Led by Cao Cao's fierce general Xia Houyuan, he was ready to go down the river and attack Chang'an at any time.

Therefore, after Zhao Yun got the news, he immediately sent [-] li to deliver the letter to Liu Ke urgently.

All the generals in the account were shocked after reading the letter.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the Sun and Liu families are not cheap. In my opinion, I should send my troops south immediately.

Kill Liu Bei first, and then capture Sun Ce. In this way, the battle between Jingyi and Yizhou is set, and there will be no more wars in the Central Plains! "

"No, from my point of view, Cao Cao's hidden danger should be resolved as soon as possible at this moment.

The so-called wounding the enemy's ten fingers is not as good as cutting off one of them. At this moment, Cao Cao has run out of fuel.

If you don't seize the opportunity and be relieved by it, it will definitely pose a threat again! "

"This statement is wrong, Cao Cao has suffered heavy losses, and there is no basis for it.

On the contrary, if the Sun and Liu families do not send troops to solve it early, they will pose a greater threat.

So we should deal with Liu Bei and Sun Ce immediately! "

Everyone in the venue insisted on their own opinions, and no one could convince anyone. For a while, the entire tent was full of quarrels.

Liu Ke watched all his subordinates express their opinions without interrupting at all.

Even if some people's views are very deviant, Liu Ke will never blame them.

This is actually Liu Ke's leadership style, encouraging everyone under him to brainstorm and speak freely.

Only in this way can I choose the most beneficial one from the ideas of everyone.

Otherwise, there would be a pool of stagnant water in the field, and no matter how powerful Liu Ke was, he would not be able to succeed repeatedly.

16th Chapter [-] Waiting for a Rabbit

Liu Ke just looked at the discussion of the audience with a calm face.

Among the ideas put forward by everyone, Liu Ke finally had a countermeasure.

So he finally spoke.

"My dear ministers, what you say is reasonable, there is no need to argue any more, so as not to hurt the harmony."

Liu Ke took the initiative to stop it, everyone naturally shut up, and the big tent finally became quiet.

Later, Liu Ke continued: "Whether it is Cao Cao or Sun Liu's threats, I will not sit idly by.

So I have an idea, and the generals will obey orders! "

Everyone immediately stood up straight and stood up straight, waiting for Liu Ke to arrange.

"Cao Cao's escape from Pengyang to the west, if my prediction is correct, he must pass through Chaona.

Now Zhang Yun is stationed there, with him guarding, it will be difficult for Cao Cao to pass by, plus Le Jin who is chasing from behind.

In fact, Cao Cao's survival is doomed.

However, he is not the key.Cao Pi is far away in Jincheng, even if we capture Cao Cao alive, he will definitely continue to cause trouble.

If you want to completely solve Cao's threat, it will not be done in a day or two.

However, the Sun and Liu families are already ready to move. If they are left unchecked, they will definitely pose a threat to our people.

Therefore, I have made up my mind, and I will send my troops south immediately to support Chencang.

And this is handed over to the three generals Zhang He, Le Jin, and Li Dian.

They still have at least [-] troops in their hands. With Cao Cao's heavy losses, they can completely solve the follow-up scourge.

After I have completely settled the Sun and Liu families, I will take over other states and counties in Liangzhou in one fell swoop, go straight to the Western Regions, and spread my great man Tianwei all over the world. "

When the generals heard this, they immediately knelt down and shouted long live.

Whether it is Zhuge Liang, Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Pang Tong, etc., they can't find any faults in Liu Ke's strategy.

There is probably no better strategy than this, which not only takes into account Cao Cao's power, but also solves the threat from the Sun and Liu families.

This is the benefit of Liu Ke's eclecticism.

Regardless of the advantages or disadvantages, he has already heard it from everyone.

Then as long as simple analysis and comparison are carried out, the optimal solution can be made.

However, don't look at Liu Ke, it's easy to do, but it's not something everyone can do.

The most typical one is naturally Yuan Shao.

Although this person was very powerful at the beginning, he even once occupied the land of Ji, Qing, You, and Bing.

But as a man with many ideas and few important things, he is eager to make decisions, even if he has a lot of famous people, he can't come up with a useful decision.

In the end, it was also defeated, and finally crushed in the torrent of history.

It can be seen that as the protagonist, being able to plan is not the main thing, only being able to make decisions can be successful.

After Liu Ke's arrangement was completed, all the generals took their orders, and then hurried down to make preparations.

In addition, an imperial decree was issued to the three generals Zhang He, Le Jin, and Li Dian, ordering them to stay here and deal with Cao Cao.

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