Wang Shuang couldn't dodge in time, but was shot into the chest by Zhang He, and died on the spot.

When the two were fighting, Han Hao was watching.

When he saw that General Wang Shuang, who was known for his bravery, was killed by the opponent so quickly, his face changed even more.

After Zhang Xi dealt with Wang Shuang, he looked at Han Hao here and rushed over.

Han Hao was already terrified, and backed away in fright.

Fortunately, the guards around him fought desperately and used people as shields, so Zhang Xi didn't rush in.

The [-] warriors rushed and killed Cao Jun recklessly, and the camp was even more ablaze.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang He led [-] warriors to charge and kill Cao Jun's [-] troops wantonly, as if entering the land of no one.

After Wang Shuang was beheaded by Zhang Xi, he rushed to several generals one after another.

But none of them were Zhang Yun's opponents, and they were beheaded by him one after another.

Now, Zhang He's reputation has shocked Cao Ying, scaring all Cao's troops from stepping forward.

However, under the desperate resistance of several Cao Jun generals, Commander Han Hao finally got out of danger temporarily.

Surrounded by the trilogy, he came to a high ground and commanded the army condescendingly.

After his gathering, Cao Jun, who had been killed and dispersed, gradually found the backbone and slowly moved closer.

However, only about [-] soldiers and horses were gathered in total.

Because after two days of siege, Cao Jun has consumed more than [-] people.

Coupled with the fact that a group of people were killed by Zhang Yun tonight, Han Hao's ability to gather these people is considered very good.

Han Hao ordered the torches to be lit to dispel the darkness here for a while.

Only then did he discover to his surprise that Zhang Xi's troops were not many, not even more than a thousand.

Now that Han Hao has [-] troops in hand, he finally regained his confidence.

Under his command, Cao Jun finally began an organized counterattack.

Five thousand Cao troops directly surrounded Zhang He's eight hundred warriors, and Zhang He fell into a hard fight instantly.

Zhang He looked around, and he was surrounded by Cao Jun holding high torches.

Instead, people like myself were trapped in a small circle.

However, Zhang He was not only not worried, but even more confident.

Because according to his previous plan with Zhang Xiong, when Cao Jun's camp was in flames, it was the time when Zhang Xiong's soldiers and horses attacked.

However, the sergeants under him all changed their colors when they found themselves surrounded by Cao Jun who had reacted.

Zhang He immediately shouted loudly: "Soldiers, Your Majesty's army is coming, follow me inside and out, and defeat Cao Jun!"

As soon as Zhang He finished speaking, he felt the ground tremble keenly, and a rumbling sound came from a distance.

It's like an earthquake erupting, and it's like thunder roaring.

Zhang He was overjoyed.

Reinforcements are here!

The sergeants were a little unbelieving at first, but now they heard the movement from a distance, and finally regained their spirits.

They rekindled their confidence and rushed towards the surrounding Cao Jun bravely again.

The huge roar also shocked Cao Jun.

Some experienced veterans judged from the voices in the distance that a large group of cavalry was on their way.

But Cao Jun came to attack the city this time, and did not have cavalry.

So where did this cavalry come from?

The results speak for themselves.

Han Hao also recognized the meaning of the vibration immediately.

He hurriedly organized the rest of his staff to stand guard in the direction where the sound came from.

At this moment, Han Hao finally saw the first person.

Immediately afterwards, more and more cavalry came out of the forest, and a fiery red flag looked very dazzling in the dark night.

The flag is fiery red, with a big "Liu" character embroidered on it with golden silk thread.

And above the word Liu, there are two dragon arch guards.

This is not the first time Han Hao has fought against Liu Ke's army.

In the previous battles, he had seen Liu Ke's fiery red military flag with his own eyes.

This military flag represents Liu Ke, and also represents his invincible and invincible strength.

As a result, Han Hao's expression changed instantly.

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