But at this moment, Le Jin Li Dian's army has all reached the top of the city.

Without the containment of the defenders at the top of the city, progress was also made under the city, and finally the south gate was smashed open, and the army was able to drive straight in.

Therefore, even though Shi Huan and others persisted desperately, the destruction of the city was still imminent, and the morale of the defenders had been defeated, so it was impossible to persevere any longer.

Originally, Shi Huan thought that with his own leadership, he could last for two or three days, but he was defeated on the first day.

Shi Huan desperately killed the enemy, but found that there were fewer and fewer troops in his hands.

At the same time, he found that the defenders everywhere in the city were being besieged and killed by the opponent, and the losses were very heavy.

At this time, there was another rush of footsteps behind him.

It turned out that the army rushed into the city from the city wall. After destroying the defenders in the city, they climbed up from the inside of the city wall.

In fact, there are not many troops in the city, and all the troops in the city have been gathered on the city wall.

So there was not much time wasted there at all, and the only battlefield now was on the city wall.

"Father, the child is here!"

The person who came was Le Jin's son Le Wei, a young hero who led the main force to finally rush to the city wall.

Under his leadership, the defenders in other places have been wiped out, and now there are only less than a hundred people led by Shi Huan and Wang Ling.

Shi Huan and others were surrounded by Le Jin in a corner of the city wall, and they were about to be completely wiped out.

At this time, Le Jin suddenly stopped attacking, looked at Shi Huan and said, "Shi Huan, I thought you were also a brave general.

Now that you can't escape, you will be allowed to lead your troops to surrender, and you will be guaranteed to play in front of His Majesty in the future. "

Facing Le Jin's persuasion to surrender, Shi Huan didn't take it seriously.

He is loyal and brave, and he only recognizes Cao Cao in his heart from beginning to end. Naturally, he can't easily make an act of betraying his master and seeking glory.

Therefore, he unceremoniously rejected Le Jin's persuasion to surrender, and led the army to rush over again.

Even if he knew he was invincible, he would fight desperately to repay Cao Cao's appreciation with his death.

At this moment, another person suddenly appeared in the crowd and shouted: "Brother Yanyun, do you still recognize me?"

Suddenly someone called him, Wang Ling hurriedly looked over there, it was a young general with a white face and no beard.

"You, you are Wen Shu's brother?" Wang Ling said with some doubts.

This person's name is Wang Chang, who also came from the Wang family in Taiyuan, and he had a good friend with Wang Ling when he was young.

It's just that Wang Ling became an official with Cao Cao later, and Wang Chang was younger and did not become an official with him.

Later, after Bingzhou was occupied by Liu Ke, Wang Chang took refuge in Liu Ke's command.

He was among the first to follow Le Jin to the top of the city.

When old friends reunited, Wang Ling was deeply moved.

So Wang Chang took the opportunity to persuade him to surrender, but was rejected by Wang Ling sternly.

In this way, there is only a strong attack.

Therefore, Le Jin led the army to launch the final charge.

Shi Huan and the others were outnumbered, and finally few people were killed.

Considering that Shi Huan and Wang Ling are guards here, they must know Cao Cao's movements.

Therefore, after all the defenders were dealt with, Le Jin, Li Dian and others went up in person and finally captured Shi Huan and others alive.

Afterwards, Peng Yang was finally completely taken down by Le Jin.

Immediately afterwards Le Jin did not hesitate, and immediately interrogated the two in the county government, asking about Cao Cao's movements.

But Shi Huan and Wang Ling still showed no fear, no matter what they did not speak.

Le Jin had no choice but to temporarily imprison a few people, and after Cao Cao was wiped out, he would be dealt with with those who were captured before.

However, Shi Huan refused to recruit, but his subordinates couldn't bear it, and finally confessed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao's army fled at night, and when they attacked the city at dawn, they were already thirty miles away.

But the shouts of killing coming from Peng Yang's direction could still be heard.

Everyone looked dignified, and some even proposed to return to the rescue.

In the end, under Cao Cao's forced order, the army could only continue to move forward and head west.

This is a small road, and there are not many people who usually walk on it. Recently, a war broke out, and there are no pedestrians along the way.

However, this saves Cao Cao from concealing his figure and rushing all the way west.

But in Pengyang City, Le Jin and the others finally gained something.

Although Shi Huan and others still refused to recruit, his subordinates had different ideas.

In the end, Le Jin finally knew that Cao Cao had already escaped ahead of time along a small road in the west of the city.

After getting the news, Le Jin and Li Dian were very sorry.

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