After Zhao Yun had set up his formation, he finally couldn't bear it, roared loudly and rushed over.

"Wow! Zhao Yun, take your life!"

In fact, this violent roar was also a means of attack by Zhang Fei.

Every time he rushed to the battle, he would suddenly burst out with deafening cries.

Some generals were caught off guard and panicked, but Zhang Fei could immediately seize the opportunity and stab them to death with a single spear.

However, this method is okay against ordinary soldiers.

Facing Zhao Yun, who has been on the battlefield for a long time but is still unscathed, he is useless.

Zhao Yun's eyes were fixed on Zhang Fei all the time, and he was not affected by the roar at all.

It wasn't until Zhang Fei rushed to attack that Zhao Yun immediately counterattacked.

The weapons of the two sides collided with each other in an instant, making a crisp sound.

Afterwards, the two fought together without any scruples.

Zhang Fei's attack is powerful and heavy, and the explosive period is extremely strong, and he will be broken by him if he is not careful.

But Zhao Yun also didn't give up much, although he was not as good as Zhang Fei in terms of strength.

However, his agility was very high. With his speed and agility, Zhang Fei fought for hundreds of rounds, but he was still tied.

Zhang Fei has excellent endurance and is good at fierce battles.

Therefore, even if he was unable to attack for a long time, he was still not in a hurry, and continued to fight with Zhao Yun, waiting for the opponent to show his flaws.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun fought from morning to noon, still tied.

The strength of the two sides also made the soldiers under their respective admiration, and they kept cheering for the main general.

But after such a long battle, even if the two were not tired, their mounts couldn't help panting.

Seeing this, the two had no choice but to put away their weapons and separated again.

"Zhao Yun, I wasn't afraid of you, I just saw that your mount was exhausted and you won't win by force.

The special retreat will give you the opportunity to go back and change horses. After half an hour, I will continue to wait for you here! "

Zhao Yun also replied: "Zhang Fei, let you go back and rest for a while, I vowed to kill you today!"

After each of them put down a harsh word, they went back to the camp separately.

The two sides were not convinced, so they quickly took advantage of this time to recuperate and prepare to gain the upper hand in a while.

At this time, one of Zhang Fei's generals quietly came up.

"General Ren Kui, what's the matter?" Zhang Fei was resting, and asked curiously when he saw the other party coming.

Ren Kui came to his side and whispered: "General, that Zhao Yun is unparalleled in bravery, and he won't fight for a long time. The last general is here to help the general!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei asked suspiciously, "How can we help?"

"When the general fights with him in the afternoon, the final general will use his own archery skills to secretly attack Zhao Yun with a cold arrow.

When he can't look at each other, the general will attack decisively, and he will surely stab Zhao Yun under his horse with a spear! "

"How unreasonable!" Zhang Fei suddenly yelled loudly.

He frowned tightly, and said furiously: "Could it be that you think I'm not as good as Zhao Yun, and you need to use cold arrows to win?

How can such a small trick be used by generals? "

You know, apart from Liu Bei and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei has always been dissatisfied with everyone.

If Zhao Yun had to rely on his subordinates to sneak in cold arrows to win against Zhao Yun, then he would lose all his face.

So when Zhang Fei heard it, he immediately rejected Ren Kui's proposal and scolded him loudly.

However, Ren Kui was not frightened by being reprimanded because of the wrong flattery.

Instead, he continued to lean forward and said: "The general's bravery, how can the last general not know. Even if he fights alone, he can definitely kill Zhao Yun.

It's just that the last general is thinking, this time sending troops to fight Zhao Yun is only second, how to break through the dangerous pass and enter the pass is the most important thing.

Besides, our army has been trapped here by Zhao Yun for more than half a month, and the king's army is about to arrive.

If the king sees that I still haven't made any progress, I'm afraid I will be dissatisfied by then..."

Speaking of this, Ren Kui didn't continue talking.

Because he saw that Zhang Fei's face had gradually softened, and finally fell into deep thought.

Ren Kui understood that it seemed that he had already persuaded the other party.

Sure enough, Zhang Fei finally said after a while: "Oh! General Ren Kui's words are good. Thanks for reminding me.

Otherwise, Ben would almost lose his priorities.Breaking through the level is the most important thing now, and everything else is secondary.

That being the case, in the afternoon, you will act according to the camera. If the plan is really successful, General Ren Kui will be the first to break through! "

When Ren Kui heard this, he was very excited and quickly got up to express his gratitude.

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