Seeing his youth before, he still looked down upon him, but now he realizes how confused he was at that time.

Therefore, when Xue Hong saw Ma Chao charging again, he quickly turned his horse's head and fled in the direction of Long County.

As for the deserters brought by Xue Hong, no one dared to go forward after being so frightened, they all scattered like birds and beasts.

Xue Hong rode his horse galloping forward, no longer caring about anyone, just looking for a chance to escape.

However, he still underestimated Ma Chao.

Seeing him running away, Ma Chao immediately went to chase him.

When Xue Hong heard the movement, he was frightened and beat the whip continuously, urging the horse to the fastest speed.

However, what Xue Hong rides is just an ordinary horse.

Although the potential of the whole body is stimulated by Xue Hong, it is limited by its own ability, and it is not as good as Ma Chao sitting in the BMW and flying sand.

I saw that Ma Chao's horse was getting closer and closer to Xue Hong even without using all its strength.

When Xue Hong heard the sound of horseshoes approaching behind him, his expression changed drastically from the same fright.

Suddenly, Xue Hong heard a shout, as if it came from his ear.

"Everyone, take your life!"

Xue Hong turned his head subconsciously, but saw a cold light flying from behind, which was the tip of Ma Chao's dragon rider.

Before he could react, he was shot in the throat.

Unable to even utter a word, he fell off his horse with a bang.

The horse under him was pushed tightly by Xue Hong. Even though Xue Hong had fallen off the horse, he continued to run desperately, and finally disappeared into the distance.

After Ma Chao dealt with Xue Hong, he slowly returned to Qinting.

At this moment, Qin Ting has already been completely taken down.

The original Cao army was also attacked and killed by generals such as Ma Dai and Pound, and they died and surrendered.

Seeing Ma Chao's return, the generals immediately stepped forward to report the results of the battle.

The price paid for attacking Qin Ting this time is very small.

These Cao troops were scared of being beaten by Ma Chao before, and they were almost defeated at the first touch, and they did not bring much loss to Ma Chaojun at all.

Therefore, Ma Chao is also very happy.

Announced loudly: "The soldiers have worked hard. Rest here for the night today, and march again tomorrow!"

When the soldiers heard this, they immediately burst into cheers.

Qinting was less than fifteen miles away from Longxian County, and Ma Chao had already heard that Zhang Xi's army was approaching the city.

So even if we go again tomorrow, we won't miss the opportunity to get away from Cao Ren.

But that night, Xue Hong's mount went to the city of Long County by itself, and was finally captured by the defenders.

The defenders didn't take it seriously at first, but when they searched the horse, they found General Xue Hong's token beside the saddle.

Everyone knew that it was a big deal, and hurriedly brought the horse to Cao Ren.

Cao Ren took a look and instantly recognized that this horse was the mount he had given to Xue Hong earlier.

But when he saw the horse but no man, Cao Ren's heart skipped a beat, thinking something was wrong.

He hurriedly sent people out of the east gate to investigate, and finally saw Qin Ting's fleeing army.

After inquiring, Cao Ren finally knew that Qin Ting had been captured by Ma Chao.

The news shocked Cao Ren, and he summoned everyone to discuss countermeasures.

But it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and Cao Ren only has [-] soldiers and horses under his command.

Facing Zhang Yun's [-] army, it was already stretched.

Now another Ma Chao came, which made him even more uncertain.

Especially Cao Ren's army was defeated by Ma Chao the day before yesterday, and now the army has an indescribable fear of Ma Chao.

"Everyone, how should we respond to the invasion of the two armies of Ma Chao and Zhang Yun? Everyone can speak freely."

Cao Ren spoke, but no one answered.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, with a look of horror.

In fact, the thoughts in everyone's minds are to abandon the city and flee before the other party arrives before signing up.

But who would dare to say such morale-damaging words?

I'm afraid that after speaking out, the first person to be beheaded is himself.

As a result, everyone had no choice but to remain silent.

Cao Ren glanced away, and seeing that everyone behaved like this, he already guessed three points in his heart.

But the other party can say that abandoning the city, as the main general, it is absolutely impossible for him to do so.

At this time, Cao Ren saw that Cao Tai hesitated to speak, so he took the initiative to ask.

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