"Xiong'er, I will be stationed here for my father tonight, guarding the enemy's army, lest the enemy break through at night.

You bring the Tiger Talisman back to the city quickly, and gather all the remaining [-] troops, and we will give each other a catch! "

Zhang Xiong took the tiger talisman carefully, and immediately drove his horse back to the city.

However, [-] troops is not a small number, and it is impossible to mobilize all of them in a short period of time.

Zhang Xiong urged again and again, and it was not until after dawn that he was finally able to set off.

After Cao Zhang repelled Zhang He, he returned to the camp and returned to the camp, but found that Cao Cao's face was very ugly.

"Father, my son has already repelled the enemy general Zhang Yun, why do you still look sad?"

Cao Zhang is a straightforward person, and he will say anything immediately.

After a while, Cao Cao finally spoke.

"Zhang'er, I'm afraid you and my father and son will be buried here this time!"

"Father, don't say anything depressing. Even if the child puts his life at risk, he will protect you.

I saw it just now, and Zhang Yun only had [-] horses in his hands, which is nothing! "

When Cao Cao heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "Hehe, Zhang'er, don't you think that the other party only has this little force?

Tomorrow you will know! "

After saying this, Cao Cao turned around and went back to the tent, leaving Cao Zhang standing there with a puzzled expression on his face.

Cao Zhang is a brave general who went into battle to kill the enemy, but his judgment of the situation is far from enough.

He pondered for a long time, but he didn't understand what Cao Cao meant.

So he simply patrolled around the camp to strengthen the city defenses to prevent the enemy from sneaking at night.

For Cao Zhang, doing something like this can always make him feel a little more at ease.

When Zhang He was confronting Cao Cao, he also acted nervously in another place.

That is where Sima Yi's army is located.

In fact, Sima Yi had already arrived at the location thirty miles outside Chaona City as early as ten days ago.

However, since then, he has not made any progress.

Instead, the army was placed in the deep mountains, and only a small group of people were sent out to investigate the enemy's situation every day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When the disguised soldiers returned to Sima Yi's camp, it was time to light the lanterns.

Sima Yi was playing chess with Wu Zhi, and the man rushed in hastily.

Speaking of which, going straight to the commander's tent requires the art of war.

But Sima Yi had already said before that if there was any military change in the city, he must report it as soon as possible.

Even if you fall asleep, you have to rush in and wake up.

That's why the soldier was able to travel unimpeded and reach the camp.

"General, general, there is movement in that city! This afternoon at Shenshi, the chief general Zhang Yun suddenly led an army of [-] and set off eastward."

Sima Yi held the black chess piece in his hand, and was about to make a move, when he heard it, he suddenly let go of his hand, and the flag fell on the chessboard in an instant.

Seeing this, Wu Zhi on the opposite side immediately said triumphantly: "Zhong Da, are you going to surrender?"

But before he finished speaking, he saw Sima Yi's face was very serious, and finally put away his joking expression.

"Zhongda, what's wrong?" Wu Zhi was a little puzzled. Is the mobilization of only [-] soldiers worthy of his treatment?

Sima Yi didn't answer, but directly ordered the soldiers: "Notify the army to move out immediately, and march towards Chaona quickly!

Before dawn tomorrow, we must arrive at Chaona City! "

This time, Wu Zhi's expression finally changed.

"Don't be so anxious. It's dark and the road is dangerous. It's not too late to start tomorrow!"

"Ji Zhong, it will be too late tomorrow, I will explain the details to you on the way!"

When Sima Yi was talking to Wu Zhi, he had already started to put on his armor.

Seeing that it was so urgent, Wu Zhi immediately returned to his camp to pack his things.

An hour later, under Sima Yi's forced order, the army finally moved.

Sima Yi, Wu Zhi, and Guo Huai walked at the front of the team together.

Wu Zhi finally had time to ask Sima Yi for advice this time.

Sima Yi said: "The decisive battle between the king and Liu Ke is in Yiju, and it is far away, so it should not have any impact.

But I have analyzed before that if the king is defeated and retreats to the west, he will have to go through Wuzhi, which was captured by Ma Chao, after all.

So I can only take the path, and the last place I have to pass is toward that.

In addition, Sun Guan was garrisoned before Chaona, but was later captured by Zhang Xi, so the retreat had to pass Chaona.

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