"Tai'er, do you have a good plan to defeat the enemy?"

When Cao Tai heard this, he quickly replied: "Father, although the enemy is powerful, if they invade our Liangzhou territory, they will definitely cause great disturbance to the people.

This has lost the harmony of people; our army is fighting on the mainland, the city is strong and the pool is deep, and it occupies a favorable location.

In this way, the third benefit is already the second, and the advantage should have been mine.Therefore, Hai'er suggested that we should take the initiative to fight and defend with the strong city.

If the enemy is unable to attack for a long time, morale will inevitably be greatly reduced. Coupled with long-distance combat, the sergeant will be homesick.

At that time, as long as you lead a light cavalry to attack, the enemy will surely chaos without fighting! "

"En! Tai'er's words are so reasonable that even my father can't stand him!" Cao Ren nodded in satisfaction after hearing this.

If there was anyone on the field who could be of the same mind as Cao Ren, it would probably be his biological son Cao Tai.

So Cao Tai also had to take the initiative to speak up to break the fear of the enemy in the hearts of other soldiers.

The two sang together, but it did change some people's minds.

At this time, someone said: "General, although our army is superior in numbers, all the surrounding cities are under our command.

The counties of Lueyang, Xianqin, Qingshui, Xinyang, Shangying, and Linwei are all under our army's command.

All the counties needed was a letter, and no matter how many people Zhang He and Ma Chao had, they would surely be doomed! "

This time, Cao Ren was finally persuaded.

Cao Ren rejoiced and said, "Okay! The other side wants to rely on the strength of their numbers to attack, so I'll let them have a look.

On our territory in Liangzhou, is it his Ma Chao who has the most soldiers, or ours?

Wang Canjun, this general ordered you to bring this general's token and your own letter to the above-mentioned counties to mobilize manpower.

When the king came, he ordered the general to supervise the soldiers and horses of Hanyang and Wudu counties. If anyone delays, the military law will do it! "

The Wang Canjun who was called by Cao Ren hurriedly took orders, and then respectfully took the letter and token from Cao Ren.

The matter was urgent, and he didn't dare to stay, so he quietly left the city that night and rushed towards Lueyang.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After dawn, Ma Chao's army finally set off from Qinting and rushed towards Long County.

And Zhang Yun's army came to the city of Long County again from the station.

The two armies flanked each other from left to right, and they unexpectedly converged under the city at the same time.

Seeing the army coming from the opposite direction, Zhang He was worried about Cao Jun's reinforcements, so he immediately stopped attacking and sent people to investigate.

After seeing this, they were pleasantly surprised to find that the visitors turned out to be Ma Chao's army.

"General Meng Qi, I didn't expect you to come!" Zhang He said excitedly.

"The two armies of Liu Bei and Xia Houyuan invaded Chen Cang. Your Majesty went south to retreat the enemy and decided to deal with the threat from Liangzhou first.

Then free up your hands to fight Liu Bei wholeheartedly.And this time I was sent to march from Longguan to cooperate with the general to retreat from the enemy! "

Hearing this, Zhang He couldn't help sighing: "Your Majesty has far-sighted plans, and I can't wait.

Now that the two armies are about to converge, let's deal with Cao Ren in Long County first, and go south to attack Xiahouyuan immediately! "

Hearing this, Ma Chao nodded with a smile and said, "What General Junyi said is exactly what I want!"

Immediately after the meeting, the two sides began to attack from two directions.

Cao Ren had expected the opponent's attack to be fierce, but he didn't expect that the opponent would use all his strength as soon as he came up.

Because the opponent wanted to deal with Cao Ren as soon as possible before he could pull out his hand to repel Xia Houyuan.

Naturally, it was impossible to continue the stalemate for a long time. Cao Ren's army fell into a hard fight in an instant when the army marched together.

Even though Cao Ren was good at defense, he gradually showed his weakness in the face of a strong attack several times his own.

Therefore, Cao Ren mobilized all the power in his hands, and even under his instigation, the other party except the residents in Long County came to invade.

In order to defend their homeland, they were also instigated by Cao Ren, and rushed to the top of the city to guard.

The siege battle lasted for a whole day from morning to night, and Ma Chao and Zhang Yun finally called back their troops.

Although no substantial breakthrough has been made today, it has also caused great damage to Cao Jun in the city.

More importantly, it caused a great shock to their spirits.

Therefore, Ma Chao believed that within three days, Long County would be destroyed!

And this is also because Ma Chao and Zhang He marched in a hurry this time, and they came in a hurry, and none of them had prepared siege equipment.

If there is a powerful boulder cannon, Ma Chao is even confident that he can break through the city.

However, breaking through a city in three days is actually very fast.

Moreover, in Hanyang County, there are only two major resistance forces, Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan.

So Ma Chao believed that as long as Cao Ren was defeated, Xia Houyuan's downfall would be certain.

After the defeat of these two armies, the entire Hanyang and Wudu counties will be invincible, and no one will dare to resist.

Therefore, this war is not only to take down Long County, but also to kill chickens and monkeys to deter other counties.

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