Only in this way can the prestige be revived, so that the soldiers can exert their maximum combat effectiveness in the next decisive battle.

The army was still retreating, and Xia Houyuan was always thinking about how to win the game.

At this moment, a scout came from far ahead and came in front of Xia Houyuan.

"General, because the road ahead is narrow and difficult, the speed of the baggage vehicles is a bit slow, and the road is tightly blocked.

The soldiers can only pass after all the baggage vehicles have passed. "

If in the past, there were such delays in marching, Xia Houyuan must be very anxious.

But today, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"What's the situation ahead?"

"General Qi, the front is called Longwanggou, the mountain is steep, and there is only a wooden plank road that has been in disrepair for a long time.

Moreover, the heavy rain washed away part of the plank road the day before, which delayed the trip.

However, the soldiers in front are repairing, and they will be able to pass here in about an hour. "

Xia Houyuan nodded, and suddenly drove his horse straight to the direction of the plank road.

When Xia Houyuan arrived, seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help laughing.

Xia Houba beside him asked curiously: "Father, this place is so dangerous, and our army is trapped here again, why are you laughing?"

"Zhongquan, you don't understand. Although this place is dangerous, it is not only aimed at our army, but also at the enemy army!

Look at the steep mountains on both sides of this place, and the rushing Wei River below. The only thing that can pass through is this winding and narrow plank road.

Moreover, this plank road is suspended on a high cliff, as long as it is destroyed, the enemy army will be trapped here.

At that time, our army will attack from the side and prevent the enemy from repairing the plank road. Then the enemy will be unable to move an inch. Sooner or later, the food and grass will be exhausted, and they will return in embarrassment! "

After being broken by Xia Houyuan in this way, Xia Houba finally showed a look of excitement on his face.

Before, he only thought of his own side, but ignored the enemy's situation.

Therefore, while the soldiers rushed to repair the plank road, Xia Houyuan also began to arrange his own ambush plan.

In fact, the plan is also very simple, the strategy is to lure the enemy to go deep, and then encircle and annihilate them.

Xia Houyuan first arranged some stragglers outside the plank road, pretending to be the retreating army.

After Huang Zhong's pursuers arrived, they immediately fled towards the plank road.

After attracting all of Huang Zhong's troops to the plank road, he turned around and counterattacked.

Xia Houyuan led another group of people to ambush in the dense forest, blocking the opponent's retreat when they saw Huang Zhong entering the plank road.

When the time comes to pinch back and forth, and on the narrow plank road, no matter how strong Huang Zhong is in time, he will definitely not be able to use it.

Then in addition to jumping into the Weishui, which is several tens of feet away, the only fate is to be wiped out.

In this way, not only will the morale of the enemy be severely damaged, but the prestige will be boosted, and it will also deter the enemy from continuing to advance.

I can also take advantage of this time to regroup the soldiers and horses in the cities west of Shangyu.

At that time, when the opponent breaks through the blockade of the plank road and Xia Houyuan's troops increase greatly, he no longer needs to be afraid of the opponent.

After his plan was arranged, the damaged plank road was finally repaired and allowed to continue.

But at this moment, looking from a distance, there was already a cloud of smoke and dust in the place where he came before, it seemed that Huang Zhong really came after him.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan immediately started to act.

Xia Houba volunteered and led [-] troops to serve as the rear army, waiting for Huang Zhong.

And Xia Houyuan led a thousand soldiers and horses to find a hidden place to ambush.

In addition, a thousand soldiers and horses were left on the plank road, commanded by Yang Fu, to meet Xia Houba.

After everything was arranged properly, Huang Zhong's men and horses were approaching, and the sound of rumbling horseshoes resounded on the ground.

Xia Houba pretended to be the last Cao Jun, and when he saw the opponent arriving, he immediately put on a horrified expression.

"Haha, as expected by the old man, Xia Hou'er really ran away in fright. But with the old man around, he won't let him escape so easily!"

"Everyone, don't insult my father, take your life!"

Xia Houba's already green face gave a very vivid image of an impulsive and aggressive boy.

Huang Zhong also believed that because of what he said just now, he was going to fight him regardless of retreating.

But this is exactly what Huang Zhong wanted, so he immediately went up to meet him.

"Boy, you are a dutiful son. But even your father is no match for me, so how can you do anything to this old man?"

Sure enough, as soon as Xiahou Bafu fought Huang Zhong, he immediately felt the force of the opponent's attack.

A slash made both arms numb, and even the weapon in his hand was almost unsteady.

Seeing the opponent's performance, Huang Zhong was even more proud.

"Okay! Let the old man take down the young one first, and then deal with the old one. When the time comes, I will send you father and son to Chang'an and present them to His Majesty!"

As Huang Zhong said, the offensive in his hands became more violent.

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