Another one is Jiang Wei who will shine in the future and join the army.

Ma Zun first explained the purpose of the envoy's visit this time, and then asked several of them to come up with an idea.

The first one to speak was Gong Cao Liang Xu, he was calm and resourceful, and he was the number two figure in the county.

"Prefect, the enemy army is coming, and General Xiahou has few troops, so he is here to dispatch them.

It seems to be full of crises, but in fact it is the time for our army to make contributions.

What's more, if General Xiahou is defeated and Shangyu falls, Ji County will be alone and cannot escape destruction.

So don't hesitate to look at the prefect, sending troops as soon as possible is the best policy! "

Everyone nodded at Liang Xu's words, but they didn't notice Ma Zun's face twitching secretly.

Because Ma Zun is timid and fearful, and greedy for money and profit.

Back then, he was afraid of Han Sui and Ma Chao, so he surrendered to Cao Cao and kept his black hat.

This time, he fell into such a choice again, and facing the battle was the choice he was least willing to accept in his heart.

But Ma Zun couldn't reprimand the other party because he stood above righteousness, he could only keep his displeasure in his heart.

Afterwards, he looked at several other people. Among them, Liang Qian himself and Liang Xu were brothers, so he naturally agreed with him.

Yin Shang has no plans and a cowardly personality, and he can't come up with any ideas.

He could only submissively say: "The lower officials will obey the prefect's arrangements!"

Ma Zun nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the youngest person in the crowd.

"I heard that Bo Yue is familiar with military books, what advice do you have?"

Jiang Wei immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Prefect, the enemy has invaded our county with an army of [-].

It seems that the momentum is unstoppable and unstoppable, but in fact the arrogant soldiers will be defeated, and disaster is imminent.

The day before yesterday, General Xiahou set up an ambush on the plank road, and almost killed Huang Zhong who underestimated the enemy and rushed forward.

If Ma Chao hadn't arrived in time, Huang Zhong might have been beheaded.It can also be seen from this that the enemy is not invincible!

What's more, we all live in Liangzhou for generations, and we are all relatives and friends here, and we have the responsibility to guard the land, so we must not slack off.

Although the lower officials are not talented, they don't want to see the people being abused by the enemy.So I would like to act like a dog and horse, and help the prefect to retreat from the enemy! "

Hearing this, Ma Zun twitched the corners of his mouth with a smirk, as if he had approved Jiang Wei's words.

Then he waved his hand and said: "Everyone, step back and rest, let me think about it carefully!"

Seeing this, everyone had to retreat one by one, leaving Ma Zun alone.

In fact, Ma Zun summoned everyone here because he wanted to persuade everyone not to meet the enemy.

However, his subordinates Liang Xu, Liang Qian, and Jiang Wei all clearly advocated sending troops.

Only one person did not express his opinion, but he was Yin Shang, the most mediocre of them.

As a result, Ma Zun couldn't get a response, and he planned to declare bankruptcy naturally in his heart.

And he also understands that as long as he dares to say no tomorrow, the envoy will definitely behead him for public display.

Then just randomly choose one of the few people under his command to replace himself.

Therefore, in order to save his life, Ma Zun also had to obey Xia Houyuan's military orders.

Therefore, early in the morning of the second day, Ma Zun suddenly changed his face and boarded the door of Lingshi's room.

At this moment, he acted like one of the most staunch supporters for the battle, patted his chest and promised that he would immediately mobilize his troops and rush to Shangbei.

Lingshi didn't know why, but he was also deceived by Ma Zun's performance.

Can't help but praise: "Ma Taishou is devoted to the public, upright and upright, I admire it! When I come to General Xiahou's tent in the next day, my subordinates will definitely report Ma Taishou's impassioned passion truthfully."

Ma Zun's performance also confused his subordinates, and everyone thought he had figured it out.

Therefore, everyone worked together and immediately followed Ma Zun's instructions to rectify the soldiers and horses. They set off smoothly at noon that day and rushed to Shangyu.

After the army set off, the envoy let out a sigh of relief.

This time it didn't come in vain, after all, if the other party is afraid of the enemy and retreats, and refuses to listen to the order, it will be difficult for him.

Now the army has finally been mobilized smoothly, and the disaster of killing himself has also been avoided.

And Jiang Wei also bid farewell to his mother, and personally led one of the troops to march together.

Ji County is not far from Shangyu, and the road is flat, so the army has already arrived at Shangyu in the afternoon of the second day.

And they were also the first batch of troops to rush to Shanggu. Xia Houyuan was overjoyed when he heard the news.

So they went out of the city with Cao Ren to greet them, expressing their importance to the reinforcements.

When he heard the emissary tell about Ma Zun's positive response, he appointed Ma Zun as the general seeking captives on the spot, and still commanded the army and horses of the headquarters.

And the position is only under Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren.

Hearing this, Ma Zun was overjoyed, and hurriedly thanked him.At the same time, he felt a little grateful for the decision he had made, and settled outside the city with peace of mind.

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