

In the end, Han Hao could only decide to fight again tomorrow, hoping to win in one fell swoop.

After a day of consumption, Zhang Yun's defenders also paid a heavy price, at least five or six hundred people died today.

But the only good news is that the city has finally been held!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Early in the morning of the second day, there was a burst of earth-shattering drums from Cao Ying who had had breakfast.

The defenders at the top of the city heard the sound and quickly moved into action.

They knew that the sound of the drum was the signal of Cao Jun's attack.

Sure enough, after a while, the dark Cao Jun rushed up again.

Yesterday was Han Hao's first attack, and he was only trying to test the reality of Zhang He's defenders.

So a total of [-] troops were dispatched.

But today he is going to go all out and win the city.

Therefore, [-] troops were directly dispatched, and the rest were also on standby at the rear, ready to rush forward at any time.

Facing more Cao troops than yesterday, the defenders looked very cautious, knowing that today might be another tough battle.

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