He has always been self-confident, so naturally he doesn't think that he is so weak.

Moreover, Ren Kui's analysis estimated that the person who came was Zhao Yun's subordinate.

So he thought that the strength of the other party would not be too strong, and he was just entangled, so it should be fine.

Ren Kui's confidence immediately increased when he thought that after breaking through the barrier, he would be the first.

Lu Bu's red rabbit horse was extremely fast, and it had arrived in the blink of an eye.

When he saw the person who had secretly shot the cold arrow just now stand in front of his eyes, he rushed forward unceremoniously.

Seeing Lu Bu arriving, Ren Kui said proudly, "Who is here? My Ren Kui sword will not kill the unknown!"

But Lu Bu didn't bother to answer at all, and directly stabbed out with a long halberd.

Seeing this, Ren Kui was furious.

"The thief general is so arrogant, how dare he look down on me? Watch me take him down!"

While talking to himself, Ren Kui brandished a big knife and slashed at it.

However, what made him extremely horrified was that Fang Tian's painting halberd from the opponent went straight to his heart.

Even in the face of a big knife, it is still unstoppable.

Seeing his bravery, Ren Kui had no choice but to return to defense.

However, he underestimated Lu Bu's strength.

Lu Bu was already brave, plus the impact provided by sitting on the red rabbit horse.

Ren Kui's intuition flashed in front of his eyes, and Fang Tian's painting halberd had already broken through his defenses and pierced directly into his chest.

Then Lu Bu suddenly used both arms to lift him off the horse.

Until now, Lu Bu finally looked down at Ren Kui who was struggling on the ground and said, "I am Lu Fengxian, Marquis of Wen!"

When Ren Kui who got off the horse heard it, a horrified expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Afterwards, he was too seriously injured to struggle anymore, and finally passed away, but the panic still remained on his face.

Everything happened so fast, in the eyes of outsiders, Lu Bu just rushed over.

Just like facing an immovable scarecrow, Ren Kui will be dealt with in one face-to-face without any obstacles.

It was only at this moment that Zhang Fei saw the situation here.

Seeing that Ren Kui was killed, he was furious.

But when he saw the murderer's face clearly, he was instantly stunned.

"Lu... Lu Bu?!"

Zhang Fei had an expression of disbelief, no matter what, he never thought that Lu Bu would appear here.

You know, Zhang Fei is confident that he can defeat Zhao Yun.

But facing Lu Bu, even if he was as arrogant as Zhang Fei, he would feel ashamed.

However, Lu Bu was equally arrogant and would not do anything to attack Zhao Yun.

But just standing by the side, Zhang Fei had to set aside [-]% of his strength for defense.

In this way, Zhao Yun, who was fighting with him, gradually gained the upper hand.

In the end, Zhang Fei became more and more despondent, and finally couldn't stand it anymore, and brandished the Zhangba Snake Spear.

With a feint, he quickly fled back to the main formation.

After fighting for so long, Zhao Yun was already exhausted, so naturally he didn't have the strength to continue catching up.

But Lu Bu didn't bother to take advantage of others, so Zhang Fei escaped with a chance.

When he fled back to the main formation, Lv Bu shouted loudly: "You reckless man, with this general here, you don't want to take a step into the pass!

If you are sensible, you should flee back to Yizhou immediately!Ha ha ha ha……"

Such a naked provocation made Zhang Fei furious.

But Zhang Fei has not lost his mind yet, knowing that with Zhao Yun and Lu Bu here, it is absolutely impossible for him to win.

Therefore, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops and returned to the camp again.

Since then, Xia Houyuan and Zhang Fei's plan to march together has been completely declared bankrupt.

After Zhang Fei went back, he was very puzzled.

Obviously only Zhao Yun is guarding the pass, why did Lu Bu suddenly appear again?

Because he had heard before that Lu Bu had long followed Liu Ke to fight Cao Cao at Yiju.

Suddenly appearing now, could it be that Cao Cao has been defeated and Liu Keqin led the army to come to support?

If this is the case, Zhang Fei will have no chance of winning if he tries to break through.

However, he still had some doubts in his heart, and even thought that Lu Bu might just be sent to support him, so he doubted himself.

So on the second day, Zhang Fei led his troops to Dasan Pass again.

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