At the same time, in order to avoid the shortage of troops, [-] soldiers and horses were quietly transferred from Longguan, leaving only [-] to garrison there.

In this way, Cao Ren once again assembled an army of [-].

And put all [-] of them in Fanxukou, making it a fortified dangerous pass.

Cao Ren is famous for defending the city. This time, in order to guard against Ma Chao's army, he used this ability to the extreme.

He even built a wall several feet high at the narrowest point of the Fanxukou valley.

With such a narrow valley and such a strong Guanlou, Cao Jun was condescending and took advantage of the location.

After Ma Chao's army arrived, they were also trapped by the precipitousness of the place.

If it was on the plain, the two armies drew apart to fight.

Ma Chao is no problem with one against ten, but he is not good at attacking such a precipitous fortress.

Not only him, but even Pang Tong, the military adviser who saw this place for the first time, also frowned and remained silent.

"This place is steep and difficult to attack. What can the military master do to defeat the enemy?" Ma Chao couldn't help asking.

After all, if he had no other choice, he would never take the most stupid way to attack hard.

I hope that Pang Tong can give a good idea.

Pang Tong remained silent for a while, and finally sighed: "Please think about it carefully!"

Hearing this, Ma Chao had no choice but to look disappointed and Pang Tong returned to the camp.

Faced with such a dangerous hurdle, Ma Chaokong had an army of [-], but he was blocked by him and could not move an inch.

At the same time, I also thought that General Zhang He was fighting alone in the enemy's rear. If there was any further delay, His Majesty's strategy might be missed.

Therefore, my heart became more and more anxious, and I kept pacing back and forth in the tent.

"Meng Qi, don't be so anxious, I will have a plan to defeat the enemy tomorrow!"

Pang Tong suddenly said with a smile, which instantly cheered Ma Chao up.

"Could it be that the military adviser thought of a strategy to defeat the enemy so quickly?" Ma Chao said excitedly.

"No, no. Xiongguan is difficult to attack, and I have no good way.

But I do know that I have to rest well today so that I can get enough energy to prepare for the battle tomorrow! "

Ma Chao wanted to refute, but seeing Pang Tong's confident smile, he gained confidence for no reason.

So he had to follow Pang Tong's advice and go back to rest.

Early the next morning, Ma Chao went directly to Pang Tong's tent, opened the curtain and asked straight to the point.

"Military division, can you think of a plan today?"

Pang Tong just woke up, rubbed his sleepy eyes and muttered: "You wake up so early, you are going to fight in the city?"

Unexpectedly, what he said was vague, but Ma Chao mistakenly thought that this was Pang Tong's strategy.

Although he still had some doubts in his heart, he thought of the military division's frequent tricks to defeat the enemy before.

So he had no choice but to call out the soldiers to fight in front of Fanxu Pass with doubts.

At this moment Cao Ren is still in Yangcheng, and it is his most valiant general Niu Jin who is guarding here.

At this moment, Niu Jin was checking the defense on the top of the city, when he suddenly saw a group of men and horses rushing towards the city, he immediately raised his vigilance.

"Who is under the city? Get back quickly, be careful that the arrow has no eyes, and you will lose your life!"

Ma Chao was not afraid at all, and did not stop until he was a hundred paces away.

"I am the Hussar General of the Han Dynasty, and Ma Chao, the Marquis of Yan Township. The heavenly soldiers have fallen, so hurry up and switch to surrender!"

"Hahahaha! Who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Ma Chao'er! This general will be here next time, and you can attack if you have the ability!"

Niu Jin on the top of the wall was unscrupulous, and even made a provocative voice.

The angry Ma Chao immediately yelled and cursed. He was still angry, and at the same time ordered his soldiers to yell and curse together.

There were bursts of scolding, which lasted from morning to noon.

Pang Tong even arranged for a sergeant to deliver meals at noon, as if to make the scolding last longer.

Originally, Niu Jin was a man with a bad temper.

It's just that before he came, Cao Ren had warned him thousands and thousands of times.

As long as you close the gate and guard it, you must not leave the gate to fight easily.

He also followed Cao Ren's explanation very seriously.

However, the enemy soldiers who were shut down began to scold people, and they did everything they could.

At the beginning, it was just a personal attack on Niu Jin, but later it was not limited to him.

Even the eighteen generations of his ancestors were involved, and they were all scolded by the enemy.

The irritable Niu Jin was so angry that he just wanted to go out of the pass and rush to kill, and kill the enemy army completely to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Fortunately, his lieutenant hugged him and kept repeating Cao Ren's explanation when he came, which barely suppressed the anger in Niu Jin's heart.

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