Those who want to survive, follow this general and kill them together! "

The soldiers that Huang Zhong brought this time were originally elite soldiers. After his words, they finally passed the initial panic.

Afterwards, Huang Zhong handed over the place to the deputy general, who would stop Xia Houba.

Huang Zhong himself rushed to the rear and led the soldiers to fight against Xia Houyuan.

Xia Houyuan blocked the entrance of the plank road, and as long as the retreating enemy troops were retreating, they would be wiped out without hesitation.

Moreover, Xia Houyuan used mental calculations without intention, taking advantage of the panic of the enemy army, he did not receive much resistance at all, and the results of the battle were very rich.

After a while, countless corpses accumulated there.

But at this moment, Huang Zhong finally squeezed in from behind.

When he saw Xia Houyuan who was wantonly slaughtering his people, he rushed up in a rage.

"Xiahou'er, take a knife from this old man!"

After Xia Houyuan blocked Huang Zhong's attack, he couldn't help but proudly said: "Old man, don't be crazy! Today is your death day!"

Huang Zhong still wanted to continue to attack, but he was helpless on the plank road, and he could only allow two or three people to use it.

On Xiahouyuan's side, however, the terrain was open, but it was not affected at all.

Therefore, five or six fierce Cao Jun stabbed directly with long spears, forcing Huang Zhong to only have the power to parry.

These Cao troops were all elites trained by Xia Houyuan himself, and what they were best at was the combined attack technique.

So they cooperated seamlessly, even Huang Zhong's martial arts were so superb, he couldn't break through the opponent's block for a while.

As for Xia Houyuan, he had already retreated to the rear, and was looking proudly at the embarrassed Huang Zhong.

You know, during this period of time Xia Houyuan faced Huang Zhong, it can be said that he won less and lost more, and the opponent was not forgiving.

Therefore, the anger in my heart has been suppressed for a long time, and it was not until this moment that I finally vented it completely.

"Hahahaha, athletes, work harder! Those who kill Huang Zhong will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, and they will be granted the title of Marquis of a Thousand Households!"

The so-called money touches people's hearts, and with heavy rewards, the morale of Cao's army is even better.

Looking at Huang Zhong at this moment is like seeing the gold and MG in front of his eyes.

Therefore, everyone fought bravely to be the first, for fear that the benefits would be taken away by others.

As a result, Huang Zhong's situation became even more critical. If he accidentally cut his body with a spear, even though his heart was in pain, he still had to grit his teeth and persevere.

Seeing this, the soldiers beside him could only replace Huang Zhong, and let them go up to attack the opponent's defense.

It's just that the strength of these people is far behind Huang Zhong. Even Huang Zhong, facing the opponent's joint attack, can only defend hard.

What about these ordinary soldiers?

Therefore, these soldiers kept rushing up, and were constantly killed by the opponent's spear formation.

The pile of corpses got higher and higher, and there were fewer and fewer people around Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong was anxious, but he could only lament helplessly. He already had the will to die in his heart!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With a careless move, Huang Zhong stepped into the trap set by Xia Houyuan.

The soldiers around were being killed continuously, and now there were less than a thousand soldiers.

Facing Cao Jun who was constantly attacking from the front and back, Huang Zhong supported his body with a big knife, and said sadly: "My life is over!"

At this time, a military academy beside him with blood on his face said, "General, we will protect you to the death!"

Huang Zhong saw the people around him rushing desperately one by one, and finally turned grief and anger into strength.

Bear the brunt, rush forward here.

Huang Zhong and the others are in a desperate situation, so they all understand that the more scared they are at this moment, the more dead they will be.

It's better to risk your life, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

Under his fierce and fearless leadership, Cao Jun really began to loosen, and the casualties gradually increased.

Seeing this, Xia Houyuan was anxious, and immediately rushed forward to lead the soldiers to charge and kill.

The so-called brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road, only if he is not afraid of death, he will not die.

The blood in the hearts of both sides was aroused, and the battle became more and more fierce.

At this moment, a rush of horseshoes came from the direction of Linwei, and they came behind Cao Jun in an instant.

Those who came were all cavalry, and the leader had a face like a crown jade, weak meteor eyes, wearing a lion armor and a beast helmet, and holding a dragon riding spear.

He galloped down the snow-white horse, took the lead, and came straight to the back of Cao Jun.

Seeing the cold light of the dragon riding spear in his hand, Cao Jun was like mowing grass, falling down when he touched it, and no one could stop his footsteps.

Sitting on a tall horse, he can clearly see the battle ahead.

Seeing that Huang Zhong was in a dire situation, Huang Zhong immediately shouted: "Don't panic when Han is promoted, and Ma Meng will get up!"

Ma Chao has lived in Xiliang for a long time, and he has already gained a great reputation when he was less than eighteen years old.

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