Therefore, the Patriarch of the Yan family shouted through the city wall: "This general, it must be because I can't wait to open the door. I just don't know the identity of your army.

In addition, when the army is in chaos, bandits are rampant, for the safety of the whole city, let's wait until your army lord arrives! "

Hearing this, Zhang Xiong couldn't help but smile.

Emotionally, he regards himself as a bandit who beats the autumn wind, and he still has to wait for the Lord to come.

I'm afraid that when the chief general led the soldiers to arrive, he didn't even need to speak, and he opened the door and surrendered directly to the opponent.

However, since the other party does not cry when he sees the coffin, Zhang Xiong no longer hides it.

I saw him laughing and said: "It's understandable that you are so cautious. But fortunately, I will lead the way today. I believe you will not hesitate to see it!"

The three people in the city were even more suspicious, thinking that Lu Yin had long been useless these days, and besides, Liangzhou belonged to Cao Cao's forces.

The guidance of the Han court is also not effective here.

However, when they saw it, their expressions finally changed drastically.

It turned out that Zhang Xiong's so-called Lu Yin was not the release slip issued by the ordinary government, but the group of captives under him.

These people were originally the defenders in Lueyang City, and they were also locals, and they were inextricably linked with the three great families.

When Zhang Xiong brought these people to the front and introduced them to the city defenders, the city was completely shocked.

"Everyone, you see, this is the guide that this general brought. If you think there are too few, the Japanese general will bring all the rest tomorrow.

But if you don't recognize it, then it's useless to keep these people, it's better to send them to the west here! "

As he said that, Zhang Xiong made a gesture to behead the front row to show the public.

This scene frightened everyone in the city, especially those Xiangyongs who were basically related to these people.

All of a sudden, various titles resounded through the city.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

"Third Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"Fifth Brother, is that you, Fifth Brother?"

The three Patriarchs were also completely shocked.

The identities of those people are clear to them.

Just the day before yesterday, these people, led by the county lieutenant, rushed to Long County to support Cao Ren.

Unexpectedly, in less than three days, they all became prisoners and were slaughtered.

They were all smart people, so they naturally guessed the outcome of that day's war in an instant.

If Cao Jun wins, I'm afraid there will be no such things.

Therefore, the only thing that can be explained is that Cao's army was defeated, and these supporting defenders became the opponent's captives.

Then the following things will be much simpler. Cao Jun has been defeated and the city is empty. If he continues to resist, he will naturally offend the opponent.

When the city is broken, it will definitely be severely hit.

Therefore, the three of them glanced at each other, and all nodded, as they had reached a consensus.

So Patriarch Yan spoke again.

"General Zhang, wait a minute. I was the one who ran into the heavenly soldiers because I had no eyes. Please wait a moment, general, the little old man will open the city!"

After a while, the city gate finally opened wide.

All the heads of the three families went out of the city to welcome them respectfully, and at the same time prepared countless grains and meat, which can be regarded as an apology to Zhang Xiong.

In this way, Zhang Xiong took Lueyang City in one fell swoop without using a sword.

Later, on the one hand, he went to the city to take over, and on the other hand, he sent messengers back to report to Zhang Yun.

Zhang He was overjoyed when he got the news, and immediately followed this method and sent several capable generals to march towards the counties where the captives came from.

Under this operation, in just a few days, Lueyang, Xingguo, Xianqin, Chengji, and Ayang counties around Long County were all invincible.

From this place, all the counties with a radius of hundreds of miles were taken by Zhang Xi, leaving only Xiahouyuan who was entrenched in Shangyu and Linwei.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Zhang He's army was clearing up the surrounding counties of Long County, Ma Chao's army had already arrived in Qingshui County.

This is the front station to attack Xiahouyuan in the south. Only by taking Qingshui can we continue to march into Linwei.

Because this place is very important, Xia Houyuan sent his subordinate Fu Gan to lead [-] troops to garrison the city.

Fu Qian, courtesy name Yancai, lived in Niyang, Beidi County. His ancestor was Fu Kuan, the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, and his father, Fu Xie, lived in the prefect of Hanyang.

Therefore, it can also be said that they have been officials for generations and have very strong local influence.

Xia Houyuan sent him to garrison the city, not only because of his talent, but also because of his identity and background.

It's just that if the enemy who invaded this time was someone else, Fu Gan would definitely fight to the death and retreat from the enemy.

But when meeting Ma Chao, it was completely different.

It turned out that Fu Gan and Ma Chao's father, Ma Teng, were old acquaintances.

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