Now Zhang Yun suddenly left the city in the evening, but the whole army was not dispatched, so it was definitely not Liu Ke who summoned him.

From a comprehensive analysis, it is very likely that they found the king who came from the small road, so they sent troops recklessly.

However, even if he arrives, Ye Hei cannot fight, so I guess Zhang Yun is going to keep the king's army under control first.

Tomorrow all the troops will be mobilized to attack.

Our army can only save the king before Zhang Yun's army attacks by marching overnight! "

When Wu Zhi heard this, he finally understood.

Immediately he said excitedly: "If it is as Zhong Da said, we will make a great contribution to saving him!"

This time, Wu Zhi was finally tempted, and wished to urge the army to advance quickly.

Guo Huai on the side also nodded, looking at Sima Yi with even more reverence in his eyes.

The two are also teachers and friends, and their relationship is very close, and Guo Huai is also impressed by Sima Yi's anticipation of enemies.

After a night of driving, Sima Yi saw that the sun was slowly rising in the sky directly in front of him.

The outline of a city gradually appeared, and it was the destination of this trip that was heading towards that city.

However, when Sima Yi led the army to arrive, the army in the city had already set off and had already arrived outside Cao Cao's camp.

That night Cao Zhang patrolled the barracks in case Zhang He attacked at night.

But until the sky was getting brighter, there was no movement outside the camp, so I relaxed a little, and prepared to take this time to catch up on sleep.

Unexpectedly, just as Cao Zhang fell asleep, a personal guard rushed in hastily.

"General, something serious has happened! Your majesty invites you to go there!"

Cao Zhang got up angry, but he didn't dare to hesitate when his father invited him, so he rubbed his eyes and rushed over there.

When he arrived, almost all the remaining generals in the army had arrived, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

Seeing Cao Zhang coming, Cao Cao finally spoke.

"Everyone, our army has been surrounded by the enemy, and it can only be destroyed in an instant. Cao Cao is incompetent, and everyone is in danger.

The opponent's target is only me, please surrender if you tie me up.This will also save your life. "

After Cao Cao finished speaking, he closed his eyes and acted like he was going to catch him.

All the generals knelt down when they heard the words and were frightened.

Several of them cried and mourned: "The ancients said that the Lord is worried about the humiliation of his ministers, and the Lord has humiliated his ministers to death! Now that the king is in trouble, it is really the incompetence of our ministers.

At this moment, if I don't want to protect the Lord and escape danger, how dare I disregard loyalty and betray the Lord for glory?

If the king doesn't believe me, I will kill myself in front of the king now! "

After finishing speaking, he really took out a dagger and signaled that he would commit suicide.

Seeing this, Cao Cao hurried forward to stop him.

"How can you not know your mind? That being the case, then please follow Gu to rush out.

If the heaven is merciful, I will continue the righteousness of the master and minister with the princes alone, if the heaven does not give orders, I will see you in the next life! "

Driven by Cao Cao, the crowd shouted loudly: "We will fight to the end and serve the king!"

Finally, the generals of the Cao camp reached a consensus, and then rushed out of the camp under the leadership of Cao Cao.

It turned out that Zhang Xiong brought all the troops here early this morning.

The [-] troops had surrounded Cao Ying, and the leader Zhang He led [-] of the most elite soldiers to block the camp gate.

Suddenly, the gate of the camp opened wide, and the Cao army inside rushed out, leaning against the barracks to meet the enemy.

Zhang He took a closer look and immediately found a person surrounded by Cao Jun who was particularly conspicuous.

Although the man was not tall and mighty, he had a majestic look. He sat on a white horse with only four hooves covered with brown hair.

Zhang Yun immediately excitedly said to Zhang Xiong beside him: "Xiong'er, you and I deserve to make meritorious service!"

"What's the matter, father?" Zhang Xiong was still a little puzzled.

"You see in the middle of the enemy line, is there a man riding a white horse, this white horse should be Huang Feidian with horse claws.

The person riding this horse is naturally Cao Cao. "

Zhang Xiong's eyes lit up: "Really? See if I capture him alive!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiong immediately patted his horse and rushed forward, shouting: "Cao Cao, look at the young master coming to capture you alive!"

Before Cao Cao could speak, a person beside him rushed out immediately.

"Brave rat, is the name of the king what you call me, I will come to meet you!"

The man's name was Wu Dun, and he was one of the bandits of Mount Tai with Sun Guan. Later, he was subdued by Cao Cao and had a close relationship with Sun Guan.

Chaona was originally garrisoned by Sun Guan, but now it is in Zhang Xi's hands, so Sun Guan's fate can already be imagined.

Therefore, he was the first to rush out, both public and private.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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