Shocked, Xia Houyuan shrank quickly, only to hear a ding, and the arrow hit the tassel on Xia Houyuan's helmet, sending it flying.

But Xia Houyuan couldn't let go of it for a long time, and asked himself: "Is my head still there? Is my head still there?"

Huang Zhong couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and led his troops back to the camp.

After a while, Xia Houyuan finally came to his senses.

Seeing the hat tassel falling not far behind him, he couldn't help but said angrily: "How dare you bully me like this? Let's see how Ben will kill you!"

Even though he said so, Xia Houyuan couldn't come up with any strategy to defeat the enemy.

Now he can only take one step, watch one step, first make sure that he will not be defeated by Huang Zhong, and then he will have a chance to defeat the enemy.

Just as the two sides were facing each other and fighting every day, the battle in Long County in the north finally ended.

Cao Ren was defeated by Ma Chao and Zhang He, and finally fled to this place in a hurry.

Therefore, as soon as Xia Houyuan returned to the city, his subordinates immediately stepped forward to report.

"Report to the general, General Cao Ren is here, and he is at Shangbei!"

"Really, Zixiao is here, and there is hope that he will defeat the enemy!"

Xia Houyuan was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the news.

After all, he is better at long-distance raids and surprise soldiers breaking the enemy.

However, foresight and foresight are a bit inferior to controlling the enemy with ingenuity, and this happens to be General Cao Ren's advantage.

In fact, it is also because Cao Ren is good at defensive counterattacks, and he has mastered it after a long period of training.

So after hearing this, Xia Houyuan immediately led his people towards Shangbei.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

However, after Cao Ren was defeated and fled, Ma Chao sent troops to pursue him for hundreds of miles, but finally lost his trace because of the unknown terrain.

However, it does not mean that everyone has gained nothing.

Because after the city of Long County was captured, the improvised reinforcements attracted Zhang Xi's attention.

Zhang He immediately interrogated the prisoners, and only then did he know their true identities.

These people turned out to be improvised teams from surrounding counties.

No wonder they are like a mob that collapses at the touch of a finger, without the slightest will to fight.

Even Zhang Xi didn't like such captives, because they were not worth recruiting at all.

However, he suddenly had an idea.

Since these are all local people, they can just use them to expand their achievements and take down the surrounding counties in one fell swoop.

But at the beginning, Zhang Xi didn't have much confidence in his heart, so he sent Zhang Xiong to take the captives from Lueyang City to try it out.

Anyway, according to Lueyang's recent approach, it won't take long to go back and forth, and even if it fails, there is not much loss.

Therefore, in the early morning of the next day, Zhang Xiong took [-] prisoners and set off for Lueyang with [-] elite soldiers.

After Wang Canjun came to Lueyang, there was no previous singing and dancing here, and it became tense.

After all, Lueyang was going to surrender at first, so he was naturally not afraid of the enemy's attack.

But now that the soldiers and horses in the city were pulled out to fight against the enemy, Lueyang was naturally tied to the same chariot.

Then naturally lost the opportunity to surrender, had to stick to it.

It's just that because all the regular troops in the city were taken away by Wang Canjun, in the end they had to rely on the Zhang, Dong, Yan and other aristocratic families in the city to recruit local bravery.

These township braves have not undergone formal training, but when they encounter the enemy army, they are confused first.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiong rushed to the city, the Xiangyong on the city was frightened into chaos, and some of them ran away directly.

However, the prominent family sitting in the city also got the news, and hurried to the top of the city to check.

"Who are you? Why did you invade my homeland?"

Among them, the Patriarch of the Yan family mustered up his courage and shouted towards the city.

"I am Zhang Xiong under the tent of Zhang He, the general of the Han Dynasty, and I am here to take over the city today!"

Patriarchs Zhang, Yan, and Dong looked at each other, and they all saw the fear in their eyes.

Sure enough, he was afraid of something coming, the defenders of Lueyang were transferred away the day before yesterday, and today they are approaching the city.

Zhang Xiong saw that the other party was hesitant, and immediately said: "You are originally the common people of the Han Dynasty, and the day before yesterday they helped Cao to abuse him and made a big mistake.

But His Majesty thought that Er and others couldn't help themselves, so he didn't pursue it anymore.Today, if you still stubbornly resist against the heavenly army, it will be regarded as a rebellion, and you will not be forgiven lightly. "

This time, several people were even more frightened, and Yan Shi, who was about to surrender before, wanted to go down and open the door.

But the Patriarch of the Zhang family said: "Mr. Yan wait a moment, be careful of the opponent's tricks of suspicion.

Otherwise, when General Cao Ren's army returns, we will not be spared! "

As soon as he reminded him, Patriarch Yan's expression changed instantly, and he stopped his figure.

It turned out that they saw that Zhang Xiong had so few soldiers and thought that the other party was bluffing, so naturally they couldn't believe it.

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