"Your majesty has returned to Jincheng safely, don't worry about it, general, please give me a good time, general, and don't let me be humiliated here!"

However, after Cao Ren heard Shi Huan's words, he was even more shocked.

Although the other party didn't say it clearly, Cao Ren understood that when King Wei returned to Jincheng, he probably retreated only after his defeat.

In this way, the fact that Liu Ke's army all went south can be explained.

Seeing Shi Huan's appearance, Cao Ren was furious.

"Mr. Zhang He, how dare you insult Gong Liu like this, I, Cao Ren, swear to kill you!"

Then a fierce battle broke out between the two sides again.

Although Cao Ren was furious and had a strong will to fight, but Zhang Yun had no choice but to take advantage of the large number of people.

In the end, the battle lasted until the evening before both sides withdrew their troops.

That night, after bidding farewell to Cao Ren, Lu Zhao hurried back to Xia Houyuan to report the situation.

When Xia Houyuan heard the news that Cao Cao had retreated, his face also changed suddenly, and finally he retreated overnight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao had already retreated to Jincheng, and Xia Houyuan immediately understood his situation.

According to the strategy at the time, it was originally Cao Cao who attracted the opponent's main force in Yiju, and Xia Houyuan took the opportunity to raid Chang'an.

Now that Cao Cao was defeated and Liu Ke went south, Xia Houyuan naturally lost the meaning of continuing to march.

He doesn't have many soldiers and horses in his hands, and he doesn't have many expensive elites. They are all prepared for surprise attacks.

If it is head-to-head, it is impossible to be the opponent of Liu Ke's main force.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan withdrew his troops very decisively, returned to the upstream with a face, and finally stopped in Linwei City.

Xia Houyuan's fighting sense is very keen, he has already thought of it.

At this moment, Cao Cao was defeated, so Liu Ke's army going south is likely to continue westward and encroach on Liangzhou.

Naturally, the first to bear the brunt are Hanyang County and Wudu County, which are next to each other.

Among them, Liu Ke and Zhang Fei are in a stalemate in the old way. As long as Zhang Fei is undefeated, it is impossible for Liu Ke to enter Wudu County.

So now speaking, the most dangerous place belongs to Hanyang County.

In the north, Zhang He led his army southward and fought fiercely with Cao Ren in Long County.

After he retreats to the east, Huang Zhong will definitely take the opportunity to march and invade Liangzhou along the Wei River.

Therefore, the city of Linwei where Xia Houyuan was stationed was the first stop for the opponent to enter Liangzhou.

So Xia Houyuan made up his mind to block the opponent's westward army here.

After all, he was blocked at Xiashikou, failed to invade Guanzhong, threatened Chang'an, and could still evade the defeat of the other army.

There was no point in continuing the raid.

But if the opponent breaks through his defense and takes the opportunity to capture the land and city of Liangzhou, then Xia Houyuan can't justify it.

Therefore, after arriving in Linwei City, Xia Houyuan immediately started to build fortifications, determined to defend the place.

Sure enough, the next day Huang Zhong saw that Xia Houyuan had not come to attack the city for a long time, so he quickly sent someone to check.

Seeing that Xia Houyuan had retreated, Huang Zhong immediately chased him out without hesitation, and finally took the opportunity to regain the area previously occupied by him.

It was not until the junction of Liangzhou that Huang Zhongcai finally ordered the pursuit to stop.

Because the mission he was given before was to block Xia Houyuan's attack, and now he has even regained the lost ground, which is far beyond the mission.

If you continue to march again, you must report to Liu Ke and get consent.

So Huang Zhong hurriedly sent someone back to report, and at the same time, Chen Bing did not move at the junction.

When Liu Ke arranged that day, Huang Zhong was defending at the front line, and there was also a group of soldiers and horses bypassing this place to make a surprise attack from other places.

The leader of this route is Ma Chao. According to Liu Ke's arrangement, he traveled day and night and finally arrived at Longguan.

At this moment, Cao Ren was fighting Zhang Yun in Long County, fifty miles away from Longguan.

On the contrary, there are few major generals in Longguan, and they are defenseless.

Therefore, Ma Chao just made a small plan to win this pass on the same day and enter Liangzhou in one fell swoop.

Zhang He went south along the road from Jieting, and finally arrived at the road west of Long County.

After breaking through Longguan, Ma Chao approached on the road east of Longxian County, and finally set up camp at Qinting.

The Qin Pavilion is ten miles east of Long County, and it is still owned by Cao Ren at this moment, guarded by the general Xue Hong.

Xue Hong was a general, and in order to show his loyalty, he worked very hard in everything.

This also gradually gained Cao Ren's trust, and he entrusted Qin Ting to guard him.

After all, Zhang Xi attacked from the west, and the Qin Pavilion in the east was the least affected.

Cao Ren originally planned to send the Qin Pavilion defenders to attack with him when the opponent's offensive was exhausted.

In this way, Zhang Yun's army will be defeated.

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