However, Zhang Xi shook his head, like a basin of cold water, extinguishing their excitement.

"Your Majesty's army has not yet arrived, but have you forgotten that I sent Xiong'er out of the city before?"

After being reminded by this, everyone thought of Zhang Xiong's leaving without saying goodbye.

Some people thought that Zhang He, seeing the strength of the enemy army, asked his son to leave early.

Now after hearing what Zhang Yun said, he realized that this was already in his plan.

Zhang Yun arranged Zhang Xiong to the dense forest outside the city just to wait for this moment.

Because a thousand sergeants can't play much role in the city.

But placed outside the city, it can catch people by surprise and become a surprise soldier.

I'm afraid even Cao Jun didn't expect that Zhang Yun, who was already short of troops, would divide his troops again!

After hearing Zhang Yun's narration, the generals immediately became excited and full of confidence again.

At this moment, Zhang Yun revealed his actions tonight.

He decided to personally select [-] dead soldiers, and quietly killed them at night, heading straight for the enemy camp.

The enemy army must have never expected that the other party would dare to take the initiative to attack, so they were naturally negligent in guarding against it.

Zhang Xi can take advantage of this, create the aura of thousands of troops in the night, and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop.

Then, Zhang Xiong, who was ambushing on the mountain, heard the news and attacked again, and he would definitely defeat Cao Jun like a broken bamboo.

When the generals heard the words, they felt excited just thinking about it.

Therefore, almost everyone signed up to participate, and they were bound to follow Zhang Xi to kill the enemy.

Afterwards, Zhang He arranged for the generals to go down to select warriors.

But he went straight to the back kitchen and ordered the cooking soldiers to cook sheep and slaughter cattle to do a good job for these warriors.

Therefore, the city that had already been quiet became lively again.

The soldiers were naturally very curious, but soon everyone knew the general's arrangement.

Therefore, everyone actively signed up to join, and there was a huge momentum for a while.

Finally, after careful selection, eight hundred warriors were finally selected.

These people's combat effectiveness is almost the strongest group in the army. Under the leadership of the generals, they lined up to the open space in front of Zhang Xi's camp.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang He looked at the eight hundred warriors standing neatly in line under the tent.

Their faces still showed the exhaustion of defending the city for two consecutive days, and at the same time, there was a trace of tension and bewilderment on their faces.

However, Zhang Xi didn't care, because the warriors under him were still unclear about his plan.

Zhang Xi didn't speak, but first ordered his subordinates to distribute the fine wine that had been prepared to everyone's hands.

"Warriors, Cao's army is besieging the city, thanks to your desperate defense, we can persist until today.

Now Cao Jun's momentum has been defeated, and his demise will only happen sooner or later.

Ben will get the news that His Majesty's army has also defeated Cao Cao, and all the rebels will be wiped out in a few days.

Your Majesty thinks that our army is besieged, and has sent vanguard troops to rescue us all day and night, and will arrive at the city tonight.

In order to show the honor of our army, Ben decided to personally lead troops to attack Cao Ying tonight.

It's also good to let His Majesty's army rushing to help see the courage of our army.

After the army arrived, should our army hide in the city and wait for reinforcements, or join the reinforcements to destroy Cao's army outside the city.

Two options, please decide for yourself! "

"Rush out of the city and destroy Cao Jun. Let the reinforcements see that we are not cowards!"

After Zhang Yun's voice fell, a school lieutenant immediately shouted loudly.

Driven by him, the eight hundred warriors all echoed and showed their courage.

Seeing this, Zhang He had a smile on his face.

Then he finally raised his glass of wine.

"Let's drink this cup together, and we will rush to kill!" After speaking, he drank it all in one gulp.

The eight hundred warriors were infected by the coach, and their fighting spirit was so high that they wished they could rush out now.

After Zhuang Xing finished drinking, Zhang Yun took out the cooked beef and mutton and distributed them to each sergeant.

In order to defend the city for a long time, the sergeants under his command have been eating the most common coarse grains these days, and they can only fill their stomachs.

Now that the delicious meat was served, there was a sound of swallowing saliva in an instant.

They're fine, and they'll have a good meal right away.

Those sergeants who were not selected around were not treated so well.

I can only watch helplessly as people eat and drink spicy food.

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