This book is not from Yangzhou, but from Liangzhou, even within this golden city! "

"What? This is impossible!" Cao Zhi was the first to stand up.

He himself is very familiar with the field of literature, if there is such a place in Jincheng, how can he not know it.

Even Cao Cao looked at Cao Pi suspiciously, obviously expressing doubts.

So, Cao Pi finally stopped being tricky and started to explain.

"Father, to be honest, the source of this book is the bookstore built by the child himself.

And this book is actually the classic book that the father has been thinking about! "

With that said, Cao Pi fully opened the big wooden box, revealing the neatly stacked books inside.

Cao Cao looked at it excitedly, and then he couldn't help but check each one, the joy on his face became more and more obvious.

"Good! Good! Good! With this classic, it can be handed down to future generations!"

"Father, please give me a name!" Cao Pi immediately took a pen and handed it over.

Cao Cao thought for a moment, and finally wrote a line of words on the blank space specially reserved on the lid of the box—Jian'an Anthology.

Jian'an is the year name of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, although Liu Ke has now succeeded to the throne and changed to Yuan Dynasty.

However, in order to express his disapproval of Liu Ke and to pursue the spirit of Xiandi, Cao Cao still uses the Jian'an year name.

After naming, Cao Cao also praised Cao Pi without hesitation.

Not only because he completed the publication of the anthology in such a short period of time.

The most important thing is that Cao Pi actually used technology that only belongs to Yangzhou.

Although he and Liu are rivals, Cao Cao is very yearning for the changes in Yangzhou today, and some of the technologies mastered by the other party make Cao Cao itchy.

It's just that Liu Ke is very precious about this, so how could he reveal it so easily.

It is also thanks to Cao Pi who was smart and studious during his stay at Yangzhou University, and secretly mastered a lot of exclusive technologies.

Therefore, this also convinced Cao Cao that if the throne was passed to Cao Pi, he would definitely lead Liangzhou to undergo a major change.

Maybe after the reform, there will really be a chance to catch up with Yangzhou?

In that case, Cao Pi will inherit his unfinished business.

So, Cao Cao finally had a decision in his mind.

On the second day, although Cao Cao still couldn't stay at the hotel, he summoned all the civil servants and generals together.

On the one hand, Cao Cao wanted to distribute the Jian'an anthology published by Cao Pi, and on the other hand, there was a very important announcement.

Everyone was puzzled and discussed in whispers.

Only Zhong Yao, Hua Xin, Wang Lang, Liu Ye, and Dong Zhao remained silent, as if the matter had nothing to do with them.

In fact, this is naturally because they knew it early.

Cao Pi printed [-] sets of Jian'an anthology in the first edition, enough to distribute to everyone present.

You must know that many of these civil servants are from aristocratic families, plus the family of poems and books.

Therefore, in the field of literature, there are inextricably linked all over the country.

Cao Cao believed that after the collection of Jian'an anthology was given to these people, it would probably become famous throughout the country within half a year.

At that time, my own achievements can be regarded as completely solid.

Seeing such exquisite paper and printing, the officials immediately burst into admiration.

Afterwards, after Cao Cao waved his hands to suppress the voices of the crowd, he finally announced:

"Your gentlemen, the purpose of calling you here today is not only to share the Jian'an anthology with you.

There is one more important thing to announce.

Gu has passed his sixtieth year this year, and his body is getting worse day by day, so it is time to raise an heir to reassure everyone. "

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at Cao Cao nervously.

Cao Cao continued: "Gu decided to appoint Zihuan as his heir, and let him inherit Gu's career. Please help me with all your strength!"

Today, Cao Cao said it suddenly, which instantly shocked everyone on the spot.

Especially the two involved, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi.

Needless to say, Cao Zhi was stunned on the spot when he heard this, speechless.

And Cao Pi was also a little overwhelmed with excitement.

He didn't expect that he would be established as the crown prince so quickly.

Reminded by Wu Zhi behind him, Cao Pi quickly flashed out to accept the order to thank him.

This is just a simple announcement, and then a good day and auspicious day will be selected to hold a grand ceremony to comfort the ancestors of heaven and earth.

However, Cao Cao didn't want to continue to show up, and everything was arranged for Cao Pi to organize and execute it himself.

And Cao Pi didn't need to ask about this matter, Hua Xin, Wang Lang and others came together and took the initiative to take over the task.

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