They tried their best to show off in front of Cao Pi, so as to ensure that they could continue to enjoy the glory.

At this moment, Cao Pi is eager for everyone to join in, so naturally he will not refuse anyone who comes.

Although Cao Zhi and even Cao Zhang were not convinced, this decision was announced by Cao Cao on the spot in front of all civil and military officials.

So the two had no choice but to accept their fate helplessly.

In this way, after half a month, the auspicious day finally arrived, and Wang Lang had already built a high platform in the south of the city.

Cao Pi held a ceremony to comfort God and formally succeeded the son of King Wei.

And Cao Cao's head wind disease has never been cured, and it even has a tendency to become more and more serious.

Therefore, after he established Cao Pi as his son, he simply retired behind the scenes, recuperating in peace of mind, and no longer interfered in any government affairs.

Only when Cao Pi encounters something he can't make up his mind can he ask him for advice.

In this way, the power was completely transferred to Cao Pi's hands.

Naturally, Cao Pi was not polite, and immediately started a series of reforms.

In fact, as early as in Yangzhou, Cao Pi had already conceived many reform measures.

But he couldn't use it before, and he was finally able to let go of his hands and feet until now.

Therefore, in Liangzhou, a reform to do like Yangzhou finally started in full swing.

Although many people's cheese has been moved, Cao Pi has just come to power at this moment, and it is time to stand up.

All those who got in the way were dealt with by him.Even some people approached Cao Cao, but they failed to get emotional.

It can be seen that his determination is great!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

But in the other direction, Liu Ke led the army and finally arrived at Chencang after a long and difficult trek.

During this time, the situation on Zhao Yun's side was already very critical.

First of all, Xia Houyuan, who was the first to dispatch, took advantage of the rising of the Wei River and raised an army of [-] to go down the river.

With an unstoppable momentum, he directly reached Xiashikou, [-] miles west of Chencang, before being discovered by the local defenders.

Zhao Yun has a total of [-] troops in his hands. In order to block Xia Houyuan's eastward troops, he had to mobilize [-] troops to rush to Xiashikou to intercept them.

The so-called Xiashikou is what the locals call it.In fact, it is named after the terrain here.

When the Wei River flows through this place, it becomes the dividing point of two mountain ranges, the Qinling Mountains to the south and the Longshan Mountains to the north.

The two mountains are intertwined with water, and the terrain is steep, but when we reach Xiashikou, we suddenly break through the mountain peak and enter the Guanzhong Plain.

Xiashikou became the last pass to guard the Guanzhong Plain.

Zhao Yun deployed an army with the same number as Xia Houyuan there, just to prevent the opponent from directly invading the Guanzhong Plain after breaking through.

When Zhao Yun had just blocked Xia Houyuan's attack, Liu Bei's army had already set off from Hanzhong and headed north along the inclined valley.

Among them, Zhang Fei's army, who served as the vanguard, had already arrived at the old road, but was blocked by Zhao Yun's urgent mobilization of troops and horses, so he did not enter the pass.

However, Zhang Fei is powerful, and he fought repeatedly during this period.

Zhao Yun fought with him several times, and found that this person seemed reckless, but his force was very high.

A zhangba snake spear was used by him like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, even Zhao Yun did not dare to underestimate it.

Therefore, in addition to leaving [-] soldiers and horses for emergency near Chen Cang, Zhao Yunlian and all the remaining soldiers and horses rushed to Dasan Pass.

As a strategic point guarding the throat of Yongyi and Yizhou, Dasan Pass is very important.

At the same time, it was also built to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. No matter which side you attack from, it is quite troublesome.

Guarded by Zhao Yun's [-] troops, Zhang Fei was finally blocked here, unable to advance any further.

However, Zhang Fei's army was very aggressive, and he was only the vanguard, while Liu Bei and Guan Yu's troops were still behind.

That's why Zhao Yun quickly edited the book and sent it to Liu Ke for help.

It was not until Liu Ke arrived that the stone in Zhao Yun's heart was finally let go.

During this period of time, Zhao Yun fought on two fronts, and all of them were very difficult opponents.

Even Zhao Yun was a little unconfident, and now he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zilong, you have worked hard during this period!" Liu Ke saw Zhao Yun, and the first sentence was not blame, but full of concern.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun's eyes turned red instantly, and he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Zhao Yun is incapable and cannot block the enemy who violated the border.

It's really damning that His Majesty came here in person! "

Liu Ke helped him up, and softly comforted him, and then said: "Zilong, I came this time to completely solve Liu Bei's scourge.

So even without your letter, I have made up my mind, so I don't need to blame myself.

However, I and everyone have just arrived in Chencang, so I don't know the situation here, so please introduce it to everyone first! "

After Zhao Yun heard this, he quickly introduced it on the map.

Only then did everyone finally understand the specific situation of Xia Houyuan and Liu Bei's army.

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