The two governed Liangzhou together, but when Liangzhou was in turmoil, Fu Gan fled and defected to Cao Cao, who controlled Chang'an at that time.

But Ma Chao still stayed in Liangzhou until he was defeated by Cao Cao and defected to Liu Ke.

So when Ma Chao's army came to the city of Qingshui County, they immediately recognized the people in the city.

"Could it be Niyang Fu Yancai in the city?"

When Fu Gan saw the opponent's banner, he naturally recognized the identity of the army in an instant. He felt ashamed and was very unwilling to face it.

But after being called out by the other party, he could only bite the bullet and agree.

"It's my servant, your Excellency sent troops to attack me Qingshui, why?"

Seeing that Fu Gan had admitted his identity, Ma Chao hadn't replied yet, but Ma Dai who was beside him spoke first.

"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, the heavens have eyes, and let me meet you, a villain here!

Fu Yancai, Uncle followed your advice and helped Cao Jun defeat Yuan Shang.

But Cao Cao turned around and killed his uncle. You also have a part in this hatred! "

In fact, this is also a hidden matter in Fu Gan's heart. He didn't expect it, and he couldn't help but feel sad.

Back then, I did try to persuade Ma Teng to help Cao break Yuan. As for Cao Ma turning against him later, there were actually many reasons.

It's just that Fu Gan still broods over this matter.

Now being called out by Ma Dai, he was naturally ashamed instantly.

"Nephew, I'm really to blame for this matter. If it weren't for the military order today, I would have personally gone out of the city to plead guilty and let it go!"

What Fu Gan said was very sincere, after all, he himself attached great importance to fame and integrity.

Ma Dai is naturally ungrateful, and still ruthlessly shouted: "Don't be hypocritical here. If you are really ashamed, you should immediately show your flesh and surrender instead of being hypocritical here!"

After saying this, Fu Gan's face turned even redder.

He hurriedly hemmed and explained: "It's not because I'm hypocritical, but General Xiahou entrusted me with a heavy responsibility, and I dare not abolish the public for personal reasons!"

"Good! Good! Good! Let me ask you, what military order did Xia Houyuan give you?"

Ma Dai seemed to want to have a good debate with the other party and get to the bottom of it.

Seeing this, Ma Chao didn't urge him. Anyway, when the army arrived, it was already late, and there was no chance to attack the city today.

It would be nice to take the opportunity to breathe first.

Therefore, Ma Chao sent Pang Rou to lead people to set up camp first, while they were still arguing outside the city.

At this moment Fu Gan replied: "General Xiahou is naturally ordered to guard Qingshui at the end of his life, so as to occupy your army!"

"I see. It seems that General Fu is a loyal minister! But I want to ask you, who are you defending this city for, and who are you resisting?

You don't need to answer, I know it too.

You are defending for the Cao thief, and you are resisting the rebellious army of the emperor of Han.

What a loyal minister Fu Gan, you are a loyal dog of the Cao family! "

Ma Dai's words were very offensive, Fu Gan's face turned red in an instant, and he was speechless for a long time.

When he defected to Cao Cao before, it was the time when Xiliang was in turmoil and Cao Cao took the emperor to order the princes.

Therefore, Fu Gan also believed that Cao Cao naturally represented the orthodoxy.

Since then, he has been faithfully following around, and has made great contributions.

It's just that the situation has changed a lot now, and Cao Cao has been expelled from the Central Plains and fled to Xiliang.

And Liu Ke has also accepted the abdication of Emperor Xian in Chang'an, and has been crowned a great treasure.

Cao Cao, who lost the chess piece of Emperor Xian, had long been beaten as a traitor.

Fu Gan didn't think so much before, but now that Ma Dai pointed it out, he is naturally even more ashamed.

"This, this...Wei Wangde's amulet of luck, displaying his martial arts, eradicating violence, and clearing up the district of Xia are all due to the imperial court.

I assist the King of Wei, naturally, for the sake of the country of the Han Dynasty and the common people of the world. "

"Fu Gan, don't deceive yourself and others. Cao Cao's name is a Han official, but he is actually a Han thief. When he was in Chang'an, he deceived the king and killed the empress.

Who in the world does not know such evil deeds?Now that Xiandi Chan is located behind His Majesty, Cao Cao not only does not enter Beijing for pilgrimage.

On the contrary, the swordsmen were reinvigorated, causing chaos and chaos in Yongliang.You can explain to me, what is for the great Han community, and what is for the people of the world? "

Ma Dai retorted unceremoniously, and blocked Fu Gan back again.

This time, Fu Qian couldn't speak anymore.

After all, he has always regarded himself as loyal and righteous, but now he has been criticized by the other party.

Ma Dai's words were not finished yet, and he continued to shout sharply: "Fu Qian, your ancestor Yangling Hou Jinggong followed Gaozu to raise troops and finally ruled the world.

Lord Jiezi, the Marquis of Yiyang, shocked the Western Regions; your father fought bravely against the enemy, and his posthumous posthumous title was Marquis of Zhuangjie. At that time, Emperor Ling and all the officials all went out of the city to pay their respects.

Speaking of it, he can be regarded as the world's food Hanlu, a descendant of a famous family, and successive dynasties.

Unexpectedly, in your generation, there will be such a traitor, it can be regarded as a complete embarrassment of the father's generation.

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