As he said that, Ma Chao patted the table indignantly, venting his dissatisfaction.

Pang Tong was in no hurry, and said calmly, "It's okay! If it doesn't work today, there's still tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I'm afraid that the other party will be afraid of me tomorrow, so I won't even dare to leave the gate!"

Ma Chao let the other party go today, but Ma Chao is still brooding, thinking that he has lost an excellent opportunity.

Pang Tong smiled and said: "Don't worry, general, I have a plan to lure that Niu Jin out of the pass!"

"Really? Please enlighten me!" Ma Chao's eyes lit up, his expression excited.

"At first, I didn't expect that the other party would leave the city today, I just used tricks to test it out.

Unexpectedly, Niu Jinguo was really hot-tempered, and couldn't stand others insulting his coach, so he attacked in anger.

This also shows that Niu Jin is indeed reckless and extremely vulnerable to external stimuli.

Then we can continue to work harder based on his weakness.

Cao Ren is scolded today, and Cao Cao will be added directly tomorrow. I don't believe that the other party will be able to control it! "

"Hahahaha, good strategy! As long as Niu Jin is lured out again, I will definitely take him down!" Ma Chao was full of confidence.

However, Pang Tong waved his hand immediately.

"Meng Qi, don't panic. Tomorrow's battle only needs to be defeated, not won, and the defeat must be not so obvious!"

"Why is that?" Ma Chao found that he couldn't understand more and more.

Pang Tong didn't say much more, he only said that when he saw the truth, he left the big tent shaking his feather fan, leaving Ma Chao with a puzzled face there by himself.

Ma Chao couldn't figure it out, so he had to follow the strategy of military adviser Pang Tong.

Therefore, in the early morning of the second day, Ma Chao led his troops to the pass again to shout and curse.

The object of scolding today was still Cao Ren, and Niu Jin couldn't control his anger as soon as he came up.

The lieutenant tried his best to stop and dissuade him, and because Niu Jin thought about how powerful his opponent was yesterday, he didn't fight immediately.

Unexpectedly, the more the other party scolded, the more vigorously they got, and finally even implicated Cao Cao.

The so-called "after the eunuch, the remnants of the eunuchs", in short, it is something ugly and scolding.

In Niu Jinping's life, apart from his savior and immediate boss Cao Ren, the person he respected the most was Wei Wang Cao Cao.

Now the other party actually scolded the two people he respected the most, and his anger rushed straight into his brain with a bang, and he completely lost his mind.

Niu Jin went out of the city to fight again.

Ma Chao wanted to kill Niu Jin with one shot, but remembering the military adviser's instructions last night, he immediately slowed down his movements.

Under his control, Niu Jin fought Ma Chao for [-] consecutive rounds, still tied.

This time, Niu Jin was somewhat puzzled.

"This Ma Chao was so brave yesterday that he couldn't hold on after beating the Sa family for more than ten times. Why did he hold on for so long today?

Could it be that there is fraud in it? "

Although Niu Jin is reckless, he is not stupid.

The gap between the other party's two days before and after is so obvious, naturally the first thing that comes to mind is the other party's conspiracy.

Ma Chao fought with him for another thirty or forty rounds, his marksmanship gradually became messy, and his life was almost in danger.

Seeing this, Ma Dai, who was behind him, immediately ordered Jin to withdraw his troops and recalled Ma Chao.

Niu Jin still didn't know what the opponent's plan was, so he didn't take the initiative to pursue him, just quietly watched the opponent retreat.

After returning, Ma Chao couldn't help complaining to Pang Tong: "Military division, I followed your instructions.

However, Niu Jin was not moved at all. What about the gains you mentioned earlier? "

"Meng Qi, don't worry! You can try again tomorrow, and you will still lose but not win!"

Ma Chao became more and more puzzled, but he knew that no matter how much he asked, the military adviser would not explain.

Had to continue to follow the plan of the military division.

However, before leaving, Ma Chao said: "Military Master, this is the last time I will act according to plan.

If it still doesn't work, I can only order a strong attack! "

Pang Tong smiled and said, "Don't worry Meng Qi, we will see the outcome tomorrow!"

But Niu Jin returned to the pass with great doubts after Ma Chaoming Jin retreated.

Seeing his return, the lieutenant immediately let out a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

But Niu Jin was still thinking about the fight just now.

Because today's Ma Chao's performance is unimaginable, why is there such a huge difference in strength after a day?

This doubt has always touched Niu Jin's heart, making him sleepless all night.

On the second day, the familiar shouts and curses sounded from outside the pass again.

No need to guess, Ma Chao led the army to arrive again!

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