At this moment, he appeared behind Cao Jun's enemy like a god descending, and immediately frightened Cao Jun.

Even Xia Houyuan couldn't help being surprised: "Ma Chao? Why did you come so fast!"

It turned out that Ma Chao's army continued to march after a day of rest in Qingshui County, just to encircle Linwei Cao's army with Huang Zhong.

But when he arrived, he found that the city had been captured by Huang Zhong, but Huang Zhong was nowhere to be found.

After careful questioning, I found out that Huang Zhong led his troops to chase Xia Houyuan who had fled.

Ma Chao had fought against Xia Houyuan before, and at the same time he knew the terrain better, so he immediately thought something was wrong.

So Ma Chao hurriedly led a thousand cavalry to catch up to support.

It would be fine if Huang Zhong had nothing to do, but if the opponent was in an ambush and his own army arrived, Cao Jun would not know the truth and had to retreat.

The timing of Ma Chao's arrival was indeed just right. If it had been a little later, Huang Zhong would have been killed and his entire army would have been wiped out.

The sudden arrival of Ma Chao's cavalry immediately caused Xia Houyuan's rear army to be in chaos.

The most important thing is that Xia Houyuan didn't know how many people came from the other party, so he didn't know what to do.

As a result, the morale of Cao Jun was greatly reduced in an instant.

On the contrary, when Huang Zhong heard Ma Chao's call, his spirits lifted.

He immediately encouraged the soldiers and said: "The reinforcements have arrived, follow me to rush out and capture Xiahouyuan alive!"

Huang Zhongjun, who had fallen into despair, finally saw hope.

Under the leadership of Huang Zhong, the most powerful desire to survive broke out in an instant, and broke through the long spear array blocking the front of everyone in one fell swoop!

As for Cao Jun, after being caught in the enemy's front and back, he has already begun to panic.

Despite Xia Houyuan's constant shouts, he still couldn't withstand the impact of Ma Chao's iron cavalry, and finally began to be defeated.

Fortunately, Xia Houyuan's army is located in a relatively open position, so they will not fall into the situation like Huang Zhong.

Under the charge of the opponent, Cao Jun had to flee to the dense forest on the mountain in order to save his life.

The mountain was lush with vegetation and vines. Ma Chao's men were blocked outside the forest, and could only watch helplessly as they left.

And Xiahouba, who was chasing after him on the plank road, saw that the other side's reinforcements had arrived, and his father had already fled into the dense forest.

Knowing that today's battle may only end here, he had no choice but to lead his troops to withdraw.

Fortunately, Huang Zhong finally took the opportunity to break through Cao Jun's blockade and join Ma Chao.

Seeing that Huang Zhong was covered in blood, Ma Chao couldn't help but cared and said, "Old General Huang, you have suffered! It's Meng who got up late!"

Huang Zhong quickly waved his hand and said: "Meng Qi, don't blame yourself, all this is due to the old man's underestimating the enemy and rushing forward, that's why he was ambushed by the opponent.

Fortunately, Meng got up in time, otherwise my old life might have to be confessed here! "

As he said that, Huang Zhong turned his head to look at the corpses all over the ground, and there were only a few hundred soldiers left, but almost everyone was injured.

With a sad expression on his face, he said: "Oh! These soldiers are all elites who followed the old man to fight here and there.

Unexpectedly, the old man died here because of a mistake in one thought!I'm sorry for you guys! "

After Huang Zhong finished speaking, he bowed deeply to everyone to express his condolences.

Afterwards, Ma Chao deliberately brought a horse, handed it to Huang Zhong, and withdrew back to Linwei with him, and then discussed how to march and defeat the enemy.

In fact, it's not that Ma Chao didn't want to continue the pursuit, but because he came here in a hurry this time, he didn't have many soldiers with him.

Although the opponent fled in defeat, it definitely did not mean that the opponent had lost the strength to fight again.

Moreover, the narrow and winding plank road ahead is even more unfavorable for Ma Chao's cavalry attack.

Therefore, we can only temporarily withdraw our troops and return to Linwei.

Although Huang Zhong lost his troops and generals during this trip, even he almost lost himself. Fortunately, he won Linwei City without spending a single soldier.

This can be regarded as a way of expressing one's heart, so as not to make it uncomfortable.

After Ma Chaojun left, Xia Houyuan's stragglers finally slowly came out of the dense forest in the mountains.

After reorganizing the army, Xia Houyuan finally found that most of his thousand elite were killed and injured, only more than [-] people.

However, there are more corpses of the opponent's army in front of them, layer upon layer, far more than their own.

After Xiahouyuan came out for a while, Xiahouba, who was always worried, also walked slowly from the direction of the plank road.

After seeing his father's figure, the original worried expression was instantly wiped away, and he hurried up to meet him.

"Father, are you alright?"

Xia Houyuan waved his hands and said, "It's okay, although Huang Zhong was not kept here this time, so many people were killed and injured.

Not only did it hit the opponent's morale, but it also made our soldiers realize that Huang Zhong is nothing more than that! "

What Xia Houyuan said was so heroic and soul-stirring, he didn't mention at all that Ma Chao's iron cavalry arrived just now, and he fled in embarrassment in the forest to hide.

But after he said this, the soldiers around all recalled the battle situation just now.

The opponent was killed by himself and on the plank road without any power to fight back, which is indeed something that people still talk about.

Therefore, after Xia Houyuan's words, Cao Jun's morale was really boosted by him a lot.

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