Coupled with the scolding before, that Niu Jin had already suffocated his anger.

Seeing that Ma Chao is in name only, he will naturally become more unscrupulous, and chase after him regardless of the obstruction of his subordinates.

In the end, he finally fell into the trap he had prepared long ago.

But this is only the first step of a huge statistical strategy, the second step is the most important.

Ma Chao surrounded Niu Jin without attacking, and attracted Cao Jun from the pass to rescue him.

This is like leading a snake out of a hole, leading the opponent out of a solid pass, and losing the greatest reliance on convenience.

Moreover, Niu Jin's pursuit route was carefully planned by Pang Tong.

This road is not so easy to walk, and the advantage of geographical advantage is in his own hands.

Now, Niu Jin, who has long been surrounded by groups, is no longer the focus.

Those reinforcements were Pang Tong's target.

Hu Zun's army advanced along the rugged mountain road.

The terrain in this area is similar, with steep mountains on both sides.

It's just that the valley in the middle is not as narrow as Fanxukou.

Hu Zun had just walked less than five miles when he suddenly heard a loud noise.

I saw countless enemy troops appearing on both sides of the mountain.

As soon as the other party appeared, without a word, there were flying stones and arrows, and they all greeted Cao Jun.

Liu Jun was condescending, Cao Jun couldn't resist at all, he could only dodge everywhere, and suffered heavy casualties for a while.

Seeing this, Hu Zun realized that he had been ambushed by the other party, and immediately shouted:

"Oops! I was ambushed by the enemy! Don't worry, everyone, let's go back to the pass!"

Hu Zun thought very wisely, knowing that there might still be more bad luck ahead.

Only by killing back to the pass can there be a glimmer of life.

However, before he could back off, a group of Liu Jun rushed in behind, and the leader was Ma Dai!

"Ma Dai is here, surrender quickly!"

When Hu Zun saw this, he didn't respond at all, so he immediately patted his horse and went forward to fight.

Although Ma Dai is not as good as Ma Chao, Hu Zun's strength is even lower.

The two fought for less than [-] rounds, and Hu Zun felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, and his life might be in danger at any time.

He understood that with Ma Dai guarding here, he might not be able to get through.

If you continue to fight, it will definitely not benefit you.

Therefore, they had no choice but to continue marching into the depths of the valley.

Ma Dai chased for three miles symbolically, and seeing that the opponent had rushed into the encirclement circle set up by the military division, he finally slowed down and let the opponent continue to move forward.

After getting rid of Ma Dai's pursuit, Hu Zun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Unexpectedly, an unknown general has such strength? Fortunately, the general will respond in time!"

Ma Dai's name is indeed not very famous.

However, this does not mean that his strength is not good, but because Liu Ke has too many strong generals.

People like Ma Dai can't be ranked at all, and they can only exist as lieutenant generals in the army, so naturally they don't have much reputation.

After another ten miles, I came to a steep valley again.

The terrain here is only better than Fanxukou, but it is equally steep.

Seeing the environment here, Hu Zun couldn't help tensing his nerves.

"Where is this?" Hu Zun asked his subordinates curiously.

"General Qi, the locals call this place Tielaogou!"

"As expected, this place is as dangerous as an iron prison.

If there is an ambush here, our army will be in danger!

Hu Zun was muttering to himself when suddenly a burst of shouts came from all around.

He looked up, and was horrified to find that Liu Jun was all around him in all directions.

"Hahahaha! Hu Zun, you have already been tricked by my military adviser, so you should surrender quickly, lest you lose your life!"

The general here is Pang Rou. Although he doesn't have many soldiers and horses in his hands, he is condescending, and they are all on the mountains on both sides.

Only for him to attack the opponent, Hu Zun can't hit him at all.

"No, let's go!" Hu Zun shouted, leading the army to leave the valley.

However, at this moment, Ma Dai has rushed over without any haste, just blocking the exit of the valley.

Seeing this, Hu Zun had no choice but to change direction and rush towards the other side.

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