Cao Zhang on the side saw Cao Cao's thoughts, and immediately stood up and volunteered.

"Father, Liu Ke's army is about to catch up, and Pengyang City is small, so it won't last long.

So please leave the father as soon as possible, let the child hold the other party here, buy time for the father! "

When Cao Cao heard the words, before he could open his mouth to agree, Shi Huan beside him couldn't sit still.

"Your Majesty, General Ziwen's old wounds are not healed, and the day before yesterday he carried out an ambush mission.

If he executes it again this time, it will definitely have a great impact on his body.

Although a certain person is not talented, he is willing to replace General Ziwen to take over this post-breaking mission!Ask the king to agree. "

Cao Zhang wanted to say something when he heard the words, but Shi Huan went directly to him and persuaded him to go back.

"Ziwen, it's not that I want to compete with you. This time the defense of the city must be a disaster. You are injured. It will be bad if it affects the king's breakout!"

As soon as Shi Huan said this, Cao Zhang couldn't say anything anymore. After all, the other party was doing everything for Wei Wang and had no selfish intentions.

In the end, under Shi Huan's insistence, Cao Cao could only agree to his request to defend the city.

Therefore, he appointed Shi Huan as the chief general and Wang Ling as the deputy general, and allocated him [-] men, plus the original defenders in the city, to make up [-] men.

Use Pengyang City as a barrier to hold back Liu Ke's pursuers.

And Cao Cao can take advantage of this time to leave the city overnight and flee westward.

As long as the opponent can hold off for two or three days, Cao Cao will have the confidence to escape completely.

After everything was arranged properly, the sergeants under him immediately began to prepare nervously.

After eating and drinking, Cao Cao added enough food and grass, and finally led his troops from the west gate and entered the small road.

Early the next morning, the pursuers arranged by Liu Ke arrived at the city.

The army was led by Le Jin and Li Dian, and immediately sent someone to call the door.

Lejin has a large number of people, and it is easy to break the city.

If Wang Ling was originally on guard, he would definitely surrender when he saw the army below.

However, because Le Jin was delayed for a day on the road, Cao Jun entered the city ahead of time. After the current guard is replaced by Shi Huan, who is loyal to Cao Cao, the battle will not be so smooth.

However, Shi Huan didn't show up, he just sat in the city, and the original commander Wang Ling was still in charge of the city.

This is not to say that Shi Huan was afraid of the other party, but because Shi Huan was in Cao Cao's army before, and Le Jin and others also knew about it.

Later, after he broke through with Cao Cao, he disappeared.

If he shows up now, doesn't that mean that Cao Cao has already been here?

In that case, Le Jin would probably not continue to attack the city, but would send troops to continue tracking.

Wang Ling was still the same Wang Ling, but after Shi Huan arrived, he had only one choice—to fight to the death!

Therefore, in the face of Le Jin's persuasion to surrender, Wang Ling was not moved at all, and responded unceremoniously.

The people Le Jin sent out failed to persuade him to surrender, and were almost shot to death by the opponent's bow and arrow.

This also made Le Jin furious: "Hmph! You don't have to drink fine wine for the toast, since that's the case, don't blame the general for being ruthless!"

Le Jin is the best at siege, and every time he takes the lead, he has repeatedly won great achievements.

This time was no exception, he simply handed over the command of the army to Li Dian, and personally led a team to attack Pengyang City.

Peng Yang's offensive and defensive battle broke out in an instant.

Now, in order to delay Cao Cao's escape, Shi Huan already has the ambition to fight to the death.

So without any hesitation, he directly fought against Liu Ke's army.

It's just that the thinking of ordinary Cao Jun in the city is different from that of the general.

Because, after Cao Cao pulled some people away from Pengyang and went west last night, the rest of them understood that they had become pawns.

Although in the past, it was impossible to disclose such confidential tasks to ordinary soldiers, so as not to affect morale.

But after so many days of fleeing, these people have long been aware of it.

In order to repay Cao Cao's kindness, Shi Huan was willing to fight to the death and procrastinate.

But how could ordinary soldiers be so enlightened that they only served for a living.

So the siege battle lasted only until noon, and Cao Jun began to be unable to hold on, and the city was about to be breached at any time.

When Shi Huan heard this, he couldn't sit still any longer, so he rushed to the top of the city and summoned all the troops.

At this moment, the south gate was the first to bear the brunt, and it was this gate that Le Jin led the team to attack.

Since Pengyang City is small and the defense is not good, Le Jin finally succeeded in taking the ladder to the top of the city.

However, the defenders on the top of the city naturally attacked him head-on, wanting to drive him down.

Le Jin has rich experience, and after dodging the enemy's spears, he immediately jumped onto the top of the wall.

But he didn't rush out to attack immediately, instead he guarded at the ladder to cover the soldiers behind him.

Cao Jun hurriedly rushed up to besiege and kill him, but he didn't know that this man seemed short in stature, but he was extremely powerful and superb in martial arts.

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