Seeing that Sima Yi is going to fight again at this moment, how could he not be worried?

Sima Zhao and Sima Shi, who were eating in the outer hall, also hurried over after hearing the words.

"Father, why are you in such a hurry, can't you leave after eating?"

Sima Yi originally wanted to go directly to the camp outside the city, but after seeing Sima Shi and Sima Zhao brothers, he suddenly had a new idea.

He immediately put down the clothes in his hand and came to the dinner table with everyone.

"Don't be surprised, this time it's not an expedition, but Mr. Zihuan has a task for me. I will move into the barracks from today on."

Hearing that Sima Yi was not going on an expedition, Zhang Chunhua finally let out a sigh of relief.

But when he heard that he was going to live in the barracks, he was a little worried, and he was about to speak.

Seeing this, Sima Yi hurriedly said, "Chunhua, don't worry. This is about the future of our Sima family, so it must be so.

By the way, Ziyuan, this time you will go with Weifu.You are not young anymore, it's time to go to the army with your father to exercise! "

Sima Shi has been calm and strong since he was a child, and he has the ambition of Lingyun, so he has long been yearning for the army.

He had asked many times before, but he never agreed. This time his father finally agreed to take him there, so he naturally yelled happily.

And Sima Zhao on the side immediately said: "Father, I want to go too!"

Seeing this, Sima Yi smiled and said: "Hehe, son, you are still young, and when you grow up in a few years, I will take you there for my father!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sima Zhao was a big kid, and he still wanted to insist, but his mother Zhang Chunhua stopped him: "Son, stop messing around.

Husband, you two must take care of yourself in the military camp, especially Ziyuan, his left eye is always red and itchy recently, so you must pay attention! "

At this time, Sima Yi had already finished his meal hastily, seeing that Zhang Chunhua was still muttering.

I had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, Chunhua, you're already this big, don't worry about it!

Have you packed your things, we're leaving now! "

Zhang Chunhua had no choice but to go back to the inner hall, brought the packed package, and then watched Sima Yi and Sima Shi go out with Sima Zhao.

Sima Yi attaches great importance to this task, not only to assist Cao Pi to become his son, but also to establish his own prestige in the army.

This time, the reason why Sima Shi, who was not yet a weak champion, was brought along with him was actually to let him enter the army early.

Sima Yi is not young anymore, and he is worried that he will be in the military all year round, and if something happens, there will be no one in the family to support the family business.

Now that Sima Shi was transferred to the army, it was precisely to support him to inherit his power in the army.

In this way, even if you are in an unexpected situation, you can have successors.

Master Sima naturally didn't know Sima Yi's good intentions, but felt that after entering the barracks, everything he saw was extremely novel, and he fell in love with it instantly.

After Sima Yi moved into the military camp, he hung out with the generals all day long, but gained a lot of supporters.

And Cao Pi was also under Wu Zhi's plan, waiting in front of Cao Cao's sick bed all day long, serving him personally, showing very filial piety.

On the other hand, Cao Zhi is different. Cao Zhi has a dissolute and unrestrained nature, and he was able to sit before the sick bed at first.

Unexpectedly, in less than three days, it was like sitting on pins and needles, feeling uncomfortable all over.

When Cao Pi saw this, he couldn't help but sneered, and then he served him more attentively.

At noon, the two went to have dinner together, and Cao Pi pretended to say: "I feel a little uncomfortable, I must have worked too hard during this time.

Brother recently got a pot of fine wine called Lanlingxiang, just to give you to relieve your fatigue. "

Cao Zhi was simple-minded and had no doubts about him. After hearing Lan Lingxiang's name, his eyes immediately brightened.

He had heard of this wine before, and everyone who drank it praised its fine nectar.

Cao Zhi had longed for it for a long time, but he hadn't had the chance to drink it for a long time. Now that Cao Pi took the initiative to deliver it to his hands, he couldn't hold on anymore.

"Brother, this, what a shame!"

"Oh, it's okay! This is also a little bit of brother's kindness. You and my brothers should be like this. You don't have to be polite. I will order someone to send it to the mansion, but it's okay to drink!"

Cao Zhi was already thin-skinned, and he had been fascinated for a long time, so he couldn't refuse Cao Pi's kindness in the end.

On the contrary, I was very moved, thinking that what Ding Yi, Yang Xiu and others said about Cao Pi was too bad, how could it be so bad?

After lunch, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi came to wait on Cao Cao's bed again.

But Cao Zhi only had the temptation of Lanling fragrant wine in his heart, and he couldn't sit still.

Before Shen Shi, he took the opportunity to sneak back to the mansion with the excuse of feeling sick to his stomach.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the mansion, he immediately saw a jar of fine wine placed in the main hall.

There is still a mud seal on the wine jar. Looking at the time on it, it was three years ago.

No wonder I smelled a hint of wine before entering the house, it must have been extremely mellow after being kept for so long.

Cao Zhi couldn't wait to open the mud seal immediately, and a scent of fragrance spread across the surface in an instant.

It's just the strong smell of alcohol that has already made Cao Zhi intoxicated.

He immediately ordered: "Come on, hurry up and invite Dezu, Zhengli and Salute. How can you not share this kind of fine wine with all the lords?

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