"Could it be that Liu Ke's army is really here?"

He was still hesitating, but the cavalry, led by Zhang Xiong, shouted in unison: "The heavenly army of the Han Dynasty has arrived, and the bandit army has not yet surrendered!"

This shout scared Cao Jun back three steps.

The myth of Liu Ke's invincibility has long been known all over the world.

Now that Liu Ke has arrived, Cao Jun's newly recovered confidence has suffered another devastating blow.

On the contrary, Zhang Yun and others, who were besieged by Cao Jun in Gaixin, regained their spirits instantly.

Especially those soldiers who were fighting hard, hearing that His Majesty's army had arrived, they burst out with astonishing strength one by one.

Under the leadership of Zhang He, he counterattacked strongly, and Cao Jun, who was killed unexpectedly, retreated steadily.

After all Zhang Xiong's cavalry walked out of the dense forest, the road ahead was smooth without any shelter.

He waved his weapon and shouted: "Follow me to defeat Cao's army and rescue the general!"

On the plain, unsuspecting infantry faced cavalry, like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, unable to fight back.

Especially now, Cao Jun is still in shock, how can he resist the iron hooves of the cavalry.

Han Hao still wanted to hold on, but was dragged away by his own soldiers, who escorted him and fled towards Yangcheng.

The remaining Cao army lost its coach, and it collapsed at the first touch, without forming any effective resistance at all.

The cavalry rushed in, and Cao Jun was instantly cut into a large area like leeks.

There are also a large number of Cao soldiers who reacted in time, dropped their weapons immediately, and surrendered on their knees.

This saved the fate of being slaughtered.

There is no need to say much about the subsequent process.

When dawn came, all resisting Cao troops outside the city had already been wiped out.

The cavalry led by Zhang Xiong pursued the scattered deserters, while Zhang He led eight hundred warriors to sweep the battlefield.

During this period, Zhang Yun did not forget to send messengers to deliver news to the defenders in the city.

Therefore, just after dawn, the city gates were opened, and they rushed to Cao Jun's camp to help Zhang Yun clean up the battlefield.

Except for Zhang Yun, the defenders in Wushi County probably didn't believe anyone in the scene before them.

With [-] dead soldiers alone, Zhang Yun dared to attack Cao Jun's camp of [-] horses.

This kind of courage is already rare, but who knows that he really won.

The [-] Cao troops died and escaped, and it is no exaggeration to say that the entire army was wiped out.

Although it was bright day, the soldiers discovered that the so-called His Majesty's army was actually just Zhang Xiong's thousand cavalry.

But still deeply admire Zhang He's strategy.

Now that Cao's army has been defeated, the clouds in everyone's hearts have dissipated, and only the joy of victory is left. How can they care about Zhang He's kind deception?

At noon, Zhang Xiong, who was chasing Cao Jun, finally led his team back.

The first thing he did after he came back was to carefully return Liu Ke's handsome flag to his father with both hands.

"Father, my son has fulfilled your orders, beheaded five thousand soldiers of Cao's army, captured three thousand soldiers, and seized food, grass, and luggage without counting!

It's just a pity that Han Hao escaped! "

Zhang He didn't blame the matter, but said instead: "It's okay, Han Hao has no soldiers and no generals, and he won't threaten him if he runs away."

As for the others, after hearing Zhang Xiong's reply, they couldn't help applauding his achievements.

"Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs, General Zhang Xiong has a good trick!" Everyone praised enthusiastically.

After Zhang Xiong returned, the counting of the battlefield was finally completed.

In tonight's battle, Zhang He beheaded more than ten thousand Cao troops, and almost all the rest were captured except for those who escaped in the chaos.

At the same time, the food, grass and weapons seized finally relieved the crisis facing Zhang Yun.

Now, Zhang He can finally catch his breath.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After this battle, Zhang Yun completely defeated the [-] troops sent by Cao Ren and relieved the crisis in Wuzhi County.

At the same time, in another place, a fierce battle is also taking place.

After Ma Chao received Liu Ke's secret letter, he knew that Zhang Yun had led his army straight to Cao Ren's rear.

He and Pang Tong looked at each other and smiled, and immediately understood what His Majesty meant.

Therefore, when Cao Ren's [-] troops set out for Wuzhi County, Ma Chao's troops finally arrived at the entrance of Fanxu.

Panxukou is the name of a valley.

There are indeed steep mountains on both sides of this place, but there is only a flat valley in the middle leading to Yangcheng.

And Fanxukou is the entrance to this valley.

Cao Ren had already dispatched his general Niu Jin to garrison this important place.

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