He quickly wrote a letter to report the matter to Liu Ke, and at the same time sent a large army led by Le Jin to continue the pursuit.

But it has been delayed for a day, and Le Jin has no idea whether he can catch up with Cao Cao.

Just as he was leaving the city, a group of soldiers rushed from the mountains in the east, led by Dian Wei.

Dian Wei was trapped in the forest for a day, and finally met a woodcutter in the mountains by chance, and then he walked out of the deep mountain under his leadership.

Just came here for the first time, just in time to see a large army outside the city was about to set off.

Dian Wei thought it was Cao Jun who was about to flee again, so he didn't care to catch his breath, so he rushed up to stop him.

Le Jin was also a little puzzled when he saw the other party.

Because those people were hanged in tatters in the forest, it was difficult to distinguish the enemy from the enemy for a while, just like Wang Ling met Cao Cao and others before.

He quickly stood up and was ready at any time.

When Dian Wei rushed to him, he couldn't help shouting: "Old thief Cao Cao, where can we escape? Dian Wei is here!"

After hearing this, Le Jin finally recognized the person's identity.

But Dian Wei was in front of him in a blink of an eye, and when he saw Le Jin, he thought he was here to stop him.

Without hesitation, he swung his big ax and chopped down.

"Evil, wait a minute!"

Le Jin was about to stop drinking, but Dian Wei's giant ax was already imminent, and it was heavy.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped the opponent's attack, and only then did he have time to say: "It's evil, don't act recklessly. Look who I am?"

"Hmph, I see what you are doing. If you dare to stop me from arresting Cao Cao, you will... Huh? Wen Qian? Why are you?"

Dian Wei still wanted to attack, but finally saw the opponent clearly, and quickly stopped and asked in doubt.

Seeing that Dian Wei finally stopped attacking, Le Jin put away his weapon.

He wanted to pursue Cao Cao wholeheartedly, he didn't bother to explain too much, he just said that Cao Cao had escaped, and I hurried to catch up.

You will know the specific situation when you meet Mancheng in the city.

Before Dian Wei could react, Le Jin led his troops and rushed westward.

Dian Wei pondered what he said, and slowly entered the city.

At this moment Li Dian had heard the news of his arrival, so he hurried out to greet him.

With his explanation, Dian Wei finally knew what happened to the outside world during the few days he was trapped in the mountains.

Hearing this, Dian Wei couldn't help but beat his feet and chest: "It's all my fault that I lost my way in the mountains and delayed my trip, otherwise how could this Cao Jun escape!"

Now that Cao Cao had left, it was useless for Dian Wei to pursue him any longer, so he had to withdraw his troops and return to Liu Ke's side.

As for Li Dian, he is still stationed in Pengyang, waiting for His Majesty's arrangement.

When Dian Wei returned to the camp, he saw that the whole army was filled with a sense of solemnity.

He didn't know what was going on, so he quietly grabbed Lu Bu and asked him.

Lu Bu only said softly: "It's evil, you didn't know it just after you came back. Zilong who was stationed in Chencang these days, and Ziming who was stationed in Liang County have sent news.

After His Majesty got the news, Long Yan was furious, and he was about to call me to discuss matters today! "

When Dian Wei heard this, he had no choice but to follow Lu Bu into the big tent with a worried expression on his face.

At this moment, most of the people in the big tent had arrived, and when Lu Bu and Dian Wei walked in, Liu Ke just walked in slowly.

Seeing Dian Wei, Liu Ke said calmly, "Oh? The evil has come back. How about it? Did you catch Cao Cao?"

Dian Wei hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, the last general lost. General Le Jin captured Peng Yang, but it was still one step too late. He has already chased west.

The last general will come back to order! "

Liu Kewen said that he did not continue to blame, but nodded noncommittally, pointing out the topic of this discussion.

"Dear dears, this morning, I got two letters from Zilong and Ziming. You should read them first!"

Liu Ke took out the letter and passed it on from Zhuge Liang.

The letter was not long, but it was urgent.

It turned out that when Liu Ke fought Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Ce finally couldn't hold back.

After saving for a period of time, he finally attacked outrageously.

Among them, Sun Ce has already captured Wancheng, and his troops are approaching Bowang, only two hundred miles away from Liang County, where Lu Meng is guarded.

And Liu Bei's army has also arrived in Hanzhong, and the troops left Jigu, and they will reach the old way in a few days, threatening Chencang.

The most important thing is that the news from Zilong is also not peaceful in the direction of Liangzhou.

The day before yesterday, a small group of Cao Jun went down the Wei River, preparing to sneak into Chencang.

It happened to be discovered by the soldiers patrolling the river, and the arrest was started.

Seeing this, the other party ran away immediately, and after exhausting all their efforts, they finally caught two survivors.

From their mouths, I learned that a Cao army was stationed in Shangyu, upstream of the Wei River, with at least [-] soldiers and horses.

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