Xia Houba was also beaten by the opponent and retreated steadily, and he was about to die.

At this time, the soldiers beside Xia Houba rushed up to support him.

"General retreat quickly, we will stop the pursuers!"

Under the protection of everyone, Xia Houba was finally rescued from Huang Zhong's sword.

He glanced at the other party in horror, and fled forward regardless.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xia Houba and Huang Zhong fought for less than twenty rounds, but they couldn't hold on any longer.

Under the desperate protection of other military academies, they escaped Huang Zhong's attack.

Then Xia Houba looked at Huang Zhong in horror, and immediately ran away in embarrassment regardless of everything else.

The cao troops around him also threw away their helmets and armor, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Huang Zhong brandished his broadsword, and beheaded those Cao troops who blocked him in two or three strokes.

In the end, he stroked his beard and laughed a few times, and immediately continued to chase after him.

Huang Zhong only felt that the momentum was like a rainbow at this moment, and he could defeat Xia Houyuan and escort him to Chang'an.

Therefore, I was anxious in my heart, and I never thought that all this was a trick of the enemy.

Huang Zhong's pursuit was very fast, and he came to the entrance of the plank road in a blink of an eye.

Xia Houba led those deserters, who had already boarded the plank road recklessly and ran away into the distance.

Just as Huang Zhong was about to continue chasing, he was reminded by the deputy general beside him: "General, the plank road in front of you is narrow and difficult to walk, be careful of the enemy's ambush!"

However, Huang Zhong said with a nonchalant expression: "Haha, what's the matter? Xia Houyuan was defeated and fled, so why would he have any intention to set up an ambush?

snort!Even if there is an ambush, I will kill them all!March on! "

With a big wave of Huang Zhong's hand, the deputy general could only obey helplessly, and led the army into the plank road.

I don't know when and what month this plank road was built, and some parts of it have long been dilapidated.

Some even stepped on the board directly through with a little force.And below is the cliff, the Taotao Weishui.

Therefore, the speed of the pursuit slowed down instantly, and the soldiers could only move forward cautiously against the side of the stone wall.

The speed of the pursuers slowed down, Xia Houba deliberately lured the opponent to continue to go deeper, so the speed of escape was also very slow.

He almost stopped walking, for fear that Huang Zhong would retreat if he saw the situation was not good.

Looking at Cao Jun not far ahead like this, Huang Zhong could only grit his teeth and continue marching, unwilling to give up.

According to the previous plan, Huang Zhongjun had all entered the plank road area.

Xia Houba finally arrived at the predetermined position, and finally stopped and turned to face Huang Zhong who was rushing over.

Seeing the other party stop suddenly, Huang Zhong said with a smile: "Hehe, the baby of Xiahou's family knows that he can't escape, so he wants to surrender to the general?"

This is his usual routine, first enrage the opponent, and then take the opportunity to defeat him.

Unexpectedly, the expected rage did not appear, Xia Houba still had a calm face, and even gradually revealed a smile.

Seeing this scene, Huang Zhong's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself: "This son is determined, even better than his father.

It is so peaceful now, could it be that there is nothing to fear? "

Sure enough, Xia Houba finally couldn't help laughing and said, "Hahahaha, old Huang Zhong, you've caught my father's trick!

Today will definitely let you die without a place to bury you! "

As soon as Xia Houba said this, the soldiers behind him immediately fired their arrows.

You must know that Huang Zhong's men were originally chasing the opponent, so they didn't carry heavy shields at all.

At this moment, he was on a narrow plank road, and there was no obstacle in front of him. When the arrow shot, a large area was harvested in an instant.

Even Huang Zhong, if he hadn't reacted quickly and tried his best to resist, he would have been shot into a hedgehog by so many arrows.

"Not good! Hurry up!"

Only then did Huang Zhong understand that he underestimated the enemy's carelessness, stepped into the opponent's trap, and quickly ordered the soldiers to retreat.

But is it really that easy?

The army had just retreated for a while, when they suddenly heard a shrill scream from the end of the team.

The soldiers who had been retreating were suddenly blocked into a group.

"What happened?"

After a while, a bloody military academy finally squeezed in from behind.

"General, general, there are enemy troops behind us. Our army was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses!"

When Huang Zhong heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he finally regretted that he shouldn't have made such a rash move.

But the matter has come to this point, it is useless to regret, and the top priority is to get out of danger as soon as possible.

Therefore, Huang Zhong waved his sword and shouted to the soldiers: "Everyone, don't panic! There are few enemy soldiers. As long as our army fights hard, we will be able to break through the encirclement.

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