Xia Houyuan had been thinking about this all the time, so naturally he couldn't use his full strength.

This also made Huang Zhong, who had played against him many times and was very familiar with him, notice a clue.

But Huang Zhong didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he didn't point it out directly.

Instead, he secretly kept an eye on it, and continued to act with the other party quietly.

Xia Houyuan kept thinking about the progress of the main force's retreat, but he didn't see through Huang Zhong's tricks.

Therefore, according to what he had thought before, after the two had fought for more than a hundred rounds, Xia Houyuan suddenly reined in and returned to the formation.

Huang Zhong laughed and mocked, "What? Did Xiahou give up so early today?"

If these words were put in the past, Xia Houyuan would have rushed over again regardless of everything.

But today he was uncharacteristically inactive.

Instead, he sneered and said, "Don't be crazy, old man. I will come back to you after I return to the city for lunch! If you have the ability, don't leave!"

After Xia Houyuan finished speaking, he didn't allow Huang Zhong to agree, so he went back to the city directly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As usual, Xia Houyuan retreated back to the city, which is actually not suspicious.

After all, every previous battle ended like this in the end.

In the past, when Huang Zhong saw his opponent leave, he would withdraw his troops and return to the camp to end today's battle.

However, today Huang Zhong did not leave immediately.

Therefore, he still had some doubts in his heart, because Xia Houyuan's performance today was really weird compared to before.

At this moment, the lieutenant beside him came up and asked, "Old General, then Xia Houyuan won't come out, why didn't he go back to the camp?"

Huang Zhong muttered to himself: "It's strange, today this son is very different from usual, could it be that there is fraud in it?"

Hearing this, the man immediately smiled and said, "Hey, Old General Huang is worrying too much. Xiahou Yuan has great talent and talent, and his strength is not the opponent of the old lower price.

Aren't they all defeated by the old general and returned to the city in the previous fights?This time, I am afraid that I already know myself in my heart.

He knew that if he continued to fight for a long time, he would definitely make a fool of himself, so he returned to the city early!

It's getting late, the sun is hot outside, the old general should return to the camp for the time being to escape the heat, let's have some food!

If it doesn't work, we will fight again in the afternoon! "

Huang Zhong thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what conspiracy the other party had.

Looking up and seeing the scorching sun in the sky at this moment, I realized that after such a long fight, I was already sweating profusely and drenched my armor.

So he had no choice but to agree to the lieutenant general's proposal, and withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

The reason why Xia Houyuan returned to the city was actually because of a signal from the city.

Now, after such a long time, the large army has finally withdrawn safely.

Even if the city was abandoned, Xia Houyuan would not leave a tile for the other party.

Seeing the empty city, Xia Houyuan finally waved his hand and prepared to lead his troops to retreat.

However, in order to avoid alarming Huang Zhong, who was always watching him outside the city, Xia Houyuan acted very carefully.

Even in order to confuse the opponent, many scarecrows were placed on the top of the city, dressed in soldiers' clothes, pretending that the defenders were still there.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan finally withdrew safely without alarming the other party.

At this moment Huang Zhong had already shed his heavy armor, and was fanning himself with a cattail fan to enjoy the shade.

And he naturally recalled the situation of the battle this morning in his heart, thinking again about the opponent's performance.

Suddenly, Huang Zhong threw away the cattail leaf fan and shouted, "Damn it! I was tricked by Xiahou Xiaoer!"

"General Huang, what happened?" The deputy general was startled by his exclamation, and hurried forward to ask.

Huang Zhong didn't answer at all, but directly ordered people to put on armor, stepped on their horses and ran towards Linwei City.

Looking from a distance, Cao Jun stands tall on the top of the city, just like usual.

But when Huang Zhong looked carefully, he finally found the difference.

I saw the birds hovering in the air, and finally landed on the helmet of one of the soldiers to rest.

And that soldier, as if he didn't realize it, didn't respond at all.

Such a scene was really shocking, so Huang Zhong boldly continued to approach the city wall.

"General, we can't get any closer! We only have [-] soldiers and horses. If the opponent's army suddenly breaks out, we will be outnumbered!"

The military academy around him dissuaded him, but Huang Zhong remained unmoved and continued to move forward.

After another distance, the military academy was even more anxious this time.

"The general stays put, and if you go further, you will be within the range of the opponent's bow and arrow."

Huang Zhong's location is still a hundred paces away from the city wall, whether this distance is far or close.

The opponent is condescending, just within the coverage of his bow and arrow.

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