But this time he didn't call for a duel, but launched an attack directly.

During this period of time, Zhang Fei has built many siege equipment, and today he used them all at once.

Zhang Fei led a total of [-] troops this time, and rushed up together under his instructions.

Although the Great Sanctuary is dangerous, it is impossible to allow the opponent to attack.

Seeing that the enemy had already sounded the alarm after shutting down the defenders, Lu Bu and Zhao Yun rushed to the top of the city and began to defend.

Zhang Fei had siege equipment, so why didn't Zhao Yun respond?

Rolling stone wood, strong oil and golden juice, all kinds of methods are available, and Zhang Fei's army suffered heavy losses.

Zhang Fei came to the scene to direct, but it was still impossible to succeed.

Instead, he was constantly killed and wounded by the opponent, and finally had no choice but to withdraw his troops and return.

He also saw the opponent's strength from this attack.

Zhang Fei understood that after Lv Bu's army arrived, his plan to storm Dasan Pass could only be declared bankrupt.

The only way to continue the attack is to retreat for the time being and wait for the main force of the eldest brother and second brother to arrive.

Since then, Zhang Fei was finally appointed and completely returned to the old way.

The threat before the Great Sanctuary finally completely disappeared.

On the other side of Xiashikou, a fierce battle is also being staged.

It was Zhao Yun and Cheng Yu who were originally stationed at Chencang.

While Zhao Yun rushed to Dashanguan to guard against Zhang Fei, Cheng Yu was sent to Xiashikou to command the battle here.

Although Cheng Yu is only a Confucian scholar, he cannot mount a horse and fight.

But he was courageous and resourceful, and he was not inferior to others in the slightest, and blocked the guards at Xiashikou.

Xia Houyuan had attacked many times in a row before, but still couldn't make an inch.

After he made an agreement with Zhang Fei this time, he attacked again desperately.

The army that Xia Houyuan brought this time is all the most elite soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Therefore, under his desperate attack, the defenders of Xiashikou finally began to loosen.

Seeing this, Xia Houxuan couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly ordered the whole army to march out, and it seemed that they were about to break through the defenders at Xiashikou.

At this moment, the reinforcements sent by Liu Ke finally arrived.

"Xiahou'er, Huang Zhong is here!"

I saw a sixty-year-old veteran with white beard and hair riding a fiery red war horse on his lap, calling it Liaoyuanhuo.

He rushed towards Xia Houyuan's army with lightning speed.

Under Huang Zhong's brandishing of the cirrus knife in his hand, he continuously harvested the heads of Xiahou's army.

Under Huang Zhong's leadership, the defenders immediately gained momentum.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huang Zhong's divine soldiers descended from the sky, appeared just as Xiashikou was about to break, and finally repelled Xia Houyuan's army at the last moment.

Xia Houyuan returned to the Taoist camp, furious.

"Old man Huang Zhong, how dare you spoil my good deeds! I will swear to kill you tomorrow!"

The cooked duck flew away, and Xia Houyuan scolded anxiously while walking in the tent.

When the generals saw this, they knew that he was in a fit of anger, and no one dared to go forward to persuade him.

It was not until Zhu Ling returned that he finally spoke.

"General, don't worry. If we can't do it today, our army can continue to attack tomorrow!"

"Wen Bo, it's easy for you to say, but Huang Zhong's sudden appearance with troops means that reinforcements from the other side have arrived.

I'm afraid it won't be as easy as before! "

Although Xia Houyuan has a bad temper, his eyes are very vicious.

Seeing today's situation, I guessed it right away.

Huang Zhong led an army of [-] this time, and combined with Cheng Yu's [-], his strength has surpassed that of Xia Houyuan.

And the opponent is still the defender, Xia Houyuan is even more embarrassed as the attacker.

At this time, the news of Cao Cao's defeat had not yet come, so Xia Houyuan didn't know about it yet.

The task Cao Cao assigned to him before was to take the opportunity to break into the pass and respond to Cao Cao's army.

So Xia Houyuan could only continue to follow the previous plan.

On the second day, he continued to storm Xiashikou, but after reinforcements arrived, the defenders were finally completely stabilized.

The one-day attack not only failed to achieve any gains, but also caused Xia Houyuan to lose his army and generals, and he had no choice but to return again.

But on the third day, Huang Zhong was no longer limited to defending in the pass, and even took the initiative to come out to fight.

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