After yesterday's probing, the two sides have a general understanding of the enemy.

Therefore, as soon as it came up, the bayonet became popular, and all kinds of methods were poured out.

Although on the scene, Cao Jun's casualties were still far more than those of the defenders.

But you must know that Cao's army has a total of [-] people, but the defenders only have [-].

And as the defenders continue to die, the defensive strength of the city wall will plummet.

That's when the real crisis comes.

Zhang Yun understood this, and Han Hao also understood this.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have spared the lives of the soldiers and attacked the city so recklessly.

Today's attack is still brutal, even surpassing yesterday's.

By the time the troops were withdrawn in the evening, Cao's army had suffered nearly [-] casualties.

And Zhang Xi's defenders also consumed less than [-] people left.

Therefore, although today's consumption is huge, Han Hao is more confident.

"I see that this afternoon, the strength of the defenders on the city has already begun to decline.

It can be seen that the opponent also consumes a lot.From my point of view, the city will be destroyed tomorrow! "

Originally, after two days of huge consumption, all the generals under Han Hao already had the intention of retreating.

But under Han Hao's analysis, he regained his confidence and looked forward to the time when the city was broken tomorrow.

In Wuzhi County, Zhang He was also thinking about countermeasures.

The consumption of these two days is too great, the other party can support it, but I can't bear it.

"General, we are running out of arrows, we can only last for one day at most!"

"General, the consumption of rolling stone and wood is almost the same. We even used the bricks and stones from the damaged houses in the city.

In this way, at most, it will last for another day. "

"General, with the current number of soldiers, it is not enough to cover all the city walls.

You can only choose two sides, otherwise the number will be scattered, and it will not be able to support the opponent's onslaught! "

The people under him kept reporting all kinds of news, but none of them was exciting.

Zhang Yun frowned even more when he heard this, and remained silent for a while.

"Is everyone finished?"

Zhang Yun finally said: "I probably know the situation reported by the generals. In fact, there is only one sentence in the final analysis.

That is the current situation of our army is very difficult!The generals understand that this general also knows what to do.

Moreover, the general can also foresee that if the enemy continues to attack with such intensity, our army will last for at most two days. "

After the generals heard this, their faces became even uglier.

They naturally understood what Zhang He said, but they just didn't want to admit it.

And now that the chief general has spoken, he can no longer deceive himself or others at this moment.

However, Zhang Yun's face was unusually calm, making everyone even more puzzled.

"I have a plan to avoid the fate of destroying the city and destroying the people. It only depends on whether the generals have the courage to implement it!"

"General, just say it. Now everyone is trapped in the city, and life and death are at stake.

As long as there is a glimmer of life, we will definitely do our best to fight for it! "

One of them answered first, and the other generals also echoed and agreed with this statement.

Seeing this, Zhang He nodded in satisfaction and told his plan.

"If you stick to it, you can only wait to die, so I will decide to take the initiative!"

"What? Take the initiative to attack? But without the protection of the city wall, wouldn't our army suffer more casualties?"

All the generals turned pale with shock when they heard the words, and at the same time became even more puzzled.

Originally, they thought they had some kind of plan, but they didn't expect it to be so. Wouldn't this be an accelerated demise?

Faced with his subordinates' doubts, Zhang Yun didn't care.

"Hahahaha, listen to me carefully, generals, you can't think of this strategy, let alone the enemy army?

Moreover, after these two days of fierce fighting, Cao's army must be exhausted.

Therefore, our army took the initiative to kill suddenly, and the opponent couldn't react at all.

At that time, if we cooperate with the reinforcements, we will definitely defeat Cao Jun in one fell swoop and relieve the urgency of the siege! "

When everyone heard what Zhang Yun said, they nodded involuntarily to express their approval.

However, after careful analysis, a huge problem was discovered.

"Reinforcements? Could it be that His Majesty's reinforcements are still arriving?" All the generals were pleasantly surprised.

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