After rushing out twice, Niu Jin's lieutenant general was already very wary of him, and today he made up his mind to prevent the main general from going out.

However, once Niu Jin's violent temper came up, no one could stop him.

After being irritated by the other party's words, he rushed out again!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Niu Jin rushed out of the city gate, he saw Ma Chaoao immediately, contemptuously looking down on him.

Moreover, this time Ma Chao only brought a thousand soldiers and horses.

Seeing that the opponent dared to fight before the pass with such a small number of troops, Niu Jin felt that his dignity had been greatly hit.

"Little Ma Chao despises me so much, I must compete with you today!"

After Niu Jin finished speaking, he immediately rushed forward waving the big knife in his hand.

The two of you come and go, and don't give in to each other. On the surface, there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors.

Originally, the deputy general had been watching the battle nervously on the tower, and was going to send troops to rescue Niu Jin if he was slightly lost.

However, what puzzled him was that Ma Chao had no chance of winning in a short period of time.

This situation surprised him very much.

He even thought in his heart: "Everyone in the world says Xiliang Jin Machao has the courage to be undeserved, now it seems.

It didn't have such a dazzling performance!Is all this just rumors and exaggerations of the world? "

In fact, not only the lieutenant general, but as Ma Chao's opponent, Niu Jin also became more and more suspicious.

He had heard of Ma Chao's reputation for a long time, and even General Cao Ren, General Xiahou and other top generals under the king of Wei had praised his force.

But when he saw it today, he was shocked.

Although on the first day, Niu Jin was at a disadvantage.

But combined with the performance of the past two days, he has already regarded the previous time as his abnormal performance.

Ma Chao's performance now should be the display of his true strength.

As a result, Niu Jin's thoughts gradually began to change.

At first he just wanted to teach Ma Chao a lesson, but now he even wants to capture him alive and dedicate it to King Wei.

Niu Jin believes that if this is true, his status in front of King Wei will definitely rise in a straight line.

Just when Niu Jin was full of imagination, the two had already fought for a hundred rounds.

Ma Chao resolutely carried out the strategist Pang Tong's strategy, and began to show his lack of physical strength and messy marksmanship.

Seeing this, Niu Jin was overjoyed.

His arms immediately strengthened, and the big knife in his hand smashed fiercely again and again.

Ma Chao, who was on the opposite side of the direct hit, had a sore arm and couldn't stand it.

Ma Chao immediately pretended to change his face, and shouted: "Damn it! I didn't expect that Niu Jin was so powerful.

I'm not an opponent, if I don't retreat now, my life will die! "

After finishing speaking, he gave up Niu Jin, turned around and ran out of Fanxu's mouth.

The sergeants who came with Ma Chao ran away when they saw the general.

Immediately throw away the helmet and remove the armor, and scatter like birds and beasts.

How could Niu Jin let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He patted his horse and chased after him in an instant.

"Soldiers, follow me to rush over and capture Ma Chao alive!"

"Catch Ma Chao alive, catch Ma Chao alive!"

Cao Jun saw that the general was so brave, and the enemy generals he fought ran away with their heads in their hands, and their morale was greatly boosted.

Keeping up with Niu Jin's pace, he chased after him.

Seeing this, the lieutenant general standing on the top of the wall hurriedly shouted: "General Niu, don't chase after him, for fear of being ambushed by the opponent!"

However, his reaction was still too slow.

It was only a thought of Ma Chao's escape.

How could the rising Niu Jin who was killing him be dissuaded by his voice.

Therefore, when the lieutenant general finished shouting, Niu Jin had rushed so far that he couldn't hear what he was shouting at all.

But Niu Jin believed that Ma Chao was not his opponent.

He had only a thousand soldiers and horses under him, but he led a full three thousand men to chase them out.

Even if the opponent turned around and counterattacked, he was not his opponent.

Even if Ma Chao had other people to support him, he could still escape unscathed with the help of these people in his hands.

So, Niu Jin chased out desperately like this.

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