This kind of treatment made the eight hundred warriors even more proud, and secretly vowed in their hearts that they must show their strength and not let others look down upon them.

At midnight tonight, the eight hundred warriors were ready.

Under the leadership of Zhang Ying, wrapped in armor and titled, quietly set off from the north gate.

The reason for choosing the north gate instead of the south gate which is closer to Cao Ying is to prevent the opponent from discovering it in advance.

Tonight's night is also very cooperative, originally the moon and stars were sparse, but a dark cloud passed by and completely covered the moon.

The ground became darker in an instant.

Zhang He was looking for a concealed route, and before arriving at Cao Ying, he was completely undetected by the opponent's sentry.

At the same time Zhang He left the city, a Kongming lantern was also released.

This Kongming lantern was the signal he had agreed with Zhang Xiong.

Seeing the Kongming lantern, he led a thousand soldiers and horses on the mountain to march towards Cao Ying.

But when Cao Jun's camp was on fire, he hung up His Majesty's Liu character banner, led the army to attack, and shouted the slogan that the army had arrived.

In the past few days, Zhang Xiong sent people to investigate outside the city every day.

The siege of the city was tragic, and he was also very anxious in his heart, wishing to rush to support immediately.

However, due to his father's strict order at the time, it was a matter of life and death, so he did not act rashly.

However, in order to avoid missing the signal, we sent people to wait and see the signal all night, and finally saw the long-awaited Kongming Lantern tonight.

"Order to go down, gather the soldiers and horses, and go down the mountain immediately!"

Zhang Xiong, who had been sleeping, immediately regained his spirits and shouted orders to gather troops.

The place where they ambush is ten miles away from Cao Ying, but the thousand men and horses are all cavalry, and they will arrive in a short time.

However, Zhang Xiong didn't dare to act rashly before seeing the official signal to launch an attack. He also set off with horses bound hoofs and a man in his mouth, silently.

At this time, the eight hundred warriors led by Zhang Yun finally arrived outside Cao Jun's camp.

Afterwards, a few people walked up to them, took advantage of the night to touch them, and removed all the antlers of the Juma antlers.

After two consecutive days of attacks, Cao Jun was also exhausted, and he didn't notice any movement here at all.

The sentinel in front of the door was killed even in his sleep.

Seeing that Cao Ying was defenseless, Zhang He tore off the cotton cloth wrapping the weapon.

Shouted: "Soldiers, it's time to break the Cao camp, follow me to rush in!"


Eight hundred warriors shouted in unison, the momentum was earth-shattering.

Before Cao Jun could react, Zhang He led his army into Cao Ying and hacked and killed him.

Zhang He's army was like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, rushing to kill them wantonly, but there was no enemy.

"General Zhang He of the Han Dynasty is here, and the bandit army is still not restrained, when will we wait?"

This shout, coupled with Zhang Yun's blood-stained battle robe, was like a god descending from the earth, scaring Cao Jun to run away with his head in his arms.

In this way, Cao Jun's defense was like paper, and in a short while, Zhang Yun rushed to the central army tent.

This is the camp of Han Hao, the commander of Cao Jun. At this moment, Han Hao has already been awakened.

But if it was dark today and Zhang Yun made a surprise attack, the camp was already in chaos, and there was no time to gather and fight back.

Han Hao was still collecting soldiers, when he suddenly saw Zhang Yun in the distance rushing straight towards him.

He was so scared that he couldn't help but retreat: "Quick, come and support!"

Han Hao shouted loudly, but the other Cao Jun were too busy to take care of themselves, so no one responded.

Seeing that Zhang Yun was about to rush in front of him, a General Cao suddenly stood in front of Han Hao.

"Don't panic, general, Wang Shuang is here to save you!"

As he said that, he saw a burly general rushing towards Zhang Yun with a big knife in his hand.

The opponent's skill was so strong that he could split Zhang Yun in half with one move.

Zhang He was not afraid at all, instead he smiled contemptuously and said, "How dare a reckless man stop me?"

He stretched out his spear, blocked the opponent's big knife, and then began to fight with him.

Seeing this, Han Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down for the time being.

Then under his gathering, Cao Jun gradually increased.

However, although Wang Shuang is brave, he is only compared with ordinary soldiers.

In front of Zhang Xi, a battle-tested general, it was not enough to see.

Every time Zhang He attacked, Wang Shuangru was under heavy pressure with tremendous strength.

After holding on for less than three times, his arms were numb and he couldn't use his strength. At the same time, the saber techniques in his hands gradually became messy.

Zhang He looked at the right time and suddenly made a feint.

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