Le Jin held a spear in his right hand and a ring knife in his left. Under repeated attacks, he actually created a no-man's land on top of the city.

Under his cover, the soldiers on the ladder quickly climbed to the top of the city, joined the battle group, and continuously expanded the occupied area.

In this way, there is no Cao Jun defense at other ladders, so more and more soldiers climbed to the top of the city, almost evenly matched with the defenders on the top of the city.

Afterwards, under Le Jin's leadership, the crowd rushed along the city wall, and the defenders who were killed instantly turned their backs on their backs, terrified.

At this time, after Shi Huan got the news, he finally rushed to the top of the city.

Seeing that the defenders were being killed by the opponent and retreating steadily, and seeing that the city wall was about to fall, he was furious, and immediately led his personal guards to rush up.

I saw Shi Huan took the lead, and as soon as he arrived, the sword chopped down several enemy soldiers one after another.

Under the leadership of Shi Huan, the defenders finally stabilized temporarily and did not completely collapse.

Le Jin noticed the sudden arrival of reinforcements from the opposite side, and hurried to meet them.

At this moment, Le Jin had cut off the ring head knife, held the spear, and unceremoniously stabbed Shi Huan.

Just as Shi Huan had just dealt with an enemy soldier, he suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura, and the hairs all over his body stood up instantly. He was so frightened that he quickly swung his knife to resist.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shi Huan swung his knife to block it, just in time to collide with Le Jin's spear.

The two sides were evenly matched, and all the weapons were bounced off, and no one could hurt the other.

This was the first strong opponent that Le Jin had encountered since ascending the city, which shocked him instantly.

Le Jin stabbed out again, this time with all his strength.

Shi Huan blocked his attack, first he was shocked by this person's strength, and then he saw him attack again.

Immediately went up to meet, and wrestled with that person.

There are many famous generals under Liu Ke's account, and Shi Huan doesn't know this short general.

And Le Jin didn't recognize Shi Huan immediately when he was in the chaos.

The two fought for a while, but no one could do anything to the other, finally Le Jin had to treat it with caution.

Le Jin retracted his gun and retreated, looking at him cautiously.

The more he looked at the other party, the more familiar he became, and he couldn't help asking loudly: "Who is coming? Report your name! I will not kill the unknown person!"

Shi Huan also replied unceremoniously: "I am Shi Huan, who are you?"

"What, Shi Huan? Didn't he leave with Cao Cao long ago, why is he here now? Could it be that Cao Cao has already been here?"

Hearing Shi Huan's name, Le Jin was shocked instantly.

Regardless of whether Cao Cao has been here, or is in the city right now, Le Jin has already decided to immediately destroy the city at all costs.

Therefore, he quickly took out the horn from his waist and blew it vigorously.

This is the secret code agreed with Li Dian before Le came in.

Le Jin attacked the city in front, and timely reported the situation in the city to Li Dian, who commanded the army in the rear.

The sound of the horn was to inform Li Dian that the whole army should attack at all costs.

Without hesitation, Li Dian immediately sent all the troops up, and even he also stepped forward to attack the city.

On the top of the city, under the leadership of Shi Huan, the defeated defenders finally stabilized.

And relying on the advantage of the number of people in the city, they began to encircle and suppress Le Jin and others.

Le Jin is powerful, but he is short of manpower, so he can only retreat steadily under the siege of the opponent.

But seeing that Li Dian had already led his army to the city, Le Jin had no choice but to grit his teeth and wait for the main force to arrive.

Shi Huan also saw this scene, and was equally impatient. He was about to wipe out Le Jin and the others before dealing with the enemy.

Therefore, the fighting on the top of the city became more and more fierce, and the corpses scattered on the ground were everywhere.

Under Le Jin's insistence, Li Dian's army finally arrived.

With the addition of new forces, the defenders on the top of the city immediately couldn't hold on anymore.

So I saw the army climbing up from various positions on the city wall, and they couldn't catch up.

Shi Huan saw that there were only a dozen people left to kill Le Jin, and he was about to wipe him out completely.

Unexpectedly, countless enemy troops suddenly climbed up behind him.

Moreover, seeing Le Jin's situation, Li Dian climbed up from this direction.

"Brother Wen Qian, don't panic, Li Dian is here to save you!"

Li Dian yelled loudly and jumped into the city wall from behind Shi Huan, waving a big knife.

When Shi Huan heard it, it turned out to be the fierce general Li Dian. He was so frightened that he hurriedly ordered the army to defend.

Driven by Li Dian, everyone in Le Jin also aroused their fighting spirit again, and launched an attack on Shi Huan together with him.

Shi Huan was able to persist against Le Jin alone, but under the pincer attack of two brave generals, he fell into a predicament instantly.

Seeing this, Wang Ling rushed over to help.

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