So Xue Hong was stationed thereafter, even though the fighting in Long County was very fierce.

Without instructions, he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only concentrate on waiting for Cao Ren's signal.

On this day, Xue Hong came to the city again to observe the battle situation in Long County.

But suddenly he found that a large army was rushing to the east of him, and he came to the city in a blink of an eye.

Xue Hong came to the east gate, looked down, and couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out that Xue Hong had fought several battles with Ma Chao with Cao Ren before.

Therefore, the identity of the visitor was recognized from the military flag.

After Cao Ren was defeated and retreated to Longguan, Ma Chao did not pursue, but went directly north.

Unexpectedly, after so many days, the other party appeared in his own city again.

"Listen to the defenders of the city, I am the Hussar General of the Han Dynasty, under the command of Ma Chao, the Marquis of Xixiang.

Cao Cao fought against the imperial court and was destroyed.Hope Er waits for the wrong way to return, and surrenders early, so as not to lose his life! "

Ma Chao didn't even bother to attack, because he saw how small the city was.

I believe that just by relying on my own words, I can scare the other party to open the door and beg for mercy.

If it was elsewhere in the past, the guard would have surrendered obediently after hearing the call.

But I don't want to meet today's old opponent Xue Hong.

I saw Xue Hong replied unceremoniously: "Mr. Ma Chao, with this general here, you can never succeed!

Attack if you have the ability, but it is absolutely impossible for the general to surrender without fighting! "

Xue Hong didn't show mercy to Ma Chao at all. Immediately after shouting, all arrows were fired, shooting the messenger Ma Chao summoned into a hedgehog.

Seeing this, Ma Chao was furious, and immediately began to attack the city!

Qinting was originally a small city, how could it be able to withstand Ma Chao's [-] troops?

In just one morning, the city was breached by the army.

Xue Hong had no choice but to flee with his troops.

But he didn't expect that Ma Chao had been waiting for a long time on his way back to the west.

"My man, do you recognize me, Ma Mengqi?"

Ma Chao sat down on the flying sand, holding a dragon riding sharp spear, and was single-handedly lying in the middle of the road.

Seeing this, Xue Hong turned pale with shock.

But when he saw that there was no one around Ma Chao, he was the only one left.

Suddenly angry to the heart, evil to the gut, sneered: "Ma Chao, who do you think you are? Can you single-handedly stop my army?"

"Hmph! Can you stop it? Come here and try it!"

Ma Chao looked calm, and he didn't take Xue Hong seriously.

Xue Hong is very sensitive, and the most in his life he can't stand others looking down on him.

Now that Ma Chao is so defiant, Xue Hong can't take it anymore.

Seeing that he was furious, he rushed over immediately.

What Xue Hong wanted was to take the lead, and his subordinates would rush forward and directly surround Ma Chao.

Not only can it break through the opponent's block, it is even possible to capture it and threaten the opponent's army to retreat.

It's just that Xue Hong had a good imagination, but the soldiers under his command failed to respond immediately.

It wasn't until he had rushed out that some scattered followed.

Xue Hong was not polite, and directly slashed at Ma Chao.

Ma Chao was not afraid at all, but let out a low voice: "Good time!"

Xue Hong's big knife was about to slash, but suddenly his eyes blurred, and Ma Chao disappeared.

Ma Chao held the rein with his left hand, leaned back and slid directly to the side of the horse.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xue Hong's broadsword fell, but cut an empty space.

Relying on his superb riding skills, Ma Chao even hid in the horse's belly and avoided his attack.

Just when Xue Hong was slightly taken aback, Ma Chao suddenly jumped out again.

A dragonrider's sharp spear suddenly stabbed out, Xue Hong was caught off guard, and was stabbed in the lower abdomen.

He let out a loud cry of pain and quickly backed away, thus avoiding the fate of instant death.

But the abdomen was already bleeding, and Xue Hong couldn't lift his strength.

When Ma Chao gained power, he took advantage of Xue Hong's injury and immediately rushed forward to finish him off.

This time Xue Hong really appreciated Ma Chao's strength.

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