But at this moment, Cao Cao had set off from Pengyang for three days.

Every day, I start early and rest late every day, but the mountain road is rugged and difficult, and I can walk less than [-] miles a day.

However, fortunately, there was no movement of pursuers in the past few days, and Cao Cao was not so anxious.

At this time, a scout rushed from the front: "Your Majesty, Chaona County is ten miles ahead."

When Cao Cao heard this, he finally showed a happy expression.

"Chao Naben was garrisoned by General Sun Guan, a brave man, and I only remember that he had at least [-] troops under his command.

With his guard, Gu can sit back and relax!Quickly order someone to report to that, and call Sun Guan out of the city to meet him! "

The scout heard the words and hurried to make arrangements.

After running away for this period of time, Cao Cao could finally take a breather.

However, an hour later, the scout returned again, but it was quite different from before.

I saw that he was covered in blood, with an arrow stuck in his body, his face was bloodless, and he rushed forward in panic.

"My lord, my lord, something is wrong!"

As soon as they arrived in front of Cao Cao's cover, the scouts rolled off their horses and shouted loudly.

"Huh? Could it be that Sun Guan betrayed Gu?"

When Cao Cao saw the man's state, he immediately guessed in his heart.

The scout took a breath, and then said: "Your Majesty, your subordinates have come to the city of Chao that, explaining that the king is coming, and they must open the city gate to welcome him.

Unexpectedly, instead of responding, the defenders on the top of the city spoke rudely.

He also said that Chao Na had not belonged to Sun Guan long ago, but had already belonged to General Zhang.He also said that if the king is coming, he will be captured under the horse! "

When Cao Cao heard this, he was instantly furious.

But he didn't know who the other party was talking about, General Zhang.

At this time, Cao Zhang also came to his side: "Father, don't be angry, listen to what the scouts said, it seems that General Sun Guan is already in danger.

I just don't know who the other party is talking about, General Zhang? "

"Hmph, no matter who he is, Gu has to go and take a look in person!" Cao Cao said angrily, still angry.

Cao Zhang thought about it, but didn't try to stop him.

Therefore, the only way for the army to return to Jincheng at this moment is to go through Chaona, even if they are willing to face it or not, it is unavoidable.

After the scouts left, the city guards immediately reported to their superiors. It happened that Zhang Xiong came here to inspect, so he explained to him.

The uncle didn't care, he just said that someone came here to cheat on purpose.

But Zhang Xiong was very vigilant, and immediately summoned the person involved and ordered him to describe the situation at that time.

After listening, Zhang Xiong looked suspicious.

He immediately gathered his personal guards and ran away from the east gate with him, planning to investigate it himself.

After traveling less than five miles, Zhang Xiong saw smoke billowing in the distance, as if a large army was passing by.

His face tightened, and he quickly hid on the mountain, quietly approaching and observing.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, you just found the trace of Cao Cao's army.

But now Cao Cao has only [-] soldiers and horses, so the threat is not great.

But Zhang Xiong was short of manpower, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, so he had to go back and report to his father.

It was rare for Zhang He to have a peaceful time during this period.

But he was always paying attention to the battle situation at Yiju, and heard that His Majesty had already started a decisive battle with Cao Cao.

Therefore, Zhang Yun was a little worried, not knowing how the battle was going and whether His Majesty was in danger.

At this moment, Zhang Xiong rushed in in a hurry.

"Xiong'er, how many times have I said that as a father, as a general, there must be a city that will not change its color before the collapse of Mount Tai.

You are in a panic when you encounter things now, how can you lead troops to fight? "

Zhang Xiong heard his father start nagging again, so he had to listen respectfully.

It wasn't until Zhang He explained the whole truth that he finally asked, "Xiong'er, what's the matter that makes you so anxious?"

Zhang Xiong immediately said: "Father, my son just heard a report from the sergeant guarding the city. Someone pretended to be a scout of the Cao army, claiming that Cao Cao was coming soon, and ordered me to wait out of the city to meet him.

Hearing the words, the boy felt suspicious, and immediately went out of the city to check. "

17th Chapter [-] Blocking towards that

Zhang Xiong was interrupted by Zhang Yun just after he finished speaking.

"Isn't it just a few scattered Cao soldiers? This little thing made you so flustered?"

Zhang Xiong hurriedly explained: "No, it's not. Commander-in-law, there's nothing wrong with idle Cao Bing.

But they kept saying that King Wei Cao Cao was coming soon, and the boy didn't believe it, so he took someone out to check it out.

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