After listening to Liu Ke, he didn't make a decision right away, but asked: "What do you think the next step should be?"

Pang Tong was the first to stand up and speak.

"Your Majesty, in my view, Xiahou Yuan should be dealt with first. Only after the threat from the flank is removed can we fight Liu Bei."

"No." Another counselor, Xun You, said and walked up.

"Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, Xia Houyuan is nothing to fear! Liu Bei is the biggest threat.

Especially the two generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei under him, both of them have undeserved courage, so they must not be underestimated.

Therefore, we should first concentrate on fighting against Liu Bei.As for Xia Houyuan, just send a general to guard Xiashikou.

After a long time, Xia Houyuan naturally retreated! "

"This plan is not right. According to Weichen, the threat of the two armies is very great. They should attack together so as not to be affected!"

The counselors in the venue kept expressing their opinions, and what everyone said seemed to have some truth.

In this way, in the end, only Liu Ke can make up his own mind.

Liu Ke has long been accustomed to various suggestions from everyone, and he did not sit idle to watch the excitement.

Liu Ke also kept analyzing the feasibility of the strategies proposed by everyone in his mind.

Some whimsical schemes were naturally ruled out immediately, but there were still some that could be implemented and absorbed by him.

Finally, after everyone had expressed their opinions, Liu Ke finally made a decision.

"Everything you say is reasonable. But I can't accept everything unconditionally. That would make things messy.

Therefore, I will implement it with the most effective strategy.

All the generals listen to the order, Lu Bu, I and your [-] troops will rush to Dasan Pass and garrison with Zilong.

Liu Bei sent troops to Guanxia to challenge you, and you fought against them.

If Liu Bei attacks the pass, there will be strict defense there. In short, there is only one sentence, don't go out too deep at will. "

Generals Lu Bu and Zhao Yun took orders immediately.

Dasan Pass has [-] troops stationed, even if Liu Bei's main force comes, it is absolutely impossible to break through in a short time.

"Ma Chao, I will send you back to Si County immediately, and lead the [-] troops there west out of Longguan, passing through Long County and Lueyang to the south to directly threaten Shanggu.

If my predictions are correct, General Zhang He should be approaching Chengji recently.

When you arrive, immediately meet him with my handwritten letter, and gather him to go south together.

After taking down Shanggu, they directly marched towards Wudu County, trying to eat the entire Wudu County in one go.

In this way, we can not only block Xia Houyuan's retreat, but also threaten Liu Bei in Hanzhong on the flank.

It can be said to kill three birds with one stone! "

The southeast of Wudu County bordered Hanzhong originally, and as long as it passed Yangping Pass, it could directly enter the Hanzhong Plain.

So Liu Ke's move is tantamount to drawing salary from the bottom of the pot.

Liu Bei was afraid of offending Cao Cao before, causing internal cannibalism, which made Liu Ke easier.

Therefore, they have always adhered to the demarcation point of power between the two sides, and even now, they have never stepped into Wudu County belonging to Liangzhou.

Only as a last resort, did he enter the old path and confront Zhao Yun at Dasan Pass.

But Liu Ke didn't have so much psychological burden, he was already hostile to Cao Cao.

So entering his mainland, there is no psychological burden at all.

Not only not, Liu Ke even thought about taking it as his own.

After listening to Liu Ke's arrangement, the officials left and burst into cheers.

Even the leading advisers have to admit that His Majesty's arrangement is indeed the best strategy to defeat the enemy.

Therefore, the generals began to prepare according to his arrangement.

Especially Lu Bu, led his troops straight to Dasan Pass.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It has been many days since Xiahouyuan arrived at Xiashikou, but he still failed to break through.

Today, he summoned the generals to discuss how to break through the danger.

Lieutenant General Zhu Ling took the lead and said: "General, the terrain of Xiashikou is difficult, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is really not easy to pass.

However, the last general heard that Liu Bei's army had also been dispatched, and Zhang Fei, the vanguard, had arrived at the old road, and was blocked by Zhao Yun from Dasan Pass.

It's better to contact Zhang Fei and echo each other, so that as long as one party breaks through, all the chess pieces will be alive! "

"Well! Wen Bo's words are not bad. It's just that Zhang Fei has a bad temper and has always been at odds with me. I wonder if I can agree?"

"Hehe, general, no matter how bad-tempered Zhang Fei is, he would have already lost his temper after being blocked in the Dasan Pass.

At this time, our army took the initiative to show favor, how could he not accept it?The last general is willing to take the initiative to go, saying that Zhang Fei will march together! "

Zhu Ling volunteered, and Xia Houyuan was very happy to see this, so he wrote a letter with his own hand.

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