Then Cao Jun, under the command of Xia Houyuan, cleaned up the mess and slowly walked up the plank road back to Shangbi.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the battle on the plank road, Xia Houyuan's morale finally eased.

And when he retreated, he did not forget to order the soldiers to burn down all the plank roads, so as to delay the opponent's progress.

The raging flames in front of him reflected on Xia Houyuan's face.

He also understood that when the opponent's army was approaching the city, it might be time for a decisive battle.

Because Shangyu is an important town in Liangzhou, it guards Liangzhou's eastward advance to Chencang, threatening Chang'an's throat.

Here is adjacent to Jixian County, the prefecture of Hanyang County. As long as Shangyu is taken down, Jixian County will be destroyed overnight.

In this way, they can take the opportunity to take down the entire Hanyang County and threaten Longxi County accordingly.

And going south from Shangyu is Wudu County. If you win Wudu, you can threaten Hanzhong from the west.

In this case, Liu Ke's army can take all the five counties of Beidi, Anding, Hanyang, Longxi, and Wudu in the eastern part of Liangzhou, and thus connect them together.

Directly block Cao Cao's forces in the bitter cold places such as Jincheng, Wuwei, and Zhangye further west.

At that time, I am afraid that within a few years, Cao Jun's power will collapse by itself.

Moreover, there is an old saying about getting long and looking forward to Shu. At the beginning, it was not a metaphor for people's insatiable greed, but it did make sense.

Because the road to Shu is dangerous, but one of the entrances to Shu is at Yangping Pass at the junction of Hanzhong and Liangzhou.

So on closer inspection, this sentence does make sense.

Therefore, the Battle of Shangyu was almost a crucial test for both Cao Wei and Liu Bei.

The fire on the plank road was soaring, and even Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, who were returning to the army, could see it clearly.

When Ma Chao saw it, his face became even more ugly.

"Meng Qi, why is this?" Huang Zhong asked a little puzzled.

"Hey! Han Sheng, you just entered Liangzhou, so you don't know the situation here. I have lived in Liangzhou for a long time, so I am very familiar with the terrain everywhere.

Among them, there is a very thrilling section of the road from this road to Shangyu, which is completely composed of plank roads built on the cliffs.

This plank road is a full ten miles long, which doesn't sound like much, but without it, it would have to go around a hundred miles.

And that road is even more difficult and rugged, and the carts with food, grass and supplies cannot pass at all, even when they reach the city.

Facing the fortified city, the enemy army who is waiting for work will also be repelled.

Now that there is a raging fire here, it seems that the plank road will not be guaranteed.Our army's progress this time will take some time! "

After listening to Ma Chao's narration, Huang Zhong already understood the situation in front of him.

But at this moment, the fire has already started, even if you rush up immediately, it is absolutely impossible to restore the plank road.

Instead of complaining, it is better to think about how to pass this road.

As for Xia Houyuan, he finally returned to Shangyu City.

Cao Ren had been waiting here for a long time, but he was still a little surprised when he saw him.

"Miaocai, why is it too late?"

Xia Houyuan had no choice but to tell the story of himself ambushing Huang Zhong, and then destroying the plank road before coming.

Cao Ren said: "Oh, that's the only way to go. Even if the plank road is burned down, our army's future advances will definitely be greatly affected.

But at this moment, the enemy army is so powerful that they can't care much about it.I have defeated the enemy in a row, lost troops and lost ground, and this time I will be ashamed. "

These words just hit Xia Houyuan's heart.Didn't Xia Houyuan hold back his anger?

The two immediately united the front and determined their determination.

But then Cao Ren's face darkened again.

"Zixiao, why is this?"

"Hey! Although I intend to kill the enemy, but I was defeated the day before yesterday, and the major general under my command is weak. I am afraid that I have the intention to kill the enemy, and I will be powerless!"

Cao Ren lamented. What he said was no exaggeration. After all, there were only a few thousand people left to escape.

Not only was the [-] army given by the king of Wei defeated, but also the defenders of the cities with a radius of hundreds of miles in Long County were exhausted, resulting in the loss of several cities in one day.

Therefore, Cao Ren didn't have the face to ask the king of Wei for soldiers.

When he fled here, he even expressed that he only wanted to be a pawn, and he would be satisfied with repaying King Wei with his death.

In the end, Xia Houyuan divided [-] horses, led by Cao Ren.

At this moment, Cao Ren brought up the matter of the lack of soldiers and horses again, and Xia Houyuan also understood the other party's difficulties.

However, Xia Houyuan had already considered it before.

So he said: "Don't worry about being filial, I am also considering this matter. But there are some clues."

When Cao Ren heard this, he looked at the other party with surprise on his face: "Please show me how wonderful it is!"

Xia Houyuan cleared his throat and began to speak.

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