Ma Chao's seat was a Dawan steed, if he really let go of his speed, he would have run away long ago.

But he wanted to attract the enemy generals, so that the opponent would not give up when they saw that they couldn't pursue.

Deliberately slow down to give the opponent the confidence to chase him.

In this way, Niu Jin always kept a similar distance.

Every time he looks to catch up, but he is always a little bit short.

This kind of one-step temptation made him unwilling to give up, and he kept gritting his teeth to follow.

In this way, Ma Chao fled in front, and Niu Jin chased after him, and the time passed by every minute.

The two of them had already traveled a long way.

Niu Jinjian has been chasing for so long, but he still can't catch up with him.

Seeing that the sun had already set to the west in the sky, I finally sensed a bad premonition.

Niu Jin wasn't just being brave and foolish, otherwise Cao Ren wouldn't have put him at this crucial Panxu Pass with peace of mind.

Therefore, Niu Jin was about to give up the pursuit and turned back to the camp.

And when he turned around, he was instantly taken aback.

It turned out that there should have been [-] sergeants following him out.

But now, the only ones who can still keep up with Niu Jin are only more than a hundred riders behind him.

The other infantry had already fallen behind in such a long pursuit.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Niu Jin couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"If the opponent turns around and fights back, wouldn't I be surrounded by the enemy?"

Niu Jin talked to himself, and then finally came to his senses, and hurried back to the formation with his soldiers.

However, it wasn't until this moment that Niu Jin realized that he had been busy chasing Ma Chao just now.

But he didn't pay attention to the specific orientation of this place at all, and accidentally got into the rugged and complicated mountains.

"Do you know the way back to the camp?"

Niu Jin loudly questioned the soldiers who accompanied him.

However, when everyone looked at me and I looked at him, their faces were all blank.

Seeing this, Niu Jin was about to get angry when he was suddenly discouraged.

He understands that no matter what happens at this moment, the status quo cannot be changed, so it is better to find the way back and return to the camp first.

But Ma Chao, who was always running in front of Niu Jin, heard the news behind him.

Instead, he took the initiative to turn around and look back.

Finally, when Niu Jingang stepped out, Ma Chao's figure appeared again.

"Niu Jinpifu, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Aren't you going to capture this general alive? I'm right here, come here if I have the ability!"

Facing Ma Chao's provocation again, Niu Jin turned around immediately.

"The defeated general dares to speak so brazenly! Look at this general who took your life!"

Unexpectedly, Ma Chao burst out laughing instead.

"Hahahaha! Pifu, do you really think that Ben will not be able to kill you? I just wanted you to have some sweetness.

Didn't expect you to really think how capable you are? "


Niu Jin couldn't help but yelled.

He didn't know if the other party said this on purpose or if it was true.

But this sentence already made him feel a little bad in his heart.

"Did it really fall into an ambush by Ma Chao?" Niu Jin couldn't help thinking.

But Niu Jin couldn't care about these anymore. Seeing that there were not many people behind Ma Chao, he rushed forward.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Niu Jin sensed something was wrong.

But seeing that Ma Chao was also alone, he decided to put all his eggs in one basket and was ready to capture him.

In this case, even if he was really surrounded by Liu Jun who rushed over.

Niu Jin expects that he has Ma Chao as a hostage in his hands, and he can also make the other party play a trick and let him go obediently.

Therefore, without hesitation, Niu Jin rushed straight to Ma Chao.

When he was about to approach, he swung the broadsword in his hand and slashed at Ma Chao's neck.

Ma Chao still maintained the posture just now.

The dragon riding spear in his hand hangs on the ground, as if giving up resistance.

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