The huge force instantly made the back of his hand red and swollen, his grip on the sword was unstable, and he fell to the ground.

"General Niu, you are still of great use, the general will not let you commit suicide easily!

And although you walked easily, don't you care about the other soldiers who came with you? "

Ma Chao smiled and looked at the Cao soldiers behind Niu Jin with vague eyes.

Looking at Ma Chao's smile, Niu Jin turned cold all over, as if falling into an ice cave.

Now, can't he even decide his own death?

Niu Jin was very desperate to find that the situation seemed to be true.

He can only pray from the bottom of his heart now, hoping that Lieutenant General Hu Zun will not be impulsive, and everything will be based on guarding the pass.

If the other party sees that he has not acted for a long time, he will understand his own value and will not continue to seduce.

The Cao Jun who was let go by Ma Chao rushed to the pass city of Fanxukou, and arrived at the pass in one breath.

"The general is in a critical situation, open the door quickly!"

At this moment Hu Zun was waiting on the Guanlou, seeing that Niu Jin had not returned, he was already worried.

Now that I heard the shouts below again, my heart skipped a beat.

"How is General Niu? Hurry up and talk back!"

After a while, the man finally arrived and told about Niu Jin's situation.

Upon hearing this, Hu Zun sat heavily on the chair and murmured, "It's over!"

"How is General Niu's current situation? Has he been captured by the enemy?"

The orderly shook his head.

"Not really, although General Niu was ambushed by Ma Chao, and was even defeated by Ma Chao with three moves.

But before I left, the other party still hadn't caught the general! "

When Hu Zun heard this, he was even more embarrassed.

If the chief general Niu Jin is really captured by the enemy, he can still report to the coach Cao Ren.

But now that the other party is only deeply surrounded, how can I explain to Cao Ren if I give up the rescue directly.

Leaving aside the reason, it is already considered a capital offense in Cao's army to say that death is not rescue, and disregarding friendly troops.

And don't forget that Niu Jin has a very close relationship with Cao Ren.

Cao Ren, who lost his beloved general, needed to find someone to express his anger.

But Hu Zun was still a little tangled.

If you don't go to the rescue, you will inevitably be punished by military law afterwards.

If troops are sent, they may be ambushed again, which will eventually lead to the loss of Fanxukou, which must also be dealt with by military law.

However, he finally figured it out.

If Panxukou was lost due to his own rescue, the blame must be borne by Niu Jin who played recklessly.

I am at best a secondary responsibility.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hu Zun calculated in his heart, and finally decided that the punishment he received for losing Fanxukou due to rescue should be much lower than that of not saving him.

Therefore, although Niu Jin's recklessness was somewhat dismissive in his heart, he still sighed helplessly in the end.

"Pass down the order, gather all the soldiers and horses, and follow this general to rescue General Niu Jin!"

The sergeant immediately ran down to prepare, and Hu Zun also put on his armor, picked up his weapon and hurried down the tower.

Soon, [-] troops were gathered, and under the leadership of Hu Zun, they rushed to the place where Niu Jin was trapped.

At this moment, Niu Jin and the others were still surrounded by Ma Chao.

In order to prevent Niu Jin from committing suicide again, all of their weapons have been disarmed.

Just to show that the opponent has not been caught by him, Ma Chao still just surrounded Niu Jin instead of tying him up.

This can be regarded as still maintaining a nominal siege, not a capture.

The news of the departure of Hu Zun's army was immediately detected by Liu Jun who was investigating outside the Panxu Pass, and then quickly reported it to the military adviser Pang Tong.

At this moment, Pang Tong was thinking in the tent, when he heard the news, he stood up excitedly.

"The other party has finally dispatched! Pass the order and everything will go according to plan!"

Afterwards, Ma Dai, Pang Rou, Pound and others who had been on standby all the time will respond immediately and act separately.

It turned out that all this was Pang Tong's plan.

As early as the first time Ma Chao fought against the opponent's main general, Niu Jin, he saw the opponent's brave and hot-tempered character.

So he immediately prescribes the right medicine and has a countermeasure.

First of all, Ma Chao was asked to show the enemy's weakness, and his performance was not so strong, so as to paralyze the opponent's vigilance.

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