But at this moment, with Yishan's guidance, the original doubts in his heart were completely cleared away.

It will be decided, and it will be done accordingly.Do you have any other opinions? "

Everyone immediately agreed in unison, expressing their compliance.

In fact, Xia Houyuan didn't put money on his face, but really thought so.

But as the chief general, he couldn't take the initiative to withdraw troops, he could only say it through the other party's mouth.

And when Xia Houyuan was stationed in Shanggu, he often went to check outside the city.

So he had already seen the strength of the terrain here, and at that time he imagined how to arrange his troops if he was stationed here.

Who knows that it is really useful now, which has to be said to be a trick of good fortune.

Therefore, in the early morning of the second day, the army withdrew from Linwei City one by one, and slowly retreated to the city of Gu.

However, it is not so simple to retreat.

Because Huang Zhong is here to contain Xia Houyuan, and this person has been in the army for decades and has very rich experience.

As long as there is any disturbance in Xia Houyuan, Huang Zhong will definitely come to check it immediately.

Moreover, he came to the city every day to provoke, and he would never give the opponent a chance to retreat quietly.

Just like today, the movement of troops retreating in the city immediately alarmed Huang Zhong, and the other party rushed over immediately.

As the main general, Xia Houyuan took the initiative to undertake the task of breaking the rear, covering the army to retreat first.

So when the sergeant on the top of the city sent information, Xia Houyuan immediately couldn't sit still.

Because if he ignored Huang Zhong and continued to withdraw his troops, Huang Zhong would soon be aware of his strategy and would definitely go after him.

At that time, they will inevitably be entangled by the opponent, losing troops and losing generals.

Even delaying the opportunity because of this, Ma Chao's army arrived, and he had already left the city, but fell into the siege instead, that would be really bad luck.

So Xia Houyuan absolutely cannot allow Huang Zhong to be entangled.

Therefore, instead of retreating immediately, he took the initiative to lead his troops out from the east gate, facing Huang Zhong.

Xia Houyuan wanted to use this method to cover the retreat of the large army.

And he himself is the best at running, and he said in the army: Xia Houyuan, the captain of Dianjun, can travel five hundred miles in three days and a thousand miles in six days.

From this we can also see his speed of leading troops.

That's why Xia Houyuan had great confidence in his headquarters, so he dared to take the initiative to fight.

Huang Zhong was also surprised to see Xia Houyuan leading troops out of the city.

He had seen the commotion in the city and thought that the other party was going to make a big move, but who would have expected to see Xia Houyuan again at this moment.

"Xiahou, I thought you were going to run away because of fear? I didn't expect you to come out?"

Huang Zhong was really surprised. After all, he often had to fight for a long time before, and the opponent might not come out to fight.

This time, Xia Houyuan took the initiative to come out as soon as he arrived with his troops. Such an abnormal behavior also made Huang Zhong more careful.

Xia Houyuan didn't know what the other party was thinking, when he saw Huang Zhong speak, he immediately turned back unceremoniously.

"Old man, I was going to miss you as an old soldier, so I didn't kill you before.

I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of good and bad, and came to the city to challenge again and again, it seems that you really don't want your life! "

"Hehe, Xiaoer Xiahou, who can't speak big words! The old man is here, if you have the ability, you can take the head!"

It's not a day or two for the two of them to deal with each other, but every time they inevitably have a fight.

It has almost become a practice, and today is no exception.

But it didn't take long for Xia Houyuan to quarrel, as usual, first he became angry from embarrassment.

In fact, every time before leaving the city, Xia Houyuan warned himself not to be impulsive.

However, when facing Huang Zhong, he couldn't control the anger in his heart every time, as if this person was born to be his sworn enemy.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan finally swung his sword and charged forward.

Not to mention Huang Zhong, even the soldiers of the two armies have become accustomed to it.

So Huang Zhong didn't move any soldiers, they were all waiting for the two army leaders to fight in battle as usual.

Sure enough, seeing Xia Houyuan arriving, Huang Zhong shouted, "Good job!"

Immediately mobilized the war horse Liaoyuanhuo to meet him, and the two immediately fought together.

The two sides are already very familiar with each other, so there are no tricks at all, and it is a real battle.

However, within fifty rounds of the battle, the surprise in Huang Zhong's heart became stronger and stronger.

Because he found that the other party did not put in all his strength today, as if he was absent-minded.

In fact, this was not intentional by Xia Houyuan, but because he had no intention of fighting Huang Zhongjiu today.

The reason why they went out of the city to meet the enemy was simply to cover the retreat of the large troops.

Moreover, Ma Chao's army was already on the way from Qingshui. If there was any delay, they would be surrounded.

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