At dawn the next day, the siege began again.

This time Ma Chao and Zhang Yun's offensive was stronger than yesterday's. The defenders immediately felt more pressure, and the casualties naturally increased for a while.

With such tragic casualties, even Cao Ren couldn't sit still.

All the generals, even the military ranks, were dragged to the top of the city to defend by Cao Ren.

Cao Ren even went directly to the east city and personally commanded and defended the offensive of Ma Chao's army.

Cao Tai, Gao Qian and other generals were sent by him to Xicheng to defend against Zhang He's attack.

I saw Cao Ren constantly wandering above the city wall, and he rushed to support whichever side was in trouble.

Driven by him, the morale of the defenders has improved.

Finally, Ma Chao's attack was repelled again, and all the enemy troops who climbed the city wall were driven off.

However, Ma Chao's army is brave and good at fighting, with a large number of people.

Even though the defenders have repelled many times, they still cannot prevent more troops from attacking.

On the other hand, those defenders gradually fell into exhaustion, and each of them was injured, and almost none of them were intact.

Even Cao Ren himself was injured by Liu Ya and shot in the arm during the process of directing the retreat of the enemy just now.

Even so, Cao Ren was still slightly injured and couldn't get out of the front line. He simply bandaged him and continued to hold on to the city wall.

His spirit also drove all the defenders to fight against the enemy, and once again gritted their teeth and persisted.

The scene at the west city gate was equally tragic. Gao Qian was shot in the chest by an arrow, but fortunately his subordinates tried their best to save him.

Cao Tai was also stabbed several times in the hand-to-hand battle, and was covered in blood.

However, with Cao Jun's desperate persistence, he finally survived another day, and finally died down again in the evening.

However, Cao Ren's tent was filled with despair.

After two days of fighting, one-third of the defenders have been lost, and the rest are all wounded and exhausted.

The subordinates even started to complain.

"Wang Canjun went out to ask for reinforcements, why didn't he come back? Could it be that he ran away by himself when he saw the enemy's strength?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" People who have a good relationship with Wang Canjun immediately scolded: "Wang Canjun is a benevolent person, how can you slander him?

Hugh can measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain! "

"Hmph, I'm just guessing, why are you so furious? Could it be that you were hit by a sore spot?

When defending the city today, the area you were in charge of was repeatedly breached by the enemy, maybe you have reached some kind of ulterior secret with the other party! "

The man still fired back unceremoniously.

"Prince, dare you?" The other party was furious at what he said, and he was about to draw his sword, and the others hurried forward to persuade him.

But in this way, everyone said something, and I said something, and the big tent fell into a quarrel in an instant.

In fact, it is not that everyone is not united, but that the situation at this moment inevitably makes people feel desperate.

At this time, a little spark will instantly detonate the powder keg that is about to explode at any time.

"No reason!"

Suddenly a loud noise resounded through the big tent, instantly suppressing everyone's voices.

Everyone subconsciously looked there, and saw that Cao Ren, who was in the main seat, was furious, and even smashed the case in front of him with a palm.

The chief general was furious, and no one dared to speak out anymore, and the tent was instantly silent.

Cao Ren angrily glanced at the crowd, frightened those people and quickly lowered their heads to avoid Cao Ren's gaze, not daring to look directly at him.

At this time, Cao Rencai finally shouted angrily: "When you encounter a little difficulty and start attacking each other, how can you achieve great things like this?

At such a time, the generals should support each other and unite against the enemy.I believe that Wang Canjun is a man, and reinforcements will arrive tomorrow.

Everyone go back to rest earlier, and when the reinforcements arrive tomorrow, attack back and forth, and defeat the enemy together!

If there is another person who attacks his fellow robes, he will be cut without mercy! "

The stern voice instantly made everyone tremble with fright.

Although Cao Ren is usually generous and considerate of his subordinates.

But in wartime, he has strict laws and regulations, and anyone who dares to violate them will pay an unforgettable price.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, after Wang Canjun received Cao Ren's order that night, he immediately marched towards the surrounding counties without stopping.

The first place he went was Lueyang City, fifty miles west of Long County.

Lueyang City is also the closest city to Long County, and there are a total of [-] defenders in the city.

But when Wang Canjun arrived, he was very surprised.

Because logically speaking, according to this, Long County, fifty miles away, fell into war, and Lueyang should also be ready to fight.

The whole city should be very nervous.

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