Under the persuasion of everyone, Fu Qiancai finally put aside his thoughts of suicide.

Ma Chao, on the other hand, has quickly taken over Qingshui County, even the [-] Cao troops in his hands.

In fact, these people are originally composed of surrounding townspeople, especially some people have heard of Ma Chao's name long ago.

So take them all in without breaking a sweat.

The news of the fall of Qingshui City quickly reached Xia Houyuan's ears, and Xia Houyuan was instantly furious.

"This general trusts you so much, how dare you dedicate your city to the enemy? This general will make you pay the price!"

However, anger was anger, and once Qingshui City was lost, there was no longer any obstacle between Ma Chao and himself.

Ma Chao can start from Qingshui and go all the way south to the west of Linwei City.

Originally, Huang Zhong's army was stationed in the east of the city, and Xia Houyuan could still rely on natural dangers to defend.

But the west of Linwei City is his rear area, so how can he take the risk?

Once caught up in the enemy, Xia Houyuan may repeat Cao Ren's fate, abandoning the city and fleeing in embarrassment.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan immediately called everyone to discuss the strategy to meet the enemy.

"General, Fu Gan surrendered to the enemy, and once the clear water was lost, our army is in a dire situation. The enemy's two armies total [-], and they are aggressive. We should plan a good strategy early!"

Someone in the tent spoke anxiously, but when Xia Houyuan asked him, he faltered and couldn't come up with a countermeasure.

At this time, someone took the initiative to say: "Father, the enemy army is divided into two groups, so it is naturally difficult to deal with it.

It would be better to take advantage of Ma Chaojun's arrival and attack in advance to deal with Huang Zhong who is troubled by our army first.

At that time, it will be much easier to free up your hands to deal with Ma Chao! "

This person is Xiahouba, the son of Xiahouyuan, a young hero, but he has just joined the army and has not yet made his mark.

But as a young general, he naturally wanted to be proactive and make contributions.

But Xia Houyuan had a noncommittal expression on his face after hearing what he said, and couldn't tell whether he agreed or disagreed.

Seeing this, Xia Houba had no choice but to retreat angrily.

At this time, Xia Houyuan suddenly turned his head to look at a person in the formation, and asked with a smile, "Yishan, you have lived in Tianshui for a long time, what's your opinion?"

The man he asked was named Yang Fu, whose name was Yishan, and lived in Jixian County, Tianshui. It can be said that he was a big wealthy family in this place, and his power was intricate and should not be underestimated.

The most important thing is that he has defeated Ma Chao before, so he can be said to be his deadly enemy.

Meeting Ma Chao again this time, Xia Houyuan naturally wanted to ask for his opinion.

Yang Fu pondered for a moment, and then said: "General, please forgive me for speaking directly."

After Xia Houyuan nodded slightly, Yang Fu finally said: "In my opinion, Linwei is not a place to guard for a long time.

If you want to defend against the enemy, the best policy is to abandon the city and go west! "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the generals in the hall changed drastically.

"Yishan, don't you want the general to flee without a fight? Let alone such a big damage to morale, even the king will not be able to explain it!"

Not to mention the others, even Xia Houyuan's expression was a little cold.

After all, I have already retreated again and again, not only giving up the previous achievements.

But it's okay to say, after all, those places are just conquered, so they don't hesitate to abandon them.

But Linwei has always been the land of Liangzhou, and as the commander-in-chief of one side, if he retreats again, it will be really difficult to explain.

Therefore, except for Yang Fu who remained calm, everyone else strongly disagreed.

Some people even directly yelled at Yang Fu, accusing Yang Fu of retreating without a fight, which is no different from surrendering. He was sorry to the King of Wei, and he was sorry to the people.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone's reaction did not surprise Yang Fu, but was exactly the same as what he thought.

However, Yang Fu remained calm and calmly faced everyone's criticisms.

At this time, Xia Houyuan waved his hands hurriedly to stop everyone's scolding, and said, "Why did Yishan say that?

I'm going to be dull, but I want to express it? "

Seeing Xia Houyuan's sincerity, Yang Fu finally said: "General, it's not that the subordinates fled without fighting.

It is because once Ma Chao's army arrives, our army will be caught in a front and back attack.

The opponent is strong and strong, and our army is bound to lose.Instead of retreating after being defeated, it is better to voluntarily give up the city.

Although the enemy won a city for nothing, it seems to be taking advantage.

However, our army immediately got rid of the trap of front and rear attack, and then stationed according to the Wei River, the moat of borrowing water, and the danger of Maiji Mountain.

It will definitely prevent the enemy from advancing an inch.When the enemy's soldiers are tired and horses are exhausted, another general will be sent out suddenly, and the enemy will be defeated! "

When everyone heard this, they finally showed expressions of sudden realization.

All the generals lowered their heads and thought about it, but they couldn't find a single fault, and finally understood Yang Fu's proposal of abandoning the city just now.

"Yi Shan's words are related to this general's thinking. In fact, this general has thought about it before, but he still feels immature.

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