It turned out that when Cao Cao arranged for Xia Houyuan to station troops in Shangyu and wait for an opportunity to invade Guanzhong, he had given him a tiger talisman.

With this tiger talisman, the soldiers and horses of the three counties of Hanyang, Longxi and Wudu can be dispatched in moderation.

Xia Houyuan was full of confidence before, so naturally he did not use this power.

But he had already inquired about the information in advance, and now there are [-] soldiers in Ji County, led by the prefect Hu Zun.

In addition, there are [-] soldiers in Lintao and Wudu Road in Longxi, and [-] Qiang soldiers in Rongqiu.

And the commanders of these people will all be restrained by this tiger talisman in Xia Houyuan's hand.

Therefore, as long as Xia Houyuan issues an order now, he will be able to gather another [-] troops in less than half a month.

At that time, wait for work with leisure and defend according to Shangbi, and Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, who came from afar, will surely be defeated.

In fact, this is also the reason why Xia Houyuan resolutely burned down the plank road.

Therefore, only in this way can he gain time to dispatch troops.

However, this [-] army is also the last property of the three counties.

If they are defeated, the three counties will no longer be able to organize a defensive force, so it will really be the same as what happened in Long County before.

It's just that there were only four or five cities at that time, and then it became three counties and the lookout fell.

Therefore, as a witness, Cao Ren also expressed his concerns in a timely manner.

Hearing Cao Ren's words, Xia Houyuan's eyes were also full of doubts.

In the end, he seemed to have made up his mind, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

"Zixiao, I haven't thought about what you are worried about? It's just that if these soldiers and horses are not mobilized,

How can we resist this little force in our hands?At that time, our army will be defeated and Shangbei will be lost.

The defenders scattered in the three counties were going to be defeated by the opponent one by one in the end, and they all belonged to the opponent in the end.

So knowing it was a poison, I could only grit my teeth and swallow it to quench my thirst! "

After hearing Xia Houyuan's words, Cao Ren nodded noncommittally, and was finally persuaded by the other party.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan immediately ordered someone to draft a handbook for dispatching troops, and then printed the tiger amulet on each handwriting.

Leave it to the important people, and gallop to those places overnight.

Xia Houyuan is good at attacking quickly, and his subordinates are also good at it.

In less than two days, all the guards in those places received Xia Houyuan's handwriting.

Comparing the rubbings of the Tiger Talisman on it with his own one, and after confirming that it was correct, the army immediately marched upwards.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xia Houyuan's mission to mobilize reinforcements went very smoothly.

Although some people feared the power of Liu Ke's army, the story of Cao Ren beheading three county magistrates in Long County had already been widely spread.

So if you know that you are gone, it may be more dangerous than good, but it is better than being beheaded on the spot.

Therefore, all the generals who received the order led their troops to rush over immediately without any delay.

One of them went to Jixian County, the prefecture of Hanyang, and ordered it to go directly to the case of Ma Zun, the prefect.

Looking at the military order in front of him, Ma Zun remained silent for a long time.

He does have [-] troops in his hands, but this is all the military power of the entire county.

In fact, there were [-] in total before, but Xia Houyuan had collected half of them as soon as he arrived.

Now that half was exhausted, he focused on the remaining troops in his hands again.

This naturally made Ma Zun fall into a difficult decision. After all, only when he has soldiers in his hands can he be tough these days.

In the west of Jixian County, there are often Qiang people who make rebellions, and it is even more necessary to have an army in hand to defend their home and land.

Therefore, Ma Zun was unwilling to give all his strength unconditionally.

He even thought that Xia Houyuan was defeated in time and was defeated by Liu Ke's army.

With the strength in his hands, he can also surrender to Liu Ke and guarantee his current status.

It's just that the person who came was holding a command arrow and a tiger talisman, so he couldn't help but refuse.

Ma Zun could only pretend to be concerned and said, "Master Messenger, you must be tired after traveling all the way.

Xiaguan has prepared wine, food, and hot water to welcome you, please don't refuse.

Tomorrow, I will gather all the soldiers and horses, and I will go to Shangbi with you! "

The emissary heard that it was already evening, and Ji County was not too far from Shangyu.

There was absolutely no need to be in a hurry to hurry tonight, so he nodded his head uncertainly, agreeing to Ma Zun's suggestion.

After Ma Zun arranged it properly, he quickly summoned his subordinates to discuss countermeasures.

Everyone was puzzled when they received the news late at night, but they had no choice but to come here despite the urging of the officer.

Among them are the meritorious Cao Liang Xu, the master book Yin Shang, and the master record Liang Qian.

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