Enraged by the opponent, Huang Zhong took the bow and wanted to shoot.

However, he had exerted all his strength, but the arrow had only reached half the distance before falling from exhaustion, unable to threaten Cao Jun on the top of the mountain at all.

"Hehe, Old General Huang doesn't need to waste his efforts in vain. If you don't come here and don't be rude, this junior will also give you an arrow! Please accept the move."

Sure enough, Jiang Wei shot an arrow and rushed down quickly.

The speed was so fast that it was in front of Huang Zhong in an instant, and Huang Zhong quickly avoided it.

But because the plank road is really narrow, although he escaped, a soldier behind him was pierced by a bow and arrow and died on the spot.

When Huang Zhong saw it, he became even more furious.

But now the situation is stronger than others, I can't threaten the other party, but the other party can attack me at any time.

So he could only helplessly shout: "Withdraw!"

Seeing that Huang Zhongjun finally retreated, the top of the mountain immediately burst into cheers.

On the other hand, each of them was dejected and fled in embarrassment. He was no longer as excited as when Huang Zhong announced that he would add meat to dinner.

This is the advantage of being condescending. Jiang Wei understands that as long as he keeps this high ground, he will be invincible.

And if the defense is proper, let alone five or six days, even five or six months will be fine.

Huang Zhong was also made temperless by the other party, and returned to the camp helplessly.

This side is still very lively, and the soldiers who stayed here are still cutting wood around to provide raw materials for repairing the plank road.

But as soon as Huang Zhong came back, he immediately shouted: "Stop! Everyone stop, there is no need to cut hair any more from tomorrow!"

The deputy general in charge of commanding here was a little puzzled, but seeing Huang Zhong's gloomy face, he couldn't ask directly.

He could only agree, and then followed Huang Zhong into the tent.

"General, what happened? Why are you so sullen?"

Huang Zhong heaved a long sigh when he heard the words, and drank the wine in front of him in one gulp.

Then he finally told what happened today.

Hearing this, the adjutant's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked: "The enemy army is condescending, and our army can't touch it.

Don't you want to watch the other party stop me here?This is how to do ah! "

"Hmph! He thought well, Jiang Wein can go up the mountain, so can't this general be able to? Tomorrow I will personally lead a thousand soldiers up the mountain.

I want to see what Jiang Wei is capable of! "

"Jiang Wei? Who is this?"

When the deputy general heard the words, he immediately showed a puzzled expression, as if he had never heard of it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What? Don't you know it too?"

Seeing the same puzzled expression on the lieutenant general, Huang Zhong was even more surprised.

Because Jiang Wei's reputation is still not obvious at the moment, outside of this county, he has no reputation at all outside.

It is normal for Huang Zhong and others not to understand.

However, the opponent's performance today deeply touched Huang Zhong.

It made him sigh from the bottom of his heart: "Although this person has never heard of it, he is calm and resourceful, and his strength is not bad. He is definitely a difficult opponent!"

Huang Zhong is also a person who knows talents. Although he has not been in contact with him for a long time today, he has already seen that Jiang Wei is not someone in the pool.

If it was normal, he would definitely be interested in having a year-end friendship with the other party.

But now on the battlefield, meeting such an opponent would give Huang Zhong a headache.

Everyone discussed for a while, and finally they could only decide to go up the mountain to try it in person tomorrow.

However, Jiang Wei dared to brag about Haikou in front of Xia Houyuan and received a military order.

Of course, Huang Zhong would not break through so easily.

It is precisely because Jiang Wei is quite familiar with the terrain of this place, so there is no need to worry about the opponent attacking from the mountain.

You must know that on the side facing Huang Zhong's direction, the mountain is very steep, almost straight up to the sky, and there is no possibility of climbing.

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that if there was a chance, the ancestors here would not have worked hard and risked their lives to build a plank road on the cliff.

Therefore, when Huang Zhong brought people over the next day, he was instantly dumbfounded.

At the beginning, Huang Zhong did not give up and climbed a section himself.

However, after only going up twenty or thirty meters, he was unwilling to give up.

There are hundreds of meters from the top of the mountain, but almost all of them are so steep.

Huang Zhong's strength was already strong enough, and he couldn't help panting and his hands and feet were sore after being afraid of twenty or thirty meters.

If it is an ordinary soldier, I am afraid that they can climb a few meters.

You must know that there is no condition for people to rest on the mountain. As long as the hands and feet are weak, they will immediately fall from the mountain and fall to pieces.

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