However, the situation changed in the afternoon.

This change was revealed by the sergeant who came to deliver the meal.

They quietly conveyed the words of the general, Pang Tong, to the sergeant in charge of scolding the formation, and asked them to change their tactics.

Sure enough, after lunch, the sergeant who was detained unexpectedly changed his target, and no longer just grabbed Niu Jin and scolded him alone.

They turned their target to the main general Cao Ren.

All kinds of obscenities emerged one after another, and Cao Ren was scolded bloody.

If Cao Ren was here, he would not be fooled if he knew that this was the opponent's aggressive method.

He even accepted it calmly, without changing his original strategy at all.

However, at this moment the main general on the top of the wall is Niu Jin, so the situation is different.

Niu Jin is Cao Ren's trilogy. Since Cao Cao raised his army, he followed Cao Ren and took refuge in Cao Cao.

From this we can also see the deep relationship between him and Cao Ren.

Moreover, Cao Ren had saved his life twice.

Once, before raising troops, he gave porridge to save him from his distress, saving Niu Jin from starving to death.

During the second crusade with Cao Ren, Niu Jin was deeply trapped in the enemy's line and was on the verge of death.

It was Cao Ren again, ignoring the dissuasion of others, and rushed to rescue him personally.

Even if Niu Jin sacrificed his life to repay the two great favors, he would not hesitate to do so.

Therefore, when the enemy soldiers in the pass insulted him, he could bear it.

But when the opponent insulted his coach and savior, Niu Jin finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"It's tolerable, what can't be tolerated! Ma Chao's child insulted General Cao, if I don't kill him and make amends, I will never swallow this breath!"

After finishing speaking, Niu Jin no longer disregarded the lieutenant's desperate dissuasion, raised his weapon and rushed towards Guanxia.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Niu Jin raised his big sword, ordered three thousand soldiers and horses, then switched out of the city and came outside.

Now that the sun is setting, the other party is still shrinking, and Ma Chao is worrying.

He suddenly regained his energy when he heard the door slam loudly.

I saw a group of Cao troops rushing out of the pass, and the leader stepped on a horse outside the Great Wall, and came angrily.

It was Niu Jin, the chief general of the gate.

Ma Chao immediately got on his horse and took the initiative to meet him.

"Besides this general, you have been scared out of your wits, and you have retreated into the barrier, not daring to come out. Didn't you expect that you still have some blood?"

Ma Chao said calmly, but the more this attitude, the more aroused Niu Jin's atmosphere.

"Ma Chao, how dare you insult me, General Cao Ren? This general will never forgive you today!"

Niu Jin was furious, flattered his horse and rushed towards Ma Chao.

Ma Chao thought to himself, "Good job!"

Immediately brandishing the dragon riding spear, they fought with Niu Jin.

Niu Jin is brave and good at fighting with the enemy generals.

This is also his confidence to rush out of the pass and attack Ma Chao.

However, Niu Jinyong is brave, but it is difficult to compare with Ma Chao.

You know, Ma Chao's courage does not go to Guan and Zhang.

Even Cao Cao's generals such as Cao Ren, Cao Hong, and Xia Houyuan were not his opponents.

Not to mention a little bull gold?

Niu Jin and Ma Chao had just fought less than ten times, and their saber techniques became more and more chaotic, and they were in danger of dying at any time.

The deputy general saw clearly from the top of the city, and immediately called Jin to withdraw his troops and called Niu Jin back.

At the same time, arrange Cao Jun to draw a bow and set an arrow with the head of the city to break the queen for Niu Jin.

Seeing this, Ma Chao had no choice but to retreat.

After Niu Jin returned to the city, although he complained that the lieutenant should not call Jin to withdraw.

But in his heart, he was afraid of Ma Chao's force, and finally experienced the opponent's strength head-on!

It was getting late today, and the opponent was holding on to the city gate. Ma Chao couldn't catch any openings, so he had to retreat and return to the barracks.

Pang Tong had already been waiting in the tent, and when he saw Ma Chao approaching with a face full of unwillingness, he immediately went up to meet him.

"Has the general made any achievements today?"

"Hey, don't mention it! The general was about to take down Niu Jin, but the other party called for Jin to retreat and sent archers to cover it.

The general could only helplessly watch him leave! "

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