Seeing this, Xia Houyuan was overjoyed, and immediately rushed to fight with him.

Unexpectedly, although Huang Zhong is old, his strength is still there, the two fought for a hundred rounds, and they still couldn't beat him.

Xia Houyuan was shocked, just as Huang Zhong's reinforcements arrived, he was so frightened that he had no choice but to retreat again.

For three consecutive days, there was no result at all.

Xia Houyuan could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and after the fourth day, he attacked recklessly, and the battle was very tragic.

At this time, the battle situation at Dasan Pass finally reached Xiahouyuan's camp.

Originally, Xia Houyuan and Zhang Fei made an appointment to attack together.

Zhang Fei was repelled by the opponent and had no choice but to retreat, but in order to preserve his reputation, he also sent someone to deliver a letter to Xia Houyuan.

It wasn't until now that Xia Houyuan was sure that Liu Ke's army might have all gone south.

Otherwise, how to explain the sudden appearance of Lu Bu, Huang Zhong and others.

They are all generals under Liu Ke, and they had a decisive battle with King Wei in Yiju before.

Thinking of this, Xia Houyuan's face suddenly changed drastically.

"Could it be, is the king still defeated? Otherwise, how dare Liu Ke go south so easily?"

The more Xia Houyuan thought about it, the more wrong he became, but because it was far away from Yiju, there was no way to prove it for a while.

However, Xia Houyuan thought that General Cao Ren had been stationed in Long County, so maybe he could get some news from him.

So he immediately sent people to rush to Long County overnight.

But what Xia Houyuan didn't know was that Cao Ren, who was now in Long County, was too busy to take care of himself.

Ever since he was defeated by Ma Chao, he dared not hold out, guarding Longguan and preventing the opponent from going west.

However, after defeating Cao Cao's main force, Zhang Yun went south from Wushi, and his first target was Cao Ren.

Zhang He's army was as powerful as a broken bamboo, and even went down to Jieting and Lueyang, and the soldiers approached Long County.

When the people sent by Xia Houyuan to inquire about information arrived, Cao Ren had just fought a battle with Zhang He, and he was disheartened.

"General Lu Zhao, why are you here?" Cao Ren was very curious when he saw the sudden Lu Zhao.

Lu Zhao hurriedly told what happened to Xia Houyuan on the Weishui side.

When Cao Ren heard this, his expression changed drastically.

In fact, Cao Ren had guessed a thing or two about Zhang He's army going south.

Now that he heard that Huang Zhong and Lu Bu had all rushed to the Chencang area, Cao Ren felt a bad premonition.

"Lu Zhao general, and I will fight Zhang Xi tomorrow with this general. I will know when I ask the two armies before the battle."

He wasn't sure, so he had to leave his way for now.

Originally, Lu Zhao came to ask Cao Ren for support, but now seeing that the other party was also trapped in the enemy's army, he had no choice but to agree.

On the second day, Zhang He sent troops to attack again, and the two sides encountered each other at the city of Longxian.

"Cao Ren, the lord of your family has already been defeated by me, why don't you surrender the city quickly?"

"Stop talking nonsense. The king of Wei is so powerful, how can you compare to him? To trick me into giving up the city, this plan is really low-level!"

Cao Ren retorted unceremoniously.

Zhang Xi knew that the other party didn't believe him, but he was not in a hurry, but sent someone to push someone out from behind.

He has used this method to win several cities, and today he plans to repeat the same trick again.

"Man, who do you think this is?" Zhang He pointed his gun at the man under the horse and shouted towards the city.

Cao Ren lowered his head to observe carefully, and his face changed drastically in an instant.

Because he recognized the identity of the person who was tied up at a glance.

Not only him, but even Lu Zhao on the side also recognized it.

This person was naturally Shi Huan, the Central Guard who was captured by Zhang Xi after he was cut off from behind.

On that day, Shi Huan replaced Cao Zhang and blocked the pursuers.

Although covering Cao Cao's successful escape, he was also captured alive.

One must know that Shi Huan's identity is not trivial.

Although his position is not high, he is Cao Cao's Central Guard Army, also known as the security captain.

Therefore, Shi Huan has been with Cao Cao all year round, and now he is captured, so the meaning it represents is self-evident.

It was precisely by taking advantage of Shi Huan's status that Zhang He took advantage of several cities successfully.

Shi Huan wanted to die for a while, but the other party guarded him so strictly that he didn't even have the chance to commit suicide.

Seeing Cao Ren now, he immediately shouted: "General Cao Ren, Shi Huan is incompetent, please shoot me!"

When Shi Huan opened his mouth, he naturally confirmed his identity even more.

Seeing his grief and indignation, Cao Ren couldn't help asking, "Gong Liu, where is Shang Wang?"

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