It also happened to let them see my brother's generosity! "

The three people in Cao Zhi's mouth are naturally Yang Xiu, Ding Yi and Ding Zhen, and they are also Cao Zhi's best friends.

After finishing the order, Cao Zhi sat in the hall and waited quietly for the arrival of the three of them.

But once the mud seal was opened, the fragrance had already permeated the surroundings.

An unheard of mellow fragrance continuously penetrated Cao Zhi's nose, arousing the wine worms in his stomach, making Cao Zhi's life feel like years.

Finally, Cao Zhi couldn't help it anymore, took out a small wine ladle, and gently took out a ladle to taste.

As soon as the Lanling incense entered his throat, a soft and mellow feeling swept over his body instantly, making Cao Zhi feel immersed in it.

"It really is a rare wine in the world!"

This wine is completely different from the rice wine that Cao Zhi usually drinks. Not only does it not have the turbidity of rice wine, but it is clear and clear.

Moreover, it was more mellow and fragrant, and the aroma was far better than ordinary wine, so Cao Zhi immediately fell into a situation where he couldn't extricate himself.

"Drink another small cup, just a small cup!"

While Cao Zhi was muttering, he put the wine ladle in again.

Just like that, Cao Zhi drank it himself first, one small ladle at a time.

When Yang Xiu, Ding Yi and Ding Zhen arrived one after another, Cao Zhi was already a little drunk.

Seeing this, Yang Xi rushed up to stop him and said, "My lord, tomorrow I have to wait on the king's sick bed, so don't be greedy!"

Cao Zhi was drunk, and suddenly smiled and said: "De Zu is too worried, how can this little wine cause trouble.

But this Lanling incense is a fine wine in the world, you should have a good taste! "

As he said that, Yang Xiu couldn't help but refuse, so he picked up the wine glass and brought it to Yang Xiu's mouth.

Yang Xiu still wanted to refuse, but was instantly attracted by the aroma of the wine, and drank it involuntarily. After drinking, he finally couldn't hold it anymore.

In fact, Yang Xiu, Ding Yi, and Ding Zhen have a good relationship with Cao Zhi, and they are congenial literati in themselves.

So they all have a free and easy side of literati. After a while, Yang Xiu, Ding Yi and Ding Yan were all persuaded by Cao Zhi to drink.

The three of them originally came to persuade Cao Zhi not to be greedy, but they were eventually driven by Cao Zhi.

In fact, it's not that they couldn't control themselves after seeing the good wine, but that they didn't take it seriously at the beginning.

Because, this jug of wine is only ten catties at most, and the four people share it equally, and each person is only two and a half catties.

According to the wine-making process at that time, the rice wine with alcohol content of less than [-]% was generally drunk.

Even the most ordinary people can easily drink two and a half catties of rice wine.

Even if you are drunk, as long as you sleep, you can regain your sobriety tomorrow.

Therefore, the three of them didn't take it too seriously.

But they were totally wrong this time, because this Lanlingxiang was not ordinary rice wine.

He is a high-alcohol wine brewed by Liu Ke according to the wine recipe provided by the system, and the alcohol content has reached [-] degrees.

But under Liu Ke's blending, the aroma is rich and the taste is soft, and the first drink can't feel such a high degree.

It gives people the feeling that it is slightly higher than usual at most, but they don't know how many times it has exceeded.

Therefore, no matter how good Cao Zhi and others drink, if converted to this kind of wine, if each person drinks a catty, they are already very drunk.

Continue to drink, one by one finally drunk unconscious, lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The degree of Lanlingxiang is not something that people in this era who drink rice wine all the year round can bear.

At the beginning, Cao Zhi only felt the clear and mellow aroma of the fine wine, and didn't care about the reaction it brought at all.

The four of them went so far as to eat up the ten catties of Lanling incense.

Among them, Cao Zhi drank the most, drinking a full three catties.

When a gust of wind blew by, the spirit of alcohol finally surged up, and the four of them fell to the ground one after another drunk, and fell asleep soundly.

After this period of recuperation, although Cao Cao's body has not recovered to its former appearance.

But people are already sober and have started to deal with government affairs.

Because Cao Cao can't get out of bed yet, and he intends to exercise Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's ability to observe them.

Therefore, the government affairs are arranged to Cao Pi and Cao Zhi around him to carry out the specific execution.

The two competed with each other and completed all the tasks arranged by Cao Cao very beautifully.

For a while, they were on par, and even Cao Cao couldn't decide who was better between the two in a short time.

Early this morning, many documents from various places were already placed on Cao Cao's desk.

The most important of these were of course the two armies of Zhang He and Le Jin, who captured several cities in a row during this period.

There were even some guards who were afraid of Liu Ke's forces and took the initiative to open the city and surrender.

This also made Cao Cao very angry, and his forehead began to ache again.

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