It is stated that the two sides will march together and contain each other's strategy, and Zhu Ling will quietly take them to Zhang Fei's camp.

However, it is said that Zhang Fei has been unable to attack Dasan Pass for a long time during this period, and he has become more and more irritable.

It turned out that the prohibition order that Liu Bei repeatedly told him before was also forgotten, and he was drunk every day for the past few days.

Zhang Fei sent troops to the front of the pass to call for battle, but the defenders were naturally locked up, which also made Zhang Fei, who was drunk, start beating the soldiers again.

At this moment, Zhu Ling, disguised as a businessman, finally came to the old road quietly from the small road.

Before entering the city, he was immediately questioned by soldiers.After Zhu Ling revealed his identity, he was taken directly to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei said drunkenly, "Why did Xia Houyuan send you here?"

But Zhu Ling said with a smile: "One family doesn't talk about two families. This time, General Xiahou will send troops with General Zhang in the future."

"Hmph! I am under the tent of the King of Hanzhong, and you are under Cao Cao's subordinates. How can you say that you are a family!"

It can be seen that Zhang Fei is arrogant and doesn't bother to get close to him at all, so naturally he doesn't bother to join forces with him.

But Zhu Ling laughed out loud when he heard the words.

"General Zhang, although you and I are one of them, there is still a layer of kinship that cannot be let go.

In the past, the general married the Xiahou family, but the Xiahou family was raised by my general himself.

General, you said, this level of in-law relationship is absolutely inseparable! "

After Zhu Ling pointed it out, even Zhang Fei couldn't help but blush.

In fact, this is still an anecdote.

At that time, the Xiahou family, that is, Xiahouyuan's niece, was only fourteen years old.One day when he was out of the city to collect firewood, he was met by Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei then married her and did not know her specific identity until later.

Although it was done, Xia Houyuan couldn't pursue it anymore, so the two families became in-laws in a daze.

Now that Zhu Ling said it nakedly, Zhang Fei could only acquiesce.

Then Zhang Fei quickly changed the subject.

"Then I don't know what good strategy General Xiahou has?" Even the tone of his speech was much more polite this time.

After all, according to seniority, Xia Houyuan can be regarded as Zhang Fei's father-in-law.

Seeing this, Zhu Ling finally said seriously: "General Zhang, the distance between my general and your army is less than thirty miles.

But it was blocked by Zhao Yun's army, and neither side could advance an inch.On the one hand, it is because of dangers and barriers.

On the other hand, it is also because the two sides cannot cooperate to advance together, so that the enemy has no pressure.

Therefore, my general suggested that the two sides agree to launch a general offensive together in three days, so that Zhao Yun's army cannot look at each other from head to tail.

At that time, as long as any party breaks through the defense, Zhao Yun can be eliminated directly! "

Zhang Fei frowned immediately after hearing this, and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, his eyes finally brightened, and he said: "What Wen Bo said is exactly what I want. Please go back and tell your general.

Just say Zhang Fei, I agree, and after three days, attack Dasan Pass on a large scale and echo your army! "

Zhu Ling was very happy when he heard the words, and quickly returned to his command overnight.

The plan of the two sides was really good, but they still planned according to Zhao Yun's [-] army.

But it never occurred to him that Liu Ke's rescue force had already arrived.

There are not only [-] defenders at Dasan Pass, but Lv Bu's [-] troops have been supplemented, and there are a total of [-] people.

Liu Ke's main force also shifted to Xiashikou, waiting for Xia Houyuan to throw himself into the trap.

Three days later, Xia Houyuan and Zhang Fei's two armies really followed the agreement and launched a massive attack.

But it is said that at Dasan Pass, Zhang Fei was dressed neatly early, with dark clouds riding snow on his horse, and came to the pass to provoke him with a Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

"Son Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei from Yan is here, how dare you fight me for a hundred rounds?"

The sound was so loud that it reverberated throughout the pass.

If it was the past, Zhao Yun would naturally not easily fight.

But today is different.

Because Lu Bu's [-] reinforcements arrived just yesterday, and now there are [-] troops in the pass, there is no need to be afraid of Zhang Fei anymore.

In addition, Zhang Fei had repeatedly provoked and yelled before the pass, and the words he scolded were also filthy.

In fact, Zhao Yun was very angry a long time ago, and now he finally has a chance to let it out.

So, not long after Zhang Fei's shouts stopped, the closed door of Dasan Pass was finally slowly opened.

When Zhang Fei saw it, he secretly rejoiced and said, "Zhao Yun can't hold his breath at last, let's see how I beat the general today!"

I saw Zhao Yun sitting on a white horse, holding a bright silver gun, and a white helmet and armor, looking brave and handsome.

It is in stark contrast with Zhang Fei, whose face is like black charcoal, with leopard head and ring eyes.

After Zhang Fei saw the other party's dressing up, he felt three points of jealousy in his heart.

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